Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1415

This turning bullet, of course, is Lin Kai's running Qi, resisting and rebounding back.

He deliberately stood in the best position and led an iron hand to attack.

The iron hand shot as expected. Lin Kai had been on guard, and at that moment, he used Zhenqi.

Looking at the iron hand at this time, he ran away in panic. Lin opened his mouth with a sneer. This iron hand is just an ancient warrior at the martial arts level. No bullet can run fast.

Even in the next moment, the iron hand was shot out of his own bullets, to hit the position in the leg.

Lin Kai didn't explain anything to Yin Suyan, and immediately went to the iron hand outside the shop.

After being shot in the iron hand, he is still fleeing and limping, which is much slower than before. He still couldn't believe that his guns were aimed at Yin Suyan, and even the bullets were infinitely close to Yin Suyan. Why did he suddenly turn around and attack him!

Fortunately, the angle of the bullet deviated a little, only hit his leg, if hit is chest abdomen or head, it can be directly cold.

In fact, this is what Lin Kai intended, just to save a living.

At the moment, Lin Kai is close to iron hand.

Iron hand seems to be sensing something, and then look back, see Lin Kai in pursuit of him, close, let him a big jump, quickly fired a few shots at Lin.

How could Lin Kai avoid these bullets? He dodged the bullets with a slight flash.

Iron hand just like the ghost, staring at the eyes, incredible looking at Lin Kai, in such a close distance, easily avoid bullets!

Although it is a silencing pistol, but the current technology, it is impossible to achieve complete silencing, only to make the sound smaller, or to replace it with other sounds.

However, many people in the shopping malls heard the sound of several successive noises, and some of the glass broke in an instant or hit the wall. Many people in the shopping mall felt that something was wrong and they were panicked.

The most frightening thing is iron hand. Because Lin Kai came to him, he immediately kicked the other thigh of iron hand to fracture and knelt down directly.

At the same time, Lin Kai also quickly kicked away the gun in the iron hand.

Lin Kai looked at a frightened iron hand and said faintly, "say it, who sent you."

Although the iron hand was very frightened, he seemed to have professional integrity. He kept silent and even took out a dagger from his body and tried to attack Lin Kai.

Lin Kai sneered and hit the iron hand again.

Not only the dagger was kicked away, but also the iron hand was kicked into fracture.

"Ask you again, say it or not?" Lin Kai continued.

See iron hand still do not speak, Lin Kai's face is calm, no longer hesitant, directly use the extraction ability to tell the truth.

Immediately, the iron hand look dull, the people behind the scenes one by one said.

Lin kaineng guesses that there is a shadow of Lei Yuan group behind him. However, he did not expect that Lin Yuan would put this person in Yu youhang's side for so long.

It can be said that Lin Yuan planned to attack and kill Yin Suyan from the beginning to the end. Even Yu youhang was also a chess player, including iron hand.

According to Lin Yuan's cautious and ruthless nature, as long as iron hand killed Yin Suyan, it is impossible for iron hand to live again, and he will definitely send someone to solve the problem.

In this way, we can let the whole thing have nothing to do with Linyuan. We can kill two birds with one stone, which is not seamless.

Unfortunately, Lin Yuan met Lin Kai.

Lin Kai sneered to himself. When he spoke with his iron hand, he recorded it with his mobile phone.

Although it is useless for the time being, after all, iron hand did not kill Yin Suyan, and there is no real evidence, but it may be used as evidence in the future.

What Lin Kai didn't expect was that the iron hand was also loyal. When he withdrew his ability to tell the truth, he jumped down from the third floor of the shopping mall.

It seems to be gambling that he is a martial arts master level ancient warrior, will not fall to death, so that he can successfully escape.

But in fact, this iron hand totally overestimated himself. In the state of being seriously injured, the ancient warrior at the martial arts division level still had to die when he fell 10 meters high.

What's more, the iron hand jumped down in a panic.

Lead to iron hand, they want to escape to fall to death.

All of a sudden, the first floor of the shopping mall was even more flustered.

Lin Kai shook his head and fell himself, so as not to trouble him.

At this time, Yin Suyan also came out of the store, saw the gun and dagger not far away, looked at the iron hand on the ground floor, and asked, "Mr. Lin, is this person trying to harm me?"

"Yes, there is still some complexity behind it. I will explain it to you when I go back to the hotel."

Lin opened his mouth because someone in the mall called the police.

Soon after the police came here, Lin Kai himself was a member of the state organization, so after he explained the situation, plus the iron hand fell down and died, it has nothing to do with Lin Kai.

Just a simple question, as for the real identity of iron hand, Lin Kai did not tell.Because of this matter, he can deal with it. Lin Yuan's caution is not just talking about it. Even if he said it, it would have no effect.

After Lin Kai left the mall with Yin Suyan and returned to the hotel.

By the time we got back to the hotel, it was almost six o'clock in the evening.

Along the way, Lin Kai made it clear to Yin Suyan that the iron hand was sent.

Let Yin Suyan rest assured that although this iron hand is actually a member of leiyuan group, it is still Yu youhang's person.

The economic company behind Yin Suyan has a very big background. Naturally, he is not afraid of Yu youhang's family. As long as we talk to Yu youhang about the death of Tieshou, I believe we will be honest.

As for leiyuan group, Lin Kaiyou explained to the police that Yin Suyan was attacked and would attach importance to it.

Therefore, if Lin Yuan dares to send someone again, he will be overwhelmed.

Lin Kai believes that Lin Yuan will not do anything to Yin Suyan again. If the first plan fails, Lin Yuan will give up decisively for fear of exposing himself.

On the whole, Yin Suyan is very safe now, so he doesn't have to worry about being attacked.

When they came to the door of the suite, Yin Suyan murmured: "after only a few hours, I found out the person who attacked me so quickly. I thought I would wait for a day or two."

Yin Suyan also has some regrets in her voice, because in this way, Lin Kai can go at any time and can't be her short-term bodyguard. He even hoped that if the man was a day or two late, he would do something to her, so that he could stay with Lin kaiduo.

Lin Kai naturally did not know Yin Suyan's idea. After hearing Yin Suyan's words, he laughed: "Miss Yin, although I found out the person behind me, I will still be your bodyguard today."

Just because the system task has not been completed, it seems that Yin Suyan will have any danger at night.

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