Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1371

Ma Jingyang didn't respond to Alice in a hurry. Instead, he turned his eyes to Lin Kai. With a trace of fun, he said with a smile: "Miss lish, you really agree. Mr. Lin next to you, you might as well ask what his advice is."

Lin Kai's face did not change, and he said calmly: "my suggestion is to directly use the ancient tombs excavated by the archaeological team. There is no need to go to such trouble and find an ancient tomb passageway. It's a waste of your energy, not to mention a lot of time. "

However, he knew that the archaeological team and some troops guarding the archaeological team were evacuated completely.

Jiang Zhu has said that he can go directly to the entrance of the ancient tomb.

If you meet someone, it is not your own person, but the tomb robber who hears the news.

Of course, it is also possible that the people from Pihua residence have arrived.

Ma Jingyang scoffed at Lin Kai's words and said, "although I have seen with my own eyes that all those people have gone down the mountain, there may be some people left to guard there. If someone is guarding us, we will surely be dying when we go there. Let alone fighting in the graveyard, it is not good to be wanted at that time. As a Chinese nation, you should know that our behavior is a felony. If something happens, can you bear the responsibility? The three of us got caught. It's not a big problem. I'm afraid miss Liz will be implicated! "

What Ma Jingyang said was awe inspiring, especially the last sentence, as if it was really that.

Lin Kai shook his head and said, "the information I got is more accurate than yours. I am 100% sure that no one is guarding there. Even if we meet people, they are the same as us

Ma Jingyang sneers, ready to refute what.

Alice did not give Ma Jingyang a chance to retort. She said, "Mr. Lin has this confidence, which means it is absolutely true. We should believe Mr. Lin."

Alice stopped and said in an indisputable way: "just listen to Mr. Lin. we'll go directly to the archaeological team. The one left is the entrance to the ancient tomb."

Ma Jingyang and others had no choice but to go to the entrance of the ancient tomb left by the archaeological team.

Zhang was dissatisfied and whispered, "go straight? Layman is layman! It's better to send someone to observe nearby for a period of time. We'll all have to kneel down in case of any accident! "

Xiao Li shakes his head: "or don't say goodbye, go directly. If you send someone there to observe it, it can't be the boy who will definitely send one of the three of us

Thin Zhang thought about it for a while, and then he snorted, "we'd better pray. There's no one to guard it."

Ma Jingyang did not join in the dialogue between the two people. As he walked forward, he occasionally turned his head and looked at Lin Kai. His eyes twinkled with a faint chill.

At the same time.

In Linkai, hundreds of meters away.

There was a very cute girl with two horsetails, with a backpack on her back and a pointer turntable similar to eight trigrams.

This pair of ponytail girls, named an Xiaoran, looked at the eight trigrams pointer, pointed to the position, quickly moved forward more than ten steps, and then walked to a dense grass in front of.

An Xiaoran immediately picked up the grass, which was a big hole that could go down together, completely unobstructed.

"At last

An Xiaoran smiles on her cute face, and then takes the grass back.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see it. There will be a big hole in it.

An Xiaoran didn't think about it. He took out a special mobile phone, like an old man's machine. It was full of signals on it. It didn't seem to be affected by evil.

The next moment, she called a number.

"Old monk! I'm here early. What about you? Is it difficult for me to go in alone and deal with the evil spirits in the ancient tomb? "

Although I got through the number, an Xiaoran soon found that the signal on the mobile phone was indeed full, but I couldn't hear the voice on the opposite side.

"It seems that this evil spirit is still very strong, even special mobile phones are affected by the signal."

An Xiaoran muttered, she had no choice but to take back her mobile phone.

She was going to find a place nearby to rest for a while and wait for others to come. Unexpectedly, she heard a sound of feet.

She frowned and listened to the footsteps. There were at least four or five people. There were not so many people she had to wait for.

An Xiaoran responded quickly, and immediately went to a nearby tree behind, hiding in the past.

She secretly looked at the source of the footstep with her eyes. With the help of the moonlight, she found that there were several figures coming in the direction of this side.

And as they drove, they looked at the ground as if they were looking for something.

"I can't believe that there are grave robbers here!" An Xiaoran heart a Lin, carefully more hidden.

Several people from Linkai have arrived. The entrance of the ancient tomb left by the archaeological team is roughly located.It must have been covered up. Otherwise, it would be open and aboveboard. If we exposed the entrance of the ancient tomb, it would have given tomb robbers a chance.

After searching for a period of time, Ma Jingyang did not see any ancient tomb entrance.

Alice, who followed, asked, "would it be, not in this direction?"

Zhang Shouzi responded with great pride: "boss Ma is the second generation of Tianshi. In those days, Ma's father was one of the famous" jinjinxiaowei "in the Tianshi world. He was more professional than Tianshi. Although Mr. Ma only inherited one tenth of his father's professional ability, there will be no problem in finding such an ancient tomb

Ma Jingyang was very satisfied. Zhang Shouzi flattered him, but he waved his hand and pretended to be very modest. He said with a smile, "it's not as powerful as thin man said. However, the location of the entrance of the ancient tomb is still difficult for me. Even this archaeological team is very professional. They put the location of the entrance of the ancient tomb on fengshui, the most difficult position to find. "

Ma Jingyang pauses, then looks at Lin Kai, showing a trace of provocation. He turns his backhand again. The compass appears in his hand, and immediately reads: "Feng Shui Chong Sha, compass turns..."

Lin Kai actually saw the location of the entrance of the ancient tomb at a glance.

It's not the location of Jiang Shu's hair, it's just the general location of an ancient tomb. You have to look for the location of the entrance to an ancient tomb.

The reason why he didn't say that was to see Ma Jingyang's ability.

It seems that Ma Jingyang does have some skills.

Before Ma Jingyang finished, Lin Kai walked to the grass.

This makes others surprised to look at Lin Kai, especially Jiang Zhu.

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