Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1397

Therefore, at this time, an Xiaoran was about to say something to Lin Kai.

But before she opened her mouth, Lin Kai frowned and looked at the cards in her hand, showing a dilemma, as if in hesitation.

Then Lin Kai shook his head and asked with a sigh: "to tell you the truth, my card points are very big. It seems that the fortune teller is right. Today is the luckiest day in my life! But the master of fortune telling is not calculating the details.

I didn't have a wager coin, and I didn't have enough money to exchange for the lowest 100. So, I don't have capital to raise. But I raise, now discard the card, it is really a pity. You said, how can I continue to add? It's not a direct choice to discard cards. "

Lin Kai didn't wait for people to respond. Lin Kai thought about it for a while, and immediately clapped the table with a sudden realization: "yes

Then Lin Kaiwang asked an Xiaoran with his finger to the strong man: "anyway, I'm gambling for this young lady. I'll mortgage this lady to your casino. You'll lend me ten million yuan to exchange for the same bet currency. I want a Suha. If I win, I will definitely have money. Help this lady and pay back the money of the casino. "

An Xiaoran, of course, was the first one. She was very unhappy. She glared angrily at Lin Kai and hummed, "take Miss Ben as a mortgage? Didn't you sell me in disguise? "

Lin Kai said with a faint smile: "I didn't see the casino side say that if you don't pay off the tens of millions you owe in two hours, you have to sign a mortgage contract. Now there's an hour and a half left. You'll have to sign the mortgage anyway. Besides, you can see the cards in my hand. Are the points big enough? It's sure you can win. You'd better fight. If you fight right, you can pay back the money of the casino, and even earn the money of the casino! "

"This But, but... "

An Xiaoran didn't know how to refute it. Indeed, the cards in Lin Kai's hand were very large, except for three tens, which could be suppressed. Lin Kai's two nines and one a's were suppressed.

But the key is that she always thinks that the gambling house can control, deliberately let Lin Kai's cards play very well, attracting Lin Kai's reckless raise.

She could not, without any basis, say that there is something wrong with the casino.

Otherwise, the people in the casino will be angry and ashamed and will detain her and Linkai.

Although she was not afraid of gambling, she did owe a lot of money to the casino. It was just because she was too ambitious that she led to such a result.

An Xiaoran has experienced this time, and she has learned how to think about various issues.

As a result, she was so entangled that she didn't know what to say to Lin Kai and her own doubts.

But soon, an Xiaoran did not have a chance to speak.

Because when he heard Lin Kai's words, he was very happy. Naturally, he asked his subordinates to take a contract.

Now he took it and immediately put the contract and a pen in front of Lin Kai's desk. He said with a smile, "we have been running the casino for so many years. It's not that nobody has done this. We have our own set of valuation. This young lady can mortgage five million yuan at most, but if you are so interested, it will double to ten million! "

Lin Kai also responded with a smile: "thank you very much."

After saying that, let an Xiaoran quickly sign the word on the contract.

At first, an Xiaoran was very resistant, and then forced by the time was more and more urgent. Anyway, with the mentality that he had to sign in the end, he bit his silver teeth and made a note.

Before long, Lin Kai got the same ten million wagers.

Of course, there are also denomination coins.

Tens of millions of wagers were converted into 100 wagers.

In other words, this one bet coin is 100000 yuan, which is the largest denomination bet currency.

This kind of bet money can be seen on the third floor of the casino.

In the second layer is unprecedented, which makes many gamblers in the second layer attracted to watch this gambling.

After getting the 100 bet coins, Lin Kai decisively threw out ten wager coins, which are worth one million yuan. He spoke calmly: "raise one million yuan!"

The banker laughs, also with the value of millions of wagers.

The other four, seeing that Lin Kai was so confident, took people as collateral, and without blinking their eyes, put up millions of wagers.

The dealer followed!

This makes these four gamblers feel like gods fighting. They actually have money to bet, but it is estimated that millions are just the beginning.

No matter how rich you are, you don't dare to follow. After all, once you lose, you will lose everything.

After an analysis, the four gamblers abandoned their cards one after another.

In fact, the most important thing is that their cards are not very good. If the cards are a little better, they will certainly have a hot brain and follow the bet to the end.

Gamblers almost all have such mentality. If they are a little better, they think that they can kill the four sides, but the reality is hard to beat the face. When they regret it, it is too late.When Lin Kai saw that the four gamblers gave up, he just laughed, and it was his turn to raise.

Lin opened his mouth to the banker and said, "I still have 90 wager coins, worth nine million. I'm all Soha. Are you following me? If you follow, open the cards. "


The banker pretended to be hesitant for a long time, and then made up his mind.

As a matter of fact, he couldn't help laughing!

He didn't look at the cards all the time because he wanted to lure Lin Kai to raise crazily.

Because once he looked at the cards, he would not have followed him for a long time.

As for now Lin Kai, he saw the card, the dealer didn't care. Although he didn't look at the card, through his own hidden headset equipment, he had learned that his card was three ten! Maximum points!

Even if you are arbitrary ten points, it is no more than three tens!

So this time, the boy will surely lose!

So Lin Kai and the banker pushed their nine million dollar bet money forward to the middle of the table.

The dealer can't wait, the first to open the card, first turned out the front two ten, the last card he did not turn, but a provocative look at Lin Kai.

It means that you have to look at the first two cards.

Lin Kai gave a faint smile and immediately turned the two cards in front of him. They were two nines.

This scene, let other gamblers stare big eyes, they are more nervous than Lin Kai and banker, these two parties are nervous!

The total value of the money on the table is more than 20 million! It's a gamble!

Don't mention the second floor of the casino, the third level of this level of gambling, some rare! A game is more than 10 million, but this is more than 20 million!

It's no wonder that the onlookers are very nervous.

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