Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1407

Lin Kai quickly waved his hand: "if it's unnecessary, don't say it. You'd better have a rest earlier."

"Good! Anyway, thank you very much! Take a rest

Now, an Xiaoran seems to have changed her personality. She is obedient to Lin Kai's words.

If people familiar with an Xiaoran see this scene, they will be very surprised. When will an Xiaoran obey? Still being obedient to a man?

You know, an Xiaoran is a person who even wants to ignore his father.

Lin Kai also nodded at an Xiaoran's words.

Then under Lin Kai's eyes, an Xiaoran enters the room.

Lin Kai took his eyes back and opened his room.

However, what made Lin Kai frown was that he did open the room, but the room was full of lights, and a room card was inserted into the groove at the edge. It was obvious that someone was living there.

And he smelled a woman's fragrance, a familiar smell.

Lin opened and closed the door, and then walked into the room. Sure enough, she saw Alice lying on the bed in her bathrobe. She was not asleep. She was playing with her mobile phone. When she saw Lin open, she was very happy: "Mr. Lin! You're back at last! I lost my room card. I couldn't find a backup room card over there, but I happened to have a copy of your room card, so I came to stay in your room for one night

This makes Lin Kai very speechless. What he said is too false, full of loopholes.

Such a large hotel, how can not find a spare room card.

What's more, there is a master card, which can be opened in every room.

The most important thing is that the hotel is not full, and so on. How can Alice have no money? She can spend a little money at will and then apply for a new room.

Although Linkai knew that it was Alice who did this on purpose, it was not easy to say so directly.

But what he didn't expect was that next Alice got up from under the bed and stretched out to show the man's long and proud figure.

Alice is worthy of being a foreign beauty, inheriting the openness and boldness of foreign countries. She added, "Mr. Lin, I've thought that as long as I give you my body, I can hold your heart, so..."

Alice said as she walked towards Linkai.

Lin Kai is really helpless. It's not that he doesn't like it. After all, as a man, he can't bear to be a man in the face of such an active and beautiful foreign beauty.

But now, his mind is on Lei Yuan group, there is no other mind to do anything else.

So looking at Alice getting closer and closer, Lin Kai was really angry and confused Alice.

Immediately, Linkai carried Alice to one side of the bed, and he took a little rest on the other side.

However, the sound insulation effect of the hotel is still a little poor, let an Xiaoran's an Xiaoran hear, and Alice's voice came out from Linkai's room.

This makes an Xiaoran lying on the bed seem to think of something, his face brush, become very red, dark spat a: "hum! Linkai! I didn't expect a man like you! He said he refused Miss Alice, but as soon as he came back, he accepted Miss Alice

An Xiaoran didn't dare to continue to listen. Although Lin opened the room, there was no more news, but he knew it was the peace before the storm.

So she quickly took out her headphones and put them on. Then she turned on the music of her mobile phone and listened.

When it was nine o'clock in the morning, Lin Kai left Jinyuan city with Alice and an Xiaoran and went to the airport of Donghai city.

Both Alice and an Xiaoran have to leave Donghai today.

Alice is back abroad, and an Xiaoran is going to the capital.

In the airport, Alice looks at Lin Kai with great resentment. She looks back step by step. It seems that she is not satisfied with Lin Kai's behavior in the early morning. Finally, she walks into the airport with endless resentment and reluctance.

When Linkai saw Alice's leaving, he was relieved. What important decision would Alice make to stay.

In that case, Lin Kaizhen will have a headache, and she is expected to fall. Alice is also a great beauty.

Of course, the main thing is that when he got up, Linkai made a promise to Alice. In the future, he would go to Alice's family and find her.

It made Alice happy and went back to the country at ease.

Actually, Lin Kai does have plans to go there.

The family behind Alice is a huge family in foreign countries. It has a great influence in some Southeast Asian countries, including country t.

The sea snake Gang, the second largest gang in state T, is closely related to the leiyuan group of Linyuan.

More importantly, Lin Kai wants to know who the reward order issued to him on the Internet. If

wants to know this, it can only be seen through the eyes of large families abroad.

And the big family behind Alice is the first.

At this time, standing next to Lin Kai, an Xiaoran saw Lin Kai's thoughtful look and curled his mouth and said, "what? Miss Alice? If you can't bear it, you should quickly recover it. What are you afraid of? ""There's nothing." This is nonsense again.

"Hum! You think I don't know. What can miss alice do in your room and a man and a woman in a hotel room? Fortunately, I finally wore headphones, otherwise I would not sleep peacefully! " Ann Xiaoran hummed: "let me see, since Miss Alice is so reluctant, you can just chase her back. How comfortable it is to have an ocean girl waiting by your side."

Lin Kai thinks that an Xiaoran is a little jealous. Of course, he doesn't care too much.

He just took an angry look at an Xiaoran. For an Xiaoran like this, he was really a little angry.

Lin Kai had no choice but to say, "miss an, why don't you go into the waiting hall? Don't you want to go back to the capital?"

An Xiaoran immediately gave Lin Kai a white eye and said, "naturally, it's early, and it's not time for the plane to take off. Besides, you're not here. Of course, I'll accompany you. I'll come into the waiting hall later."

An Xiaoran's words made Lin Kai more speechless.

"Clearly I accompany you, you must say you accompany me, you do not enter the waiting hall, then I will leave." Lin Kai had thought of seeing an Xiaoran off, but now he is too lazy to see him off, so he turns to leave.

"Hum! I don't want it from you yet! " An Xiaoran is arrogant again, but she hasn't been arrogant for a long time. She seems to have seen something. Suddenly, her beautiful eyes brightened and she exclaimed in surprise: "smoke! Smoke

Passing by an Xiaoran, she was dressed up in a long and slender figure, wearing sunglasses and masks, and wearing a very fashionable hat on her head.

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