Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1363

Seeing Lin Kai's silence, Luo Zhipeng continued to smile and say, "so, Lin Kai, why don't you let me have this purchasing manager..."

Before Luo Zhipeng finished, Lin Kai interrupted him: "you can't even be a deputy manager."

It means that your position as deputy manager is gone.

The high-level leader also heard it and said with a smile: "what Mr. Lin said is reasonable, Luo Zhipeng, right? You've been demoted to the head of purchasing. "

Luo Zhipeng's face was ugly in an instant, but he didn't dare to show any extreme reaction, because this is the senior leader of the company! If Lin Kai said so, he would have been impatient, but in front of the senior leaders, he didn't even dare to fart!

Once the leaders lose their jobs, don't say it!

Lin Kai immediately put his eyes on Hu Wenliang and said, "Hu Wenliang works diligently in the purchasing department, so he will be the deputy manager."

This high-level leader can't see that Luo Zhipeng was unable to be a man, so he deliberately replaced Hu Wenliang.

He was able to decide such a small matter, so he nodded with a smile: "OK, Hu Wenliang will be the deputy manager of the purchasing department."

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Hu Wenliang with envy. Hu Wenliang's face turned red and excited.

What made them envy and hate was that Lin Kai said again: "Qin Ya has been in the company for two years, and I have made a small investigation. In these two years, Qin Ya's performance has always been in the forefront of the purchasing department. However, due to Luo Zhipeng's suppression, Qin Ya has never had a chance to be promoted. I think Qin Ya is qualified to be the manager of the purchasing department. "

When Lin Kai investigates Xu Xinghai, he naturally investigates the whole purchasing department, so as not to have other insiders in the purchasing department.

It is clear that Luo Zhipeng took a fancy to Qin ya when he joined Qin ya. At that time, Luo Zhipeng was in charge, so he used his position to suppress Qin Ya and prevent Qin Ya from being promoted.

In this way, Luo Zhipeng is convenient to pursue Qin Ya as a leader.

This is why Qin Ya is so anxious to leave the purchasing department.

The senior leader nodded with a smile: "OK, from now on, Qin Ya is the new manager of the purchasing department. Of course, first try to observe for a month, if the performance is OK after a month, then formally sign a new contract to take up the post. "

Luo Zhipeng's face changed again and again. He was in charge two years ago and is still in charge. However, Qin ya, who has been suppressed by him secretly, has become the manager directly.

He should not have offended Lin Kai.

In his opinion, it was because he offended Lin Kai that he led to such a result. Hu Wenliang and Qin ya, who are good at Lin Kaihao, have been promoted to higher positions. They are still those who have been promoted to another level!

Unfortunately, it's no use regretting again. Luo Zhipeng has accepted this reality. He is thinking, never offend Lin Kai again in the future!

"Me? I'm the purchasing manager? "

However, Qin ya at this time, some incredible, but also surprised and happy.

In the past two years, she has done very well in the purchasing department.

Normally speaking, she may even take the position of director, but she is not sure that the top leaders seem to have not seen her good performance.

Now it is said by Lin Kai that Luo Zhipeng is playing tricks in secret.

I didn't expect Lin to trust her so much at the meeting and let her be the manager of the purchasing department. She jumped from an ordinary employee to a manager, which can be said to be a chicken feather into a Phoenix.

Lin Kai said with a smile to Qin ya: "believe in yourself, you are OK."

With that, Lin Kai turned around and walked out the door.

Since Li Shengxian's insider has been dealt with, he doesn't need to stay here.

"Mr. Lin, you won't wait for me!"

Yin Suyan immediately followed Lin Kai.

As for Qin Ya and Tang Xiaoxuan, they look at each other and can see each other's sigh.

Don't mention the two of them. Everyone at the scene knows that Lin Kai's identity is absolutely not simple.

Compared with the big star Yin Suyan, they are not qualified to compete for Lin Kai's girlfriend.

"It's just like Yin Suyan, who has status and status, can match Lin Kai..." Tang Xiaoxuan's eyes were dim.

Qin Ya stares at Lin Kai's back and immediately shakes her head: "I see, Lin Kai seems to have no intention to Yin Suyan."

In this way, Qin Ya's heart gradually raised a touch of hope, especially from her pocket, took out the cloth bag that Lin Kai gave her, and the hope rose in her heart was even stronger.

Lin Kai left the company and immediately sent Yin Suyan to Donghai International Airport.

Liu Jie, Yin Suyan's agent, rescheduled and bought an evening ticket for Yin Suyan.

Yin Suyan helped Li Shengxian company. Lin Kai naturally got it and sent Yin Suyan to the airport in person.

On the way to the airport.

Yin Suyan sat on the co pilot with a speechless face: "Mr. Lin, this is your fault. I didn't even have a meal at noon, so you won't treat me to a meal? In such a hurry to get rid of me? "With that, Yin Suyan felt aggrieved. Since she was a child, her appearance was very outstanding. Those men wanted to stay for a while.

Especially after she became famous, those men were even more so.

but Lin Kai was not like this. She was sent to the airport without saying a word.

Lin Kai doesn't think much about Yin Suyan. He has his own business.

Although leiyuan group, because of the last public opinion event, dare not carry out crazy investment and expansion.

However, it is still in secret. For example, this time, it is aimed at Li Shengxian's company. Who knows what to do next time.

He's going to have to continue investigating ray source.

However, from the divination forecast, the worst day for Lei Yuan group was four days later.

In fact, the most important thing is that Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian have been asking where he is, saying that he is already at his home.

Two women are enough to make him headache, if you add a Yin Suyan, he is a burst of big head.

So Lin Kai said, "Miss Yin, I have something urgent to do. Next time you come to Donghai, I will definitely invite you to have a meal."

Yin Suyan heard the speech and snorted: "good! Next time I will come to Donghai as soon as possible! Don't go back on your word and say you have something urgent to do! "

Lin Kai shook his head helplessly: "No

Then Lin Kai took Yin Suyan back to the VIP terminal of the airport. This time, Yin Suyan was covered tightly.

When he left, Lin Kai casually sent a cloth bag with three amulets in it, which can be regarded as a token of thanks for Yin Suyan's helping Li Shengxian's company.

Yin Suyan got the cloth bag, did not look down on any, but took it carefully, just like a baby.

Lin Kai was speechless. He didn't tell what was in the bag or what the effect was.

Finally, after saying goodbye to each other, Lin Kai also left the airport.

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