Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1297

"What do you think we get from you when you are like this?"

Lin Kai looked at her up and down and said, "your body?"

"Do you think I can't find anything better than you

Although she didn't like what Lin Kai said with her eyes, what Dong Shu had to admit was that what he said was true.

At the same time, because of Lin Kai's words, her heart lit up a touch of hope.

She didn't believe that she was not a member of the Dong family.

If the identification is still not, she will give up completely.

She has the ability, not worry about anywhere, there is no way not to take root.

"Well, I'll take you to the identification tomorrow."

"No matter how it turns out, thank you."

Dong Shu sincerely thanks Lin.

Although they were unhappy before, Lin Kai was the first person to treat himself so well in such a long time.

The young men who used to be courteous to themselves ran away as soon as they heard the news from the Dong family.

What's more, they have nothing to do with themselves.

Now the sudden concern, even let her some at a loss.

Looking at the expression on Dong Shu's face, Lin Kai doesn't know how to comfort her for a while.

No one can accept this kind of thing.

"Come with me."


Dong shuleng for a moment, some at a loss.

"I have a place to live."

"Well, let someone pick you up tomorrow."

Looking at Lin Kai, Dong Shuyi was speechless.

I didn't expect that he would be indifferent to such a beautiful woman as himself.

Thinking of what the so-called true daughter did, Dong Shu couldn't help saying, "I'd better go back with you."

Although the house was bought by myself, in the eyes of which bitch, it was the Dong family's money.

In order not to let the Dong family's things be taken advantage of in vain, I find a group of small thugs to make trouble every day, which makes people very tired.


Seeing that he promised so simply, Dong Shu was a little uncertain about his attitude.

Originally, Lin Kai planned to continue to turn around, but looking at Dong Shu like this, he immediately went back.

After he went back, he asked the hidden God to take samples from Dong Chen, which was very firm at that time.

"What can I do for you?"

Looking at Lin Kai who is cooking in the kitchen, Dong Shu is a little uneasy.

To tell you the truth, she really can't cook, but let Lin Kai cook, she felt a little embarrassed.


Seeing that she was rejected, Dong Shu didn't know what to say.

She had never experienced such a thing before, because of her father's identity, no one dared to refuse herself.

After a look at Lin Kai, she stood quietly aside, silent.

After Yin Shen came back, he took a strange look at Dong Shu. Without saying anything, he went to find Lin Kai.

He told Lin Kai exactly what he had seen in the Dong family.

After listening, Lin Kai was surprised.

I didn't expect that Dong Chen had no feelings for his so-called "biological daughter".

No matter what she does, she should compare with Dong Shu.

This makes Lin Kai's impression on him a little better.

However, he didn't tell Dong Shu about it. In the case of uncertainty, it was better not to give her hope.

The next day, Dong Shu was waiting for Lin to open in the living room early.

After arriving at the hospital, Dong Shu could be said to be sitting in a dilemma after waiting for two hours.

Finally, she took the result in her hand and did not dare to see it.

Finally, Lin Kai told her the result.

"I am the Dong family's child, they were cheated, I am the Dong family's child."

Dong Shu's mouth repeatedly, tears down the cheek.

"That's great."

She hugged Lin Kai excitedly, leaving a clear lipstick mark on his face.

For her sudden movement, Lin Kai subconsciously pushed her away, took out a handkerchief and wiped the lipstick on her face.

Dong Shu didn't care so much. She wanted to go back to Dong's house and tell them the news.

"Do you think they will believe it if you go back and say it?"

"They will believe it."

In fact, there is no bottom in Dong Shu's heart. After all, she has done so many times before.

They can say that the identification result is fake.

She looked at Lin Kai and knelt down to her with a "plop" sound: "I beg you, help me bring my father, take him to do another identification, I want him to see it with his own eyes!"

Only in this way can Dong Chen believe in himself.

Although I don't know how Lin Yuan did it in the first place, Dong Shu can be 100% sure that he did it for some ulterior purpose.No matter what he wants to do, anyone who hurts the Dong family has to pay a price!

Looking at Dong Shu, Lin Kai nodded: "I can help you."

Dong Shu understood why, and immediately said, "as long as you use it to my Dong Shu's place, I will not refuse!"

She can't make too many promises right now.

Of course, it's no use saying anything now.

Because no one can tell for the future.

"Go to the hermit."

"Can he?"

It's not that Dong Shu doesn't trust Lin Kai, but he is alone?

Breaking into the heavily guarded Dong family alone?


"Of course."

Dong Shu looked at the direction of the hermit God's departure with some worry, for fear of what happened.

Now the hermit God, worried by her, has arrived in Dong Chen's bedroom.

"What are you doing here?"

Naturally, he knew the hidden God. After all, he had met Lin Kai when he was against him.

"I'll show you dong Shu."

"Where is Sue? How's she doing? You tell her not to worry, and soon her father will take her back

In his heart, it doesn't matter whether Dong Shu is his own daughter or not.

He left a will for a long time, and the Dong family will only be her.

He would not have been forced to make such a decision if it had not been for the stubborn old people in his family.


Without waiting for Dong Chen to speak, Yin Shen took him away directly.

When he reacts, he sees Dong Shu standing in front of him.

"My dear daughter."

Dong Chen hugged Dong Shu in his arms and couldn't help tears: "thin, thin."

In his eyes, his own daughter is not half as good as Dong Shu.

Seeing the father and daughter like this, Lin Kai and Yin Shen naturally stood aside and did not speak.

Finally, Dong Shu said, "Dad, I don't believe that identification result. Please accompany me to go again."

"Don't do that." Dong Chen patted her on the shoulder: "in my heart, you will always be my daughter, even if there is no blood relationship."

A few simple words, Dong Shu instantly tears all over her face.

It's just that she still wants a result.

Seeing her insist, Dong Chen had to promise to come down.

While waiting for the result, both were calm.

But when they saw the result, they could not help crying.

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