Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1408

This slender figure, appears to be an Xiaoran suddenly shouting, scared.

Slender Qianying quickly denied: "this young lady, I don't know what you are talking about."

An Xiaoran's eyes are very sharp. How can you recognize the wrong person? She quickly lowered her voice and said: "I recognize you! You are Yin Suyan! Don't worry. I'm half a fan of you. I won't make a lot of noise. "

Slender Qianying is Yin Suyan. After recording the program all night last night, she immediately ordered a plane to the East China Sea, the earliest flight.

As soon as she arrived at the airport, she thought she was covered up, but she was still recognized by others.

made Yin Suyan smile bitterly. Then she had to respond to an Xiaoran: "thank you, but I covered up so thick. How do you see me?"

Yin Suyan is really curious.

Without waiting for an Xiaoran to speak, Liu Jie, the agent behind Yin Suyan, is very skilled in business. She blocked Yin Suyan in front of her and said with a smile to an Xiaoran: "this lady, if you want to sign, you can sign one, but if you take a photo, you will be embarrassed. Because it's a connecting flight, I have to fly to other places in a few hours. "

This trip was supposed to be a direct flight to another province. As a result, we had to transfer here in the East China Sea.

The main reason is that sister Liu is stubborn but Yin Suyan has to let Yin Suyan come to the East China Sea for a turn.

When an Xiaoran heard sister Liu's words, she didn't care about anything. She casually said, "good! Then sign it! Thank you

Hearing the speech, Yin Suyan is ready to take out the paper and pen from the bag, ready to sign for an Xiaoran. As she looks up, she finds a figure walking behind her.

Yin Suyan saw this figure, let her heart thump! This is also too predestined! Did not expect on the airport, met again!

Yin Suyan did not care what name to sign for an Xiaoran. He quickly turned around and chased the figure.

Naturally, that figure was Lin Kai, who was about to go outside the airport.

In fact, Lin Kai felt Yin Suyan for a long time. He didn't expect that Yin Suyan returned to the East China Sea after half a day.

No wonder he went back to the hotel. When he was resting there, he saw his mobile phone. There were more than a dozen unanswered calls from Yin Suyan.

Lin Kai has a headache. She finally leaves an Alice, but Yin Suyan comes again.

When he was just about to speed up his pace, Yin Suyan ran straight up and stopped Lin Kai: "Mr. Lin!"

Lin Kai had no choice but to stop and look at Yin Suyan, pretending to be surprised: "it's Miss Yin. Aren't you recording a variety show in Beijing? Why did you come to the East China Sea again

Yin Suyan also looked at Lin Kai in front of her and said: "it's not because of you. I recorded from 7:00 last night to 4:00 in the morning. I didn't rest. I finished recording all by myself. Originally I was on my way to the next place. The plane went straight to the next place.

But when I think of you, I book a ticket to the East China Sea in a hurry, and then transfer here. And during this period, I gave you a lot of calls, even if you didn't answer it. In the end, I didn't return it to me. "

Lin Kai hears the resentment in Yin Suyan's tone and is speechless. When he sees it, he doesn't even have the idea to reply.

Yin Suyan is a big star in China's entertainment industry. He is a big star in the sun, not to mention his own country. He has influence in some Southeast Asian countries.

If you change to someone else, you can't wait to answer Yin Suyan's call, let alone return the call.

Seeing Yin Suyan's resentment in his eyes, Lin Kai coughed: "it's because I went to bed too early and got up too late, and my mobile phone was set to be silent again."

Yin Suyan naturally didn't believe Lin Kai's words, but he didn't go into it any more. Instead, he said, "don't you want to invite a meal?"

"It's just a meal. How can you hide on purpose? Whenever you want to eat, you can do it at any time." Lin laughed.

Yin Suyan said: "good! Now

Sister Liu has come to Yin Suyan's side. She just heard Yin Suyan's response and said, "I said Su Yan, we're here to transfer planes. The plane to Lingnan is about to fly. Don't delay."

However, Yin Su Yan did not respond to sister Liu's words, but looked at Lin Kai and said firmly: "hum! If you don't answer my phone, you don't return me! No, today I must let you treat me to a meal

At this time, an Xiaoran also ran over. When she found that Lin Kai and Yin Suyan seemed to know each other, she was so surprised that she could not help asking, "Lin Kai, do you know Yin Suyan?"

Lin Kai didn't respond to an Xiaoran's words and ignored them directly. Then he said to Yin Suyan, "it's Lingnan. It's not far from the East China Sea. It's only a hundred miles away. Well, Miss Yin, go to Lingnan first, and then return to the East China Sea when you are finished. I'll treat you to dinner. Or, if you don't have time, I can drive to Lingnan, and it won't be long. "

Lin Kai thought that he would persuade Yin Suyan to leave for a reason. Unexpectedly, Yin Suyan was very clever and didn't hit the target at all. Instead, he said with a smile, "since Mr. Lin, you said you were going to drive to Lingnan, you might as well take me to Lingnan. Anyway, Lingnan is very close to the East China Sea. It's only a few hours' drive. When you come to Lingnan, you can invite me to dinner. "She could not tolerate Lin Kai's refusal, and hastily opened her mouth to sister Liu: "Sister Liu, you go by plane first, Mr. Lin will take me."

Sister Liu was speechless: "OK, OK, in Lingnan, don't be late. It's still very important for us."

Yin Su Yan replied with a smile: "Sister Liu, that was also the evening. Now it's only in the morning. In the afternoon, we can go to Lingnan."

While talking, she gently pushed down sister Liu, indicating her to go quickly.

This makes sister Liu stare at Lin Kai, then shake her head unceasingly, murmurs to herself: "this boy, in the end, where is good, compared with the children of the major families in the capital, he can not compare with."

Of course, she didn't dare to say it openly. After all, Yin Suyan was right in front of her.

Later, sister Liu told her to go to the appointed place before the evening.

Until Yin Suyan continued to guarantee, sister Liu left at ease.

Seeing that sister Liu left, Yin Suyan was obviously relieved. She looked at Lin Kai and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, sister Liu is gone. You can't leave me alone, can't you?"

"Well, I'll take you to Lingnan," Lin said with a wry smile

Most importantly, the system gives a task to reward the gold extraction ability.

The task content is to send Yin Suyan to Lingnan safely, and protect Yin Suyan's safety in Lingnan.

It seems that Yin Suyan will encounter something in Lingnan.

Anyway, I would like to invite you. I promised the meal I owed.

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