Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1370

Alice saw that the atmosphere was not good, and quickly stopped Ma Jingyang three people, against Lin Kai.

She said directly, "there is nothing to quarrel about. If you question Mr. Lin again, you are questioning me!"

Ma Jingyang, Wang Gangzi and Xiao Li all shut up.

The family behind Alice is their big money owner.

After all, as the country pays more and more attention to this aspect, the antiques stolen by them are not easy to be sold in China. Even if there are channels to sell them, there may be a certain chance that they will be caught by following the vines.

So many celestial masters choose to cooperate with foreign financial owners and sell them to them.

The family behind Alice is also a huge family in foreign countries. They dare not disobey Alice's orders. Not to mention, they have to point to Alice's family.

However, although Ma Jingyang is no longer facing Lin Kai, he is quite unconvinced in his heart. He snorts coldly, and takes Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li to take the lead.

Alice, with Linkai, followed them.

At this time, Zhang Shouzi could not help muttering to Ma Jingyang: "boss Ma, the God thief just said that he was a very powerful thief who stole antiques abroad. In addition to the fact that it was born in the background of the Heavenly Master, no one has ever seen the divine robber fall into a fight. We are not as good as he is in stealing, but in fighting, I think he is not

He pauses for a moment, and then opens his mouth: "so, Mr. Ma, we don't have to be afraid of Mr. Lin. after entering the ancient tomb, this Mr. Lin will show his true colors."

"Skinny said it right." Xiao Li, who had a black birthmark on her face, quite agreed with Zhang's words.

Immediately, he also sneered: "Mr. Ma, think about it in turn, this is a rare opportunity for you to perform well in front of Miss Liz. That Lin Kai must have no skill in the wrestling. Let him embarrass then, and then you can solve it. Let Miss Liz see, who has the real ability, will definitely look up to you

"But! Rich second generation is nothing! Ma is the second generation of Heavenly Master! Great skill Zhang skinny boasted about Ma Jingyang.

Ma Jingyang's eyes brightened when they said so, but he still shook his head on the surface: "maybe this God thief has some skills. There are no weak people under the false name. However, I have long wanted to compete with this God thief in the ability to fight. "

Although so said, the heart is waiting for Lin to open ugly.

The murmur of the three is very small, but Lin Kai is an immortal. How can he not hear it.

He didn't care at all about what the three said.

At this time, Alice, who was walking side by side with him, said with incomparable sadness in her beautiful eyes: "Mr. Lin, why were you so cruel at the beginning, and you left without even saying hello. At that time, my heart would be broken. Do you know the feeling of heartache

Lin Kai is speechless in his heart. He only wanted to complete the task and rescue Alice, but also because he had to use Alice's identity, so that he could have access to the stolen national cultural relics.

He had to let Alice stay with him for a few days.

But in those days, Alice fell in love with him.

Lin Kai knows this very well, but he doesn't feel much. What's more, he has a task to do, so he can't have any ideas.

I didn't expect that Alice still remembered him after so long.

So before, when Lin Kai urged the golden pupil, he was very surprised to see Alice.

He also saw that the three Ma Jingyang, looking at their professional equipment, knew they were tomb robbers.

The task of the system is to stop the tomb robbers. Alice is also here, so she uses Alice to get into the small team.

Besides, the evil spirit of this ancient tomb may be stronger than that of the last one.

For Alice, although he has no interest, but also can not watch, Alice went in to die.

After dealing with the evil spirits in the ancient tomb, she can persuade Alice to go back to her own country after dealing with her own affairs, so as not to get involved in the affairs of China.

While Lin Kai was thinking, Ma Jingyang and Zhang Gangzi were still cautious and did not walk on the road opened by the daytime archaeological team.

Instead, a thin man, with a sharp knife in one hand, opened a road from the remote grass and trees to the approximate location of the tomb.

Xiao Li was closely followed by the thin man with a pistol in his hand. He looked around carefully. If there was any movement, he might shoot at any time.

Although they saw with their own eyes that at about 6 o'clock in the evening, it was just dark, the archaeological team and some people guarding the team evacuated from the mountain.

But there is no guarantee that there will be any bold ones who will guard the tomb at night.

As for Ma Jingyang, he followed the two men with a compass on his hand. While watching, he pointed to a direction to let Zhang Xiaozi open the road in that direction.

Lin Kai and Alice at the back are chatting and laughing with each other. They don't come to fight each other, but they come to talk about love.This makes Ma Jingyang look back from time to time, looking at the relaxed appearance of these two people, and he is deeply resentful of Lin Kai.

Alice is his gold master, so he can't complain.

But Linkai, like him, is also working for Alice.

But the difference between them and Lin Kai's treatment is too big. They are treated differently!

Ma Jingyang dark way: first let you relax, when you enter the ancient tomb, I see you are so relaxed now!

The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to enter the tomb earlier, so that Lin Kai could make a fool of herself in front of Alice.

Ma Jingyang thought, he took out a Luoyang shovel from his backpack, and first dug it on the ground under his feet.

Then he squatted on the ground, put the excavated soil on the tip of his nose, sniffed it, and then opened his mouth: "the position under our feet should also be within the scope of the ancient tomb. It seems that the scale of the ancient tomb is very large. But this location can't be forced to dig in. It will be very dangerous. We need to find a main passage of the ancient tomb. According to speculation, we can enter the scope of the main passage of the ancient tomb about a mile further

With that, Ma Jingyang did not forget to be proud and looked back at Alice.

Alice was indifferent. Instead, she asked, "is there no Chinese guard around the ancient tomb?"

Ma Jingyang said with a smile: "there is evil in the ancient tomb, so no one should dare to guard here at night, only in the daytime, will come over."

Alice, after all, doesn't understand this knowledge. She has seen a lot of Chinese cultural relics, but she doesn't know anything about inverted combat.

She then asked, "why do we have to find another main passage to enter the cemetery by ourselves. In the daytime, the archaeological team should have dug out the entrance to the ancient tomb?"

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