Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1396

At the thought of Lin Kai's immediate defeat, he felt comfortable again.

Ben was destroyed by this kid, which made him very unhappy. But he was on behalf of the casino, and Lin Kai didn't do anything. He was not good at directly starting with Lin Kai.

If you wait for a while, you won't be happy to see the meeting.

The smile on the strong man's face gradually began to appear.

But at this time, this Tuo immediately followed 1200 wager coins, and then opened the card without hesitation. When he saw his own card, he laughed: "three three! The biggest nine! Hey, boy, I don't believe you are lucky enough to make it to ten o'clock! You can't match me in any point except ten

The trust seemed to be in the grip of victory. He stretched out his hand and was ready to take away all the wagers in this game.

Lin opened his mouth without hesitation: "who loses and who wins is not sure. You are in a hurry to take the gambling currency?"

Lin Kai said that he opened the front two cards, a three and a six.

"Ha ha, one three and one six! Unless your last card is a! There are three aces in the disposable cards. I don't believe that your last card will be a! " The trust sneered.

Even if he wasn't Tuo, he didn't believe Lin was so lucky.

You should know that the probability is very small. There is only one a, even if it is a ten. Although the points are also nine, it is three three, which is the largest nine points.

So, only Lin can win the third card.

What's more, he's a trust! When Dutch officer deals cards, it is natural to give him the biggest card!

For this trust, other gamblers also deeply believe that the nod, unless Lin Kai's luck is against the weather, but the probability is too small.

Lin Kai didn't like it. Knowing that he looked down at the third card, he pretended to think: "if you want to win you, there is only one a. But I found a fortune teller on the Internet and told me that today is the best day in my life. So, I think the third card will be a

When this was said, all the people around laughed, some thought it was funny, some were mocking, basically no one was optimistic about the third card was a.

"This boy is really interesting. He told his fortune for himself before entering the gambling house. I really think those so-called fortune tellers can be accurate!"

"Seeing that this boy is a new man, I think I trusted the fortune teller very much at the beginning, and I didn't go to see the cards. I just went straight to the end. What's the result? Instant bankruptcy

"Hey, it seems that this time I will give this boy a good lesson. If he loses, he will lose all his more than 1000 wagers. "

The gamblers around were watching the good play one by one.

Don't say these people, an Xiaoran all think, Lin opened the third card, can't be a.

Strong man is a sneer, look at the fool's eyes at Lin Kai.

Ignoring everyone's eyes, Lin Kai held out his hand and held the third card. He immediately lifted it, put it on the table, and then drank softly: "God bless, give me an a!"

With a bang, that opened the third card, is indeed an a!

One three, one six, and this a! Ten o'clock! It's a little more than the three cards and three of that Tuo!

"Damn it! no How can this boy find a fortune teller? He is so accurate! Good luck

"Yes, the last a was also taken by this boy! This is luck

Other gamblers, one by one envied Lin Kai's good fortune, transferred to them.

Compared with these gamblers, the most incredible is the casino side.

What kind of strong men, bankers and so on, especially Dutch officials! That's his hand dealt card!

He clearly sent a three, a six and a four to Lin. why now four becomes a?

Did you miss it?

Although I have missed before, but now I am skillful. I haven't made any mistakes for a long time. Besides, it's still such a big mistake!

So it's not your own failure, then how to explain it!

The strong man's face was not good-looking. He thought Lin had lost the meeting miserably, but he didn't expect such a change! It's hard for him to accept. What's going on!

The strong man stares at Lin Kai with gloomy eyes, especially when he sees that Lin Kai has taken away all the gambling coins on the gambling table.

Naturally, he did not fail, but who is Lin Kai?

As a cultivator of immortals, it is not a matter of minutes to change a card with true Qi.

Lin Kai looked at the banker and said with a smile, "is it still open?"

The banker secretly looked at the Dutch official, who gave a positive look.

"Continue to open the villa!" said the banker

And the strong man secretly ran to the Dutch officer behind him, let him pay attention to this time, let Lin Kai go bankrupt this time!

Soon, the gambling table, or the people of the casino, to be the banker.Lin Kai let the people of the gambling house continue to be the makers, naturally in order to win the gambling house.

It wasn't long before another game started.

He Guan sent three tens to the makers and two nines to Lin.

Although other gamblers also have big brands, they are not as many as the bookmaker and Lin Kai.

The reason for this is to ask Lin Kai to follow the makers.

This time, perhaps because of the good fortune of Shangba and Linkai, most of the gamblers chose not to look at the cards and followed them one after another, which made the wager more and more.

Naturally, Lin Kai didn't look at the cards. For the first time, he didn't follow the bet, but directly added a thousand wager coins.

Many gamblers have to pay at least 1500 yuan per bet, which is still quite a lot. Most gamblers dare not follow and then abandon their cards.

But some of them are brave enough to bite their teeth.

As a result, at the beginning, the gambling table bet more than tens of thousands of coins!

At present, in addition to Lin Kai and the dealer, there are four people who have not abandoned cards.

No matter Lin Kai or the banker, they are constantly adding notes, and the four people are constantly following notes.

After a while, Lin Kai took the last six thousand wager coins and added them all.

Lin Kai said: "it's not a way for you to follow the bet like this. I don't have any money to bet on, so I'd better take a look at the cards. If I count Xiao Li, I will give up. "

With that, Lin Kai picked up the card and went to see it secretly.

An Xiaoran also came close to see. When he saw that Lin Kai was two pieces of nine and one piece of two, he could hardly help crying out.

It's ten o'clock again! It's still the second largest ten! Unless it's three tens, you can hold down the cards opened by Lin!

However, an Xiaoran was not so happy because she thought the casino was very problematic. She thought she was very lucky before. As a result, she was always oppressed by the dealer, as if she was manipulated.

Now, an Xiaoran wants to remind Lin Kai.

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