Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1389

Next, the fat wretched man was shocked again.

Now, the road is very narrow, barely able to run two cars shoulder to shoulder.

But you have to drive slowly so that two cars can pass side by side.

But if the speed is very fast, the car will naturally have inertia deviation, a little bit deviation, on this road.

If a car is a little faster, it will collide.

Although he is a provincial race car driver, he is still ranked second, but he is not sure that he can safely pass by another car on this road at a very fast speed.

But now the Rolls Royce phantom has done it!

The speed of that Rolls Royce phantom did not decrease at all. It just passed by the luxurious business car of the mean fat man! The moment is past!

This kind of terrible car skill, let the wretched fat man is very shocked! Don't mention the professional such as the dirty fat man and the bald man. When two laymen saw the Rolls Royce phantom, they all widened their eyes and took an incredible look when they passed them on such a narrow road.

Not only that, the Rolls Royce phantom, after overtaking them, stopped suddenly and made a turn. Roll Royce phantom, across the narrow road.

Obviously, this is to intercept them!

The fat man was shocked again by his skillful driving skills.

At the same time, he had to step on the brake because the speed of his car was not fast. If he hit it, he would probably die together.

What's more, there are two martial arts gurus in their car. Are they afraid of the people in the luxury car?

As a result, the dirty fat man stopped the car at ease.

But fortunately, the brake was timely. Even so, the distance between his car and the Rolls Royce phantom was less than 50 cm!

Although it's only fifty centimeters, if you step on the brake a little slowly, I'm afraid we'll hit it. When it comes, it's not good to lose both.

The reason why Lin Kai intercepts so boldly is of course self-confidence. The other side dare not directly bump into it.

Even in case of a collision, Lin Kai is not afraid. At most, he will be ok if there is an accident.

And at the moment of the collision, he will also urge Zhenqi to protect an Xiaoran in the opposite car. He will not take care of other people.

At this time, Lin drove off the Rolls Royce mirage, and then stood in front of the dirty fat man's car words, with a calm face.

"Who is this boy? It's very strange. It should not be a local young master or something. "

"No matter who he is! No matter how powerful your identity is, how powerful is your identity? In the whole city of Jinyuan, Hao Shao is a man who covers the sky! What's more, we are doing less for pride now. Even if we are facing an extraordinary status, we are not afraid of it! "

"Yes! Since this boy wants to die! Then give him some color to see how miserable it is to provoke us

The dirty fat man, the bald man and the dirty braided man all looked at each other, and they could see each other's ruthlessness

then the three people got out of the car without hesitation and walked to Lin Kai.

"Boy! If you dare to intercept us, are you brave enough? Don't ask who we are! Immediately kneel down to apologize, and then move the car away, you can let go The fatuous fat man first comes to Lin Kai and points to Lin Kai, full of anger.

When the bald man saw Lin Kai, he didn't have any sense of ancient martial arts. He immediately put down his heart and said in a cold voice, "what's the roll Royce phantom? Don't you have money? Can you be as rich as Zhou Tianhao? Haoshao, you should know that we are working for haoshao. Please apologize to us and move the car away

"Talk nonsense with this man. If you don't want to move the car, if you don't give him a lesson, he won't support us!" The man with dirty pigtail grinned grimly: "anyway, we don't have a lesson for such a rich man for a long time. It should be quite cool!"

Lin Kai looked at the three wretched fat men with an idiot's eyes and said faintly: "if you want to start, you can do it. It's noisy."


The fat wretched man was furious.

Before waiting for the three people to say something, Lin Kai immediately made a move. First, with a wave of his hand, the wretched fat man immediately flew out and hit the business car.

This wretched fat man is not an ancient warrior, but an ordinary man. How can he withstand Lin Kai's random attack.

In fact, he didn't even get to the filthy fat man, who was blown out by the impact force, and was seriously injured.

The bald man and the dirty braided man are surprised to see that Lin Kai has solved the obscene fat man so easily. It seems that they will point to martial arts on the opposite side.

They are ancient martial arts masters and martial arts masters. They can do some Kung Fu. In front of them, they are just like ordinary people.

"Tut, have you learned some martial arts? But you can only brag in front of ordinary people. Die

The bald man's eyes twinkled with ferocity, and his fist smashed into the forest.Lin Kai's face was very calm. The bald man's fist was a great threat to ordinary people. But in front of him, it was too weak.

Weak enough that he was too lazy to run the real gas, he waved his hand at will again.

Not only blocked the bald man's fist, the shock force, directly let the bald man's fist, himself hit himself.

In the bald man's eyes, his own fist, completely out of control, smashed on his own body.

In an instant, the bald man fell to the ground seriously, spit blood, a face of pain and panic.

Of course, the strength of this blow is not what he can play, but the anti shock force of the boy on the opposite side.

The force is mutual, but the strength of the other side is far more than you. If you hit it hard again, the shock force will cause great damage.

That is to say, the boy's strength is far more than him!

Only a few seconds have passed, and only the man with dirty pigtails is still standing there.

However, the strength of the chicken was shocked by the dirty wood.

He stood next to the bald man. Naturally, he saw it with his own eyes. The bald man was shocked by the force of the shock!

At present this looks very young boy, at least is the martial Saint level master!

How could it be! Why are there so young masters!

Lin Kai steps forward. The man with dirty pigtail retreats in fear of being seriously injured by the boy. He stares at Lin Kai nervously, and his forehead is covered with cold sweat.

However, Lin Kai didn't do it. Because he did, no one could answer his question properly.

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