Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1401

Lin Kai agreed to Zhou Tianhao so readily that he did not show any surprise.

Since it was Zhou Tianhao who offered to gamble, he was absolutely confident in himself.

Therefore, after Lin Kai proposed this additional condition, Zhou Tianhao agreed directly, as if he would win.

Zhou Tianhao is very confident, but why not Lin Kai?

As a result, Lin Kai didn't even think about it. He put all his money on the list.

It's worth 55 million!

This time, they didn't roll dice, and Lin Kai was a suoha!

Don't mention the second floor of the casino, all gamblers, no gambling, run around to watch.

Even the VIP gamblers of the three floor casinos came one by one after hearing the news and ran to the second floor.

When seeing Lin Kai's move, everyone thought that Lin Kai was totally crazy!

Seeing this, Zhou Tianhao's smile reappeared. He immediately took the wooden tube and installed the two dice. He was very skilled in the movements, even more skilled than the previous makers.

I think the reason why Zhou Tianhao is so confident is that he thinks his dice rolling skills are much better than those of the makers just now.

The banker also saw Zhou Tianhao's first move. His eyes showed admiration. The layman watched the excitement and the expert looked at the door. The banker could see that Zhou Tianhao's dice were among the best in the country!

Other gamblers, are also very surprised, did not expect the boss of the casino, also so skilled.

Immediately, Zhou Tianhao began to roll dice.

The wooden cylinder with dice is like a flexible butterfly in Zhou Tianhao's hands. It moves very fast and can't be seen clearly.

And the sound from the original chaotic sound, gradually become very small, to the end almost can not hear.

It's not all luck to roll dice. Why should gamblers wait for the dice to be rolled before they place their bets.

That's because they have eyes. They can observe the direction of rolling dice, and then calculate them quickly.

Of course, few people can do this, except for the strongest brain.

In fact, the most important thing is to distinguish by listening to the sound. If you listen too much, you can still master some skills. Finally, you can judge whether it is a single or a double.

But after Zhou Tianhao rolled the dice, he could not see the direction of the wooden cylinder and the sound of the dice rolling. In this state, how can people distinguish?

Many gamblers are stunned by Zhou Tianhao's technology.

However, Lin Kai was pressed ahead of time, which was not affected.

But Zhou Tianhao's skill is so good that he can definitely roll out the dice points he wants.

Lin Kai's pressure is odd, so Zhou Tianhao is 100% to the even number of points.


Finally, Zhou Tianhao finished rolling the dice and put the dice with the wooden tube on the gambling table. Instead of opening the wooden tube in a hurry, Zhou Tianhao swept to Lin with great confidence.

Lin Kai urges the golden pupil and sees two dice inside the wooden tube, both of which are 6.

He had to admit that Zhou Tianhao's dice rolling skills were really good, but unfortunately he met him.

Ran at will under the true Qi, one of the dice, to turn over, turned into.

It used to be 6 and 6 even, so now it's 6 and 1 singular.

At this time, Zhou Tianhao sneered at Lin Kai and said, "brother, are you ready? If you're ready, I'll open this one. "

Lin Kai light way: "which comes so much nonsense, want to drive directly."

On Sunday, haodun's face was gloomy, but then he thought that Lin Kai had lost completely and that the beauty had to stay. He was instantly excited.

That group of useless subordinates, or his own reliable, not only to win back all the money lost in the casino, but also to the beauty of the deal.

Zhou Tianhao couldn't suppress his excitement when he thought that the beautiful woman was going to stay.

Now and can't wait, he directly opened the wooden cylinder with dice!

In Zhou Tianhao's opinion, his two dice are absolutely 6.

But when the barrel is opened, two dice, one is 6, the other is 1.

Zhou Tianhao's eyes widened. What's the situation?

Lin Kai did not pay attention to Zhou Tianhao's reaction, but with a smile on his face: "Hao Shao, since you have heard about it before, I come to gamble because I want to pay off all the money that the lady next to me owes to the casino. Well, you should also know that before I came to the casino, I found a fortune teller on the Internet to tell my fortune for me

"Well, how many times have I said that the fortune teller was very accurate and said that today is the luckiest day of my life. It's only a few hundred million people. I don't believe it. Seeing that your casinos are in such a dilemma, I will not continue to gamble, so this lady owes you tens of millions, and I won more than 110 million. Just as it happens, we will pay you more than 10 million yuan, and the remaining 100 million yuan can be paid in cash or by transfer. "When Zhou Tianhao heard Lin Kai say this, his face was gloomy to the extreme. It was 100 million yuan! Although the casinos run a lot every day, it's just water. It's good to make a million yuan a day at most.

Immediately, he could not care so much. He looked at Lin Kai and said in a sharp voice: "Ben Shao took over the gambling house. He cracked down on the cheaters and cheated other gamblers' money by various means! After that, no one dares to come to this little cheat here. I didn't expect that there is another one who dares to come to me! According to the Convention of the global casinos, that is, the cheater should cut off one hand

Zhou Tianhao naturally has to find a reason to deal with Lin Kai.

He then turned his eyes to an Xiaoran. The greed revealed in his eyes was undisguised. He said with a smile: "the boy cheated, so I won. Then this beautiful girl will stay with Ben Shao. Ben Shao will take good care of this beauty. When this beauty makes Ben Shao comfortable, Ben Shao will let her go, and she will owe the gambling house money. You see, it's a good way. You don't have to pay back the money. You just need to accompany me

Zhou Tianhao said that he was just and awe inspiring. After that, he drank again: "take that boy out of here, and then chop off a hand, then you can let him go! As for the beauty, please bring her to my Lounge

At Zhou Tianhao's command, more than 20 uniformed security personnel gathered around Lin Kai and an Xiaoran.

In this scene, other gamblers were scared to stay away for fear of being hurt.

Of course, there are also many gamblers on the table, indifferent to continue to bet.

It's no surprise that anything happens on the casino, so I'm calm about it.

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