Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1393

Not only that, but also the strong man.

He came to an Xiaoran's side and said faintly, "listen to the staff under my hand, you have already made a debit note to our gambling house, which amounts to tens of millions of dollars. Now, do you want to borrow something? I don't think you have anything valuable with you. You can use yourself as collateral, so that we can continue to provide you with bet money. "

"Otherwise, if you don't have a mortgage, will you treat me as a gambling house and do charity? If you lose completely and can't afford it, you should pay back the mortgage. Do you understand that? "

While the strong man said, he also pointed to a gambler beside the gambling table and said, "do you remember that beautiful gambler? Not long ago, I lost all my bets with you. She just mortgaged herself and borrowed some gambling coins from my gambling house. You see, your bet money there has exceeded 50000. This is what she has left after she has paid off our casino

Seeing that an Xiaoran was still hesitant, the strong man continued to seduce him and said, "that beautiful gambler also lost the whole night. You see, she is lucky now and has won ten thousand gambling coins. She has won all the things she lost today."

With that, let an Xiaoran go to see it.

As expected, an Xiaoran saw the beautiful gambler and won again.

This is a strong man to a mortgage contract, handed to an Xiaoran, also did not wait for an Xiaoran answer did not agree.

Seeing the mortgage contract, an Xiaoran took up his pen and prepared to sign it without even thinking about it. It was totally a red eye gambling state.

In her mind, there's nothing more in her mind than gambling!

An Xiaoran was about to sign the contract when he was about to sign it. Suddenly, there was an extra person next to him and took away the pen in an Xiaoran's hand.

Lin Kai naturally came. He looked at an Xiaoran who gambled red eyes. He was quite speechless: "miss an, fortunately I'm here. If I don't come, maybe you've been sold. I don't know."

After Lin Kai finished, with a wave of his hand, both the pen in his hand and the mortgage contract in an Xiaoran's hand were smashed in succession.

In particular, the pen, which was broken into several pieces, went towards the strong man.

The strong and strong man was hurt by the broken stroke.

Lin Kai is naturally intentional, and immediately he runs his true Qi and taps on an Xiaoran's back.

Let an Xiaoran faint, let his consciousness finally revive.

People in casinos are most likely to catch the gambler's heart, constantly tempt them, and then brainwash them, so that they can control the gamblers at will after they get red eyed.

An Xiaoran was in such a state before. When she recovered her consciousness, she suddenly realized that she was the one who entered the gambling house and lost. After that, she seemed to have become another person, totally losing her mind.

I have forgotten my goal.

Now she is constantly thinking about it. The more she thinks about it, the more scared she is. It's not gambling. It's killing!

What is ten bets and nine losses? This is ten bets and ten losses! No matter how you win, you have to pay all the money in the end. Even if you lose your family, it's very simple!

At the same time, an Xiaoran is also very grateful to Lin Kai. If Lin Kai hadn't appeared in time to save her, she would have to pay for herself. At that time, the end would be terrible!

At this time, the strong man saw that Lin Kai had destroyed his original plan. He was very angry and pointed to Lin Kai. He said coldly, "who are you? How dare you stop me from doing business in this casino? Don't want your life? "

Seeing the plan to succeed, I didn't expect to be stopped by a boy who suddenly appeared.

More importantly, Hao Shao has been watching here.

If he did it well, Hao Shao would definitely give him a generous reward. But now, it has been destroyed, let alone reward. It's good if he doesn't punish him!

Therefore, the strong man naturally concentrated all his anger on Lin Kai.

Since Lin Kai would not reveal his identity so easily, he took out some gambling coins and said, "I'm also a gambler here, but I don't think the little girl is very sensible. It's not good for you to be so anxious to pit her. I can take these bets directly for the little girl, and I don't have to borrow them from you any more. "

When Linkai returned to the barbecue shop, he saw Alice safely back to the hotel. He pulled the Rolls Royce phantom full speed again, and soon caught up with the black business car driven by the dirty fat man.

Of course, after he followed up, he deliberately slowed down his speed to avoid being found by the fat and indecent.

Lin Kai can not rest assured that this big heart of an Xiaoran, even if an Xiaoran did not disclose his specific identity.

He can also speculate that he is definitely the apple of the eye of the big power and big family. He has been spoiled since he was a child, and he is too shallow to be involved in the world.

Sure enough, on the way, the wretched fat man secretly sent the news to the Hao Shao, but an Xiaoran didn't notice it at all, and foolishly rushed into the casino and gambled.

Lin Kai saw all the scenes.

The reason why he didn't stop an Xiaoran at the beginning was that he wanted to see what kind of means and tricks he wanted to use.Just now, that strong man took out the mortgage contract. Lin Kai used his golden pupil to see the above treaty clearly. What is the mortgage contract! It's a contract of sale!

Seeing this, Lin Kai ran out to stop an Xiaoran from signing the mortgage contract.

In addition to this reason, there is another point. I hope that this lesson can make a deep impression on an Xiaoran, so that she will not be so mindless in her future life. Sooner or later, something more serious will happen.

Lin Kai would not have helped an Xiaoran if he hadn't looked at his own identity.

"Hum! Boy, since you are here to gamble, you should follow the rules of our casinos. Don't hinder our casinos. Otherwise, you are not welcome here! "

as like as two peas, he gave out a piece of mortgage contract which was exactly the same as it was just now. It was clearly backed up in advance.

Not only that, but also took out a pen and handed it to an Xiaoran to sign the mortgage contract.

An Xiaoran had been awakened by Lin Kai's real spirit of operation. She did not dare to sign such a mortgage contract, so she sneered: "do you really think that I am a fool? Look at the treaty above. Is it signed by people? If you want miss ben to sign this mortgage contract, you will dream! "

"Well? You don't want to sign yet? No sign, right? Then you should pay me all the money you owe to our casino, or you won't sign it if you want to! " The strong man yelled in a threatening tone.

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