Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1342

At this time, Zhou Xin didn't even look at Lin Kai, but glanced at Hu Wenliang and said, "Xiao Hu, I know you don't have a car. I can give you a ride because you work hard and work hard for one year and work for Xinghai

"That's good! Thank you, director Zhou! " Hu Wenliang quickly thanks him, and then asks in doubt, "isn't manager Xu going to the evening? Why didn't you see anyone else? "

Zhou Xin said lightly: "my home Xinghai, as the manager of the purchasing department, is naturally busy with business. In the afternoon, he has business to do. He will come later. "

Lin Kai actually knows what Xu Xinghai has done.

In the afternoon, when he saw Xu Xinghai go out, he let Yin Shen follow.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xinghai is really for business.

He also told Li Shengxian about Xu Xinghai's situation.

Li Shengxian felt sorry for the betrayal of Xu Xinghai. He wanted to observe Xu Xinghai for another year or two, and then promoted to the top of the company.

Unexpectedly, he colluded with leiyuan group to harm his company.

Li Shengxian can be completely, there is no place to apologize to Xu Xinghai.

Lin Kai shook his head. As long as there are enough interests in front of him, most people will not refuse.

For example, before Liu Yang, scar man and others.

What Lin Yuan is good at is throwing money at people and doing things that are either adultery or theft.

Even leiyuan group itself, are crazy to invest, and then used behind the scenes, a variety of shady means, the rapid growth of leiyuan group.

While Lin Kai was thinking, Hu Wenliang pulled Lin Kai's arm and tried to pull him into Zhou Xin's car.

Zhou Xin responded quickly and stopped yelling: "Hu Wenliang! What are you doing! I didn't say, "take him with you!"


Hu Wenliang was scolded and in a dilemma.

Lin Kai gently shook off. Hu Wenliang took his arm's hand and laughed: "anyway, I know the address. Later, I will go there myself."

"All right." Hu Wenliang said helplessly.

Then Hu Wenliang got on the car.

Zhou Xin looked at Lin Kai contemptuously and left with Hu Wenliang.

Lin Kai originally planned to take a taxi.

He was preparing to go to the side of the road when a top equipped Rolls Royce phantom, a luxury car, stopped by him.

"Mr. Lin, are you?"

The window opened, and the driver was Butler Li.

Because Li Shengxian has invested in the western suburb of the city, the land area is the most important project of the company at present, which is not one of them.

However, Li Shengxian is still in hospital, so the matter has been handed over to housekeeper Li for the time being.

Housekeeper Li is not sure why Lin Kai came here.

But seeing that Lin Kai looked like he wanted to take a taxi, housekeeper Li got out of the car and said, "Mr. Lin, this car belongs to the young master anyway. The young master seldom drives this car. If it hadn't been for a long time and rusted, I wouldn't have driven it. I'm not used to driving. If you want to use it, you can use it. "

Without waiting for Lin Kai to speak, housekeeper Li gives the car key to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai looked at the roads, taxis and so on, basically full of people.

After all, it's the rush hour after work. Many white-collar workers take a taxi back.

He thought a little, then took the car key and replied, "OK, I'll drive back tomorrow."

"Ha ha, it's OK to drive for a long time. If Mr. Lin likes it, I'll give it to you." Housekeeper Li said with a smile.

He said that because he knew the identity of Lin Kai and Li Shengxian's good friend.

Everyone in the Li family is not optimistic. Li Shengxian's project must lose money.

But he believed in Li Shengxian. To be exact, he believed in Lin Kai.

When the time comes, if this big project can really get up, Li Shengxian will be able to complete the position of the successor of the Li family.

It can be said that at that time, Lin Kai was the most grateful person for Li Shengxian.

Compared with this kind of kindness, a ten million level car is nothing.

Lin Kai just smiles. After a few more conversations, Lin gets on the bus. Under his driving, Rolls Royce phantom turns around in place and drives away.


Shengshi KTV is one of the most luxurious entertainment places in the East China Sea.

The most common small box has to start at 3999 yuan.

Luo Zhipeng has reserved a slightly larger box for 5999 yuan.

Equivalent to half a month's salary of Luo Zhipeng, he also spent a lot of effort to deal with Qin ya.

At this point.

Outside of Shengshi KTV.

Luo Zhipeng several people all arrived, Xu Xinghai also arrived.

Xu Xinghai and Zhou Xin stand together. These people are headed by them.

After all, Xu Xinghai is the Department Manager, Zhou Xin is his girlfriend, but it is nothing, but the rest are his employees.Luo Zhipeng and Qin Ya are the second, but Qin Ya is very resistant to Luo Zhipeng. Luo Zhipeng is bold enough to stand beside Qin ya.

Then Tang Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Feng Jia.

Hu Wenliang stood there alone, muttering in his heart, why hasn't Lin Kai come yet.

At least Lin is here, and he has a partner to talk with.

At this time, Luo Zhipeng stood out and said with a smile, "we are all here. Let's go in."

"Lin Kai hasn't arrived yet." Hu Wenliang reminded me.

"Well? Linkai Xu Xinghai frowned deeply: "is it the new employee who just joined my purchasing department?"

Xu Xinghai had to ask because he didn't like Lin Kai, or even hated him.

If not for the sudden appearance of Lin Kai in the morning, he would not be blamed by the people of leiyuan group.

According to the plan, he will give the core information he got to leiyuan group in the morning.

As a result, Lin Kai's appearance caused him to transmit more than half of the data, which was forcibly terminated.

I didn't expect the computer to be broken again.

All of a sudden, the hard to get core information was destroyed like that.

In the afternoon, he tried to take the computer to repair, but it was not good.

That is to say, the core information he got was unable to be transferred to Lei Yuan group.

Lei Yuan group to Li Shengxian this start, also have to postpone a few days.

Therefore, the people of Lei Yuan Group blame him.

Xu Xinghai's grievance is that Lin Kai has made such a mistake.

Of course, he didn't tell Lei Yuan group that it was Lin Kai who made it.

Otherwise, the people of leiyuan group will think that he is making excuses.

Don't be annoyed at that time, Lei Yuan group, that's not good.

Therefore, Xu Xinghai can only bear this grievance alone.

Now I heard that Lin Kai, the culprit, also came to participate in the KTV party in the evening, and Xu Xinghai's mood naturally became worse.

Zhou Xin snorted and was even more dissatisfied with Lin Kai: "yes, it's the guy who just started his job. He's thick skinned and has to come. He didn't even have a car. It seems that he took a taxi and it was so slow. "

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