Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1392

The waiter was very tough: "to tell you the truth, Hao Shao is the boss behind the scenes here. Do you think you can see it? According to the rules here, you must win more than 5000 wagers before you can enter the third floor. Otherwise, you can stay on the first floor, or you can leave without gambling. Don't delay our casino business. "

Another waiter also mocked: "Miss Ben, I don't have money to gamble. I mean, I don't have time. Hehe, I've seen a lot of such people. They must come to ask for money from haoshao. There are many women who ask for money from haoshao

Hearing what the two waiters said, an Xiaoran was surprised and angry: "what? Do you dare to question me? "

Except for Xiao Lin, she did not dare to question.

Linkie is really capable and much better than her.

Therefore, when Lin Kai questioned her ability, although she was also angry, she did not dare to refute too much.

I didn't expect to be looked down upon and questioned by two waiters in this casino.

An Xiaoran slapped her hand on a nearby gambling table and sneered: "isn't it just winning more than 5000 wagers?"? Who was Miss Ben afraid of? I tell you, in a very short period of time, my lady's people have won these 5000 wagers! "

After an Xiaoran finished, she saw that the table was just a simple idea, and she was more confident. It was a complete contest of luck. She was confident that her luck would not be bad.

However, after a while, an Xiaoran was not confident, because she did not know what was going on. Her luck was extremely poor, and every time she touched the cards, she was very bad.

On the contrary, the other gamblers, however, are all very lucky.

This is all, just a hand, she finally touched a good card, a lot of points, also a point than she touched the points to be bigger.

As a result, an Xiaoran did not hesitate to raise all, if this win, absolutely can win more than 5000 wagers.

Unexpectedly, there is one, which is even bigger than her. That point is the biggest point!

An Xiaoran just a handful, her bet money all gone.

At this time, the two waiters laughed and moved an Xiaoran's bet money to the gambler.

Then a waiter with a smile on his face: "Miss, don't you say that you can win more than 5000 wagers soon? Why not? Do you want to make some more wagers to show us how good you are? "

An Xiaoran has already left Zhou Tianhao's lesson behind. She can't stand other people's questioning.

What's more, she doesn't believe in her own luck. It's really so bad!

So an Xiaoran swiped the card again, this time changed a thousand wager coins!

After a while, an Xiaoran again in this table, continue to compare ideas.

As expected, as an Xiaoran thought, her luck gradually came back, and she won very smoothly in the opening few.

At this time, her bet money, has more than 3000, two more, win Germany bet more than 5000!

However, she lost the next one, directly losing a thousand wagers.

This let an Xiaoran bet red one eye, next time, luck comes back again, the point is the biggest!

An Xiaoran did not hesitate to add all his bets.

If you win, at least 5000 or 6000 wagers will be able to get to the third floor!

To the consternation of an Xiaoran, there is also a full note among gamblers.

Not only that, when the cards are opened, the gambler has the largest number of points.

Most importantly, that gambler is the same flower! The same color card! And she's not!

In other words, an Xiaoran lost, once again lost Jingguang!

All of a sudden, an Xiaoran was indignant. Why was his luck so bad.

When the waiter again took an Xiaoran's more than 2000 no bet coins, he did not wait for the waiter to send a message.

An Xiaoran patted the gambling table and snorted: "it's too bad luck to compare ideas. If I change my game, I won't believe that evil!"

Ran Ran Ran to the next table for a thousand dice.

The result is almost the same as the routine of playing and comparing ideas. She first won a few games and won 4000 wagers. Then she lost all the way.

An Xiaoran almost lost her mind, she continued to swipe the card to change the gambling currency.

But it's always close to each time. When you can win more than 5000 wagers, you lose all your money. It's like being manipulated.

In the end, an Xiaoran lost all his millions on the card.

She only had this card with her.

"Ha ha, this lady, I see you have no money on your card. Do you need to borrow some bets from our casino? If not, please leave. You have no bet."

The waiter still said with a smile.

An Xiaoran bit silver teeth, she really want to borrow some, her heart is very dissatisfied, every time is so poor, always think the next time will be able to double win back!As for mobile phones, every one who enters here must be put in a separate cabinet at the door, and an Xiaoran is no exception, also put into the cabinet.

So at the moment, we can only borrow casinos.

An Xiaoran was thinking about it. A waiter seemed to see her move, so he sent a pile of wager coins to an Xiaoran's eyes and said, "this lady, according to the capital flow in your card, our casino allows you to borrow some gambling coins. You can borrow as many as you want. You don't need any additional mortgage. You can return it in half a day, and you don't need any interest. But if half a day later, it will be charged at the rate of one percent. "

"Would you like to borrow it, miss? If you need to, write a note first and you can borrow it. "

"Borrow! Borrow it naturally

An Xiaoran did not hesitate to write down the note, and then borrowed some bet money.

At the same time, in a VIP room on this floor, which is full of surveillance, Zhou Tianhao saw an IOU written by an Xiaoran, and his face showed a smile of conspiracy.

Ten minutes later, an Xiaoran didn't know how many times she had lost.

In a short period of time, she also wrote several notes.

The amount of each debit note is larger and larger each time.

Ten minutes later, an Xiaoran borrowed more money than her previous card number!

Now, an Xiaoran does not simply want to win 5000 gambling coins, but wants to win back the money of these loan receipts, and then return them to the gambling house.

In this way, an Xiaoran fell into this kind of dead circle.

It's close to four in the morning.

An Xiaoran owes the casino nearly tens of millions. When she was ready to borrow it again, she was told by the waiter that she could not borrow any more.

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