Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1390

So at this time, Lin Kai just glanced at the dirty pigtail man, then calmly said, "the girl you stole is in your car, right?"

Lin Kai naturally asked questions clearly. He had already sensed that there was an Xiaoran's breath in the car. Looking at the breath, he should have fainted.

He's trying, dirty pigtail man, to tell the truth.

To be honest, he doesn't suggest that the dirty pigtail man be like the other two.

The man with dirty pigtail seems to be stunned by Lin Kai's strength. He quickly points to the advanced business car behind him and immediately responds: "before senior! The little girl was in there. She was knocked unconscious by us, but we didn't touch her at all! senior! If you don't believe it, go and see for yourself! What I said is true! "

"The three of you want to take the opportunity to escape. If I catch up with you, it will be easy. Of course, if you run away and I catch up with you, the consequences are not just as simple as now. "

Lin Kai said. First, he kicked the dirty pigtail man's leg at will.

The dirty pigtail man immediately fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

After that, Lin Kai went into the black high-end business car and walked in.

Sure enough, in the last row of the business bus, I saw an Xiaoran lying in a coma.

Seeing this, Lin Kai runs the true Qi and instills it into an Xiaoran's body.

After a while, an Xiaoran woke up slowly from the coma.

An Xiaoran's long eyelashes moved, and her beautiful eyes opened. She saw Lin Kai in front of her for the first time. She immediately sat up and looked at Lin Kai with vigilance. She said nervously, "Linkai! You shouldn't be, to me... "

Before an Xiaoran finished, Lin Kai already knew what an Xiaoran would say next, so he immediately interrupted it and shook his head, "I said, miss an, how did you join Pihua residence with your intelligence quotient?"

Lin Kai is really speechless. An Xiaoran, you have to say that you have a certain level of ability to deal with evil spirits.

But it was not very good in other aspects. They were forced into the car and knocked out.

Now Lin Kai all ran into the car and rescued an Xiaoran. However, she still looked puzzled and even doubted what Lin Kai had done to her.

I don't know if it's a big heart, or I don't realize that I was almost abducted.

Lin Kai had to wonder if an Xiaoran had joined in after the back door.

However, it is not necessary for him to have the ability to solve other problems.

It seems that an Xiaoran's ability to solve evil problems is very modest, but other aspects seem to be quite ordinary.

An Xiaoran was said to stare at Lin Kai at first, then seemed to come back to her senses. She realized that she was in a strange car and asked Xianglin, "why am I here? Didn't I walk on the road to get ready for the hotel? "

Lin Kai is speechless for a moment. This an Xiaoran is really unaware that he was almost abducted.

Lin opened the next moment, then helplessly told the story of this matter to an Xiaoran.

After hearing this, an Xiaoran looked very embarrassed, especially when Lin Kai looked at her eyes. She was even more embarrassed and wanted to find a place to hide.

She quickly thanks to Lin, then got out of the car, she recognized at a glance, that wretched fat man.

Looking at ran Shao Hao, I said, "who am I going to do! That wretched fellow, with such a wretched man as you, it is worthy of saying that a family does not enter a house! "

Ran asked, and then she was surprised and angry.

Lin Kai knew that an Xiaoran was staying in Jinyuan city these two days, dealing with some organizational matters.

This afternoon, I met Zhou Tianhao, a famous young master in Jinyuan City, who was flirting with a girl on the street.

An Xiaoran couldn't look down, so she saved the girl and gave Zhou Tianhao a lesson.

In the evening, when an Xiaoran learned that there was an ancient tomb on the other side of the East China Sea, he went to the ancient tomb to solve the evil.

So the Hao Shao, unable to find an Xiaoran, offered a reward.

When they found an Xiaoran, they wanted to take an Xiaoran by force and send them to Hao Shao.

Lin Kai thought of this Hao Shao. He could not help thinking of the Zhou family of Jinyuan. It seemed that he and leiyuan group were close partners.

Lin Kai's eyes are Ling ran for a moment. He doesn't know whether the people of Lei Yuan group are in Jinyuan city to see him.

He could not help worrying about Alice. Although Alice had the three amulets he had given her, she was not so strong. The three amulets would be consumed quickly.

When it's gone, Alice will be in danger.

Lin Kai originally wanted to go back with an Xiaoran.

However, at this time, an Xiaoran was very aggrieved and said: "Miss, from childhood to adulthood, has been spoiled. No matter relatives or friends, they are afraid of my accident. This is my first encounter with this situation! I'm going to find the young lady. I'm going to settle accounts with you! "An Xiaoran said, looking at the three wretched fat men, cold hum: "where are you hao Shao? I'm going to teach him a lesson and let him know that no one can afford it! Let him be restrained in the future. He does all kinds of evil in Jinyuan city! "

"Lin Kai, I can solve this matter. Anyway, these two martial arts masters have been ruined by you. That young man is actually a young man who has been hollowed out by wine and lust. I can teach that young man a lesson without any effort."

In fact, an Xiaoran wants Linkai to follow her. With Lin Kai around, she will be very safe, and there is no need to worry about any accidents.

However, she is also a proud and charming person. She can see that Lin Kai wants to go, so she has to retreat and not admit that she wants to let him follow.

However, what makes an Xiaoran muddled is that Lin Kai agrees! Let her go alone!

Ah, Hello! no And she thought of the plot, the difference is not right!

Lin Kai was in a hurry to save her. He should have followed her to teach Hao Shao a lesson.

But now why, Lin Kai agreed to teach Hao Shao a lesson alone.

In particular, Lin Kai did not look at her again, quickly opened the Rolls Royce phantom, and left decisively.

An Xiaoran looked at Lin Kai, driving a Rolls Royce phantom to leave the car's back, full of indignation in his heart: "see color, forget righteousness!"

She guessed that Lin Kai definitely went to the foreign beauty and left her here alone.

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