Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1364

It took Lin Kai another four or five hours to get to the airport.

It's already evening.

On the way home, Lin Kai did not receive Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, urging him to go home quickly.

Today is actually Dong Shu's birthday. Lin Qianqian is going to celebrate Dong Shu's birthday.

Since then, Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu have been good sisters.

Lin Qianqian thought, or go to Lin to open a family, buy some vegetables to celebrate.

Let Lin Kai buy Dong Shu a birthday cake.

For the two girls, Lin Kai is helpless. Who let the system arrange for him last time? Kiss Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian.

After that, it led to more than before.

Lin Kai had to follow suit and bought a more expensive cake to go back. Now he drives his car and is not far away from home.

But the closer he was to his home, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Lin Kai, in particular, saw two pools of blood on a corner street about kilometers away from home.

He was keenly aware that the breath of these two pools of blood was very familiar.

After a while, the car speeded up at the door of the house.

Sure enough, what he was worried about happened. Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian were attacked by a martial sage level ancient warrior at that corner.

The hidden God was hiding outside his home, but the ancient warrior was also smart. He should have known that there were experts hiding near Lin Kai, so he chose to attack Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian on the way.

Fortunately, Yinshen arrived in time. Even so, Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian were seriously injured.

Also, the people sent by Jiang Shu played a role.

One of them was a female military doctor, who was afraid that something might happen to Lin Kai, so that she could be treated immediately.

Under the treatment of the female military doctor, Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian are no longer in danger of life. At present, they have lost too much blood and fell into a brief coma.

The hidden God should go after the master of martial arts. There is no hidden God at home.

Lin Kaiyan showed unlimited opportunities to kill. Although he may guess that Lin Yuan paid for it, he did not have any evidence.

Otherwise, he can ignore what, directly to Lin Yuan.

At this time, the system issued a mission to "chase Zheng Tianhao", the martial master who attacked Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian.

Reward is a demigod level ability to extract, indicating that the task is not simple.

The martial saint, the ancient warrior, is likely to be good at escaping.

Lin Kai didn't think wrong. After a while, the hidden God came back. According to the hidden God's words, he could trace the martial saint. Anyway, the Yin God was also a master.

However, the martial saint, Zheng Tianhao, was not inferior to the hidden God in terms of speed.

The reason why they didn't catch up with him was that some martial saints dressed like Zheng Tianhao changed positions with him at the fork in the road.

I knew that the hidden God would come after him, so he was organized and premeditated.

Yin Shen worried about Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, and immediately turned back.

Lin Kai didn't blame Yin Shen. He also thought that he was right. After all, there were still several martial saints. It would be very dangerous to send another martial saint to attack and kill Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian.

Under the inquiry, Lin Kai also knows that in the process of pursuing Yin God, he takes a palm behind Zheng Tianhao.

The power of the master is not a martial saint, and can bear it.

Under that palm, Zheng Tianhao must be seriously injured, which means that even if he can escape, he can't escape far.

Lin Kai also noticed that there was a hair on the hand of Yin God, which was Zheng Tianhao's!

This makes Lin Kai's eyes shine, because the silver extraction ability obtained by rescuing Yin Suyan last night is the tracking ability.

It looks good. In fact, it needs the other person's blood or hair, which is a kind of body thing, to track it.

If it wasn't for Yin Shen, he wouldn't have left Zheng Tianhao's hair.

Lin Kai didn't think about it. He took the hair left by Zheng Tianhao and used his tracking ability in an instant.

Before long, he felt something in his heart. He looked at a direction in the distance at the door. In his eyes, there was a chill in his eyes, and he murmured to himself, "don't kill a chicken to warn a monkey. Should I be so easy to offend? Almost killed Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian. No matter who is behind them, I will kill you! "

Then Lin drove the Rolls Royce phantom and drove away quickly.

Originally, he was going to drive this car to see Li Shengxian in the hospital tomorrow, and he happened to return the car.

But now something has changed. The speed of this Rolls Royce phantom is really fast, so we will use it first.

As for the hidden God, he is already lurking at the door of his home, afraid that someone will come to assassinate him.

Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian are taken care of by the female military doctor. Lin Kai is also at ease.

It is this matter that has been reported to Jiang Shu. Lin Kai hopes that Jiang Shu can send someone directly to investigate Lei Yuan group.

It's a pity that Jiang Shu didn't find any useful evidence. There was no way to send people to investigate directly. However, they would send people to watch every move of leiyuan group, which was just a good thing.In this way, leiyuan group, during this period of time, will not dare to do anything on the surface.


In the middle of the East China Sea and its neighboring city, there is a county town called Yuanhang county.

Although Yuanhang county belongs to Donghai, in fact, people in this county like to run to the neighboring city.

Because Yuanhang county is located between two mountains, the mountains block the way to the East China Sea, so we can only open a road between the two mountains, and we can only take a car.

But going to the neighboring city is not the same. There is a direct road to the neighboring city and the urban area.

It's close to midnight.

In Yuanhang county bus station, a small hotel nearby, there is a smell of Chinese medicine everywhere.

Not only that, on the ground, there are bandages stained with blood and so on.

And lying on the bed is a person who looks seriously injured and has blood all over his body.

The man's face was extremely pale and bloodless. Even when he was lying in bed, his breathing became heavier and heavier.

"Lin Yuan! I've been working for you for half a year, at least I've trusted each other! But this time, I work for you, but you want to kill me! Damn it

This person is Zheng Tianhao. He lies on the bed. His pain makes him show his teeth and scold Lin Yuan.

This afternoon, he received an order from Lin Yuan to attack and kill two ordinary people, which is too simple for him.

However, Lin Yuan did not tell him that there was a master master nearby.

If it was not for his escape speed, which was comparable to the master's speed, otherwise he would suffer.

Even so, he was slapped by the master and seriously injured.

What's more, he thought that some other martial saints had come to help him, and they did help him avoid the pursuit of the master.

But those martial saints, in fact, were sent by Lin Yuan to kill him!

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