Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1402

When an Xiaoran saw these people, her pretty face changed, because she found that among them, there were five or six martial arts masters, and they were not ordinary martial arts masters.

Look at the breath is the peak of martial arts, close to the martial Saint level.

It's much more powerful than the two martial masters who took her away by force!

Naturally, Zhou Tianhao transferred these powerful martial masters from his Zhou family all night.

When Lin Kai gambled there and kept winning his gambling money, he was in the monitoring room and saw it clearly.

Of course, Zhou Tianhao had to investigate this man, but he didn't find any other information about him. He only found out that the boy defeated the two martial arts masters and saved the beauty.

Zhou Tianhao was on the alert. More than ten minutes ago, he quickly transferred several powerful martial masters from the Zhou family.

If these martial arts masters join hands, they can win even the ancient martial masters at the martial Saint level.

An Xiaoran knew that Lin Kai was very powerful, and that was when he was eliminating the evil spirit, he thought it was very powerful.

She also knew that Lin Kai had solved two martial masters before, but she did not see with her own eyes. It should have taken a lot of effort for Lin Kai to solve the two martial masters.

So an Xiaoran was worried. Then she looked at Lin Kai apologetically and said, "Lin Kai, I'm sorry. I realize that I'm too impulsive and arrogant. Now, I'm dragging you down. But you don't have to worry. As long as my sword is there, those people will not be allowed to hurt you. I'll fight those martial arts masters later. I should be able to hold on for a while. Then you can take the opportunity to escape and leave me alone! "

An Xiaoran is really in the admission of mistakes, she deeply reflects on herself, if not for her heart, would not have caused this.

She secretly decided that if she was lucky enough to escape this disaster, she would definitely change her personality.

Lin Kai looks at an Xiaoran in surprise. He doesn't expect that an Xiaoran is so serious. It seems that he is really repenting. His eyes show admiration, and he is a good boy to correct his mistakes.

However, he didn't wait for an Xiaoran to fight with those martial masters.

Lin Kai is the first to take the lead. He jumps over the gambling table with extremely fast speed. His goal is not what those martial arts masters are.

In Lin Kai's opinion, those martial arts masters are no different from ordinary people.

It's better to capture Zhou Tianhao directly. Zhou Tianhao is the culprit.

Before everyone could react, Lin Kai had already grasped Zhou Tianhao's neck, then held Zhou Tianhao up, and said faintly, "do you want to start?"

Zhou Tianhao was so frightened that he could not believe that the boy was so fast that even the martial arts masters didn't respond.

He was afraid, and quickly and hard roared: "quick! Put down your weapons! Step back! Brother, have something to say! Say it

When the group saw that their young master had been arrested, they all stepped back.

Seeing this, Lin Kai threw Zhou Tianhao on the ground at will.

Although he is casual, but for Zhou Tianhao, his strength is still great, and it is hard to be hit on the ground.

Zhou Tianhao, who was in pain, twisted his face and let out a cry of pain.

Lin Kai coldly looked at Zhou Tianhao on the ground, and said faintly: "as a casino owner, without any evidence, you slander a normal gambler into a cheater. Not only do not give the gambler money, but also chop off the gambler's hand. I think if other gamblers don't have my ability, they should die without knowing how. "

As soon as Lin Kai said this, many gamblers who were still gambling did not dare to gamble. Yes, although everything happened in the casino was normal, what Zhou Tianhao did now may happen to them in the future.

As a result, these gamblers did not gamble.

Zhou Tianhao's face is extremely embarrassed. If Lin Kai makes this casino yellow, he will be finished.

Even if he was a young master of the Zhou family, he would die miserably!

Apparently, this casino belongs to Zhou family, but in fact, it's Lei Yuan group behind it!

Of course, Zhou Tianhao naturally dare not say that this is the casino of leiyuan group.

He looked at Lin Kai and said, "boy, do you know who I am? Ben Shao is the master of the Zhou family, and behind this casino is the Zhou family! The whole Jinyuan City, no one dares to offend my Zhou family! If you dare to move me again, or if you are still making trouble in this casino, you will never get out of this casino! "

Lin Kai doesn't care about Zhou Tian's bold and unconstrained words. He doesn't know who Zhou Tianhao is, and even more knows that the casino is about to be acquired by leiyuan group.

Leiyuan group used this casino to deliver a lot of benefits to leiyuan group. He saw that, no matter what kind of Zhou family you are, he destroyed the casino and let leiyuan group take a blow. It was also very good.

So Lin Kai of course ignored Zhou Tianhao's words and glanced at an Xiaoran.

An Xiaoran was shocked by Lin Kai's skill. He didn't expect that Lin Kai had such a fast speed, which was comparable to the ancient warrior of martial Saint level.Is Linkai a martial saint?

As for the strong master, an Xiaoran naturally did not dare to think that Lin Kai was a strong master.

She has heard that the person behind the scenes of Lei Yuan group is a young master.

At this time, Lin Kai said to an Xiaoran: "since this Hao Shao has lost his bet, he should fulfill the conditions after losing the bet. Miss an, don't you want to teach this Hao Shao a lesson? Now come here and slap him three times. This will not only relieve our anger, but also fulfill the conditions after we win the bet. "


When Lin Kai said this, an Xiaoran grinned and walked happily. Soon she came to Lin Kai's side, and then resolutely slapped Zhou Tianhao.


The extremely loud slap in the face resounds through the casinos on the second floor.

You should know that an Xiaoran is not an ordinary girl. This slap also brings her anger, so that Zhou Tianhao is dizzy directly by this slap, and one of his teeth has been knocked out.

"Ha ha, there are still two slaps." Seeing Zhou Tianhao's miserable situation, Lin Kai said with a smile that this week Tianhao was in Jinyuan City, bullying men and women.

Therefore, Lin Kaisi had no sympathy for Zhou Tianhao, and even felt that it was a pity that he had not killed him directly.

However, Zhou Tianhao is not as good as killing him.

With blood in his mouth, Zhou Tianhao stared at Lin Kai and an Xiaoran angrily, and said in a cold voice, "good, good! If you dare to fight, you are finished! In particular, you are such a bitch. You dare to fight with less money. You... "

Before Zhou Tianhao finished, an Xiaoran directly slapped Zhou Tianhao, and his brain was blank.

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