Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1296

"It's disgusting."

Li Shengxian suddenly understood that sometimes Lin Kai would wipe his hands seriously after touching people.

It's so disgusting, it's like the hands are covered with bacteria.

As for he Weiya's marriage to him, of course, he told him on purpose.

Because of his relationship with Lin Kai, and he has always refused this marriage.

He Zhishan did not press himself too hard for Lin Kai's face.

It's just two days for them.

Now disclosed to Li Haoxian in advance, he will certainly be unable to bear the action.

As long as the time comes to seize his handle, pretending to let Mr. he know, he will be completely finished.

For the use of he Weiya, he did not have the slightest sense of guilt.

It's disgusting to think of what she's done to herself before.

Although he Weiya is sincere to himself, how about that?

Anyway, Li Haoxian won't kill her, so it doesn't matter.

Will he Weiya know about this?

This is what Li Shengxian hopes, and then he can get rid of him.

Although he family is very helpful to him, he shivers at the thought of being with he Weiya.

Li Haoxian stood in his place, looking at the background of Li Shengxian in the distance, and hit the wall hard.

The blood flowed down the wall. Li Haoxian didn't feel it.

"Why! On what basis

He kept shouting, why did this kind of good thing fall on Li Shengxian's head?

What does he have?

He is not reconciled!

Since he thinks so, then satisfy him.

He couldn't help laughing at the thought of the picture.

On the other side, after Li Shengxian came out, he saw Lin Kai standing in front of him.

Thinking of what he had said before, he couldn't help being a little nervous.

"Lingo, you're waiting for me."

Looking at the tension on Li Shengxian's face, Lin Kai doesn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

I hope you don't forget your original intention.

In a word, Li Shengxian went to be struck by thunder and stood still for a long time.

But soon he began to laugh.

In order to stand with Lin Kai, he will do anything!

With Lin Kai's side of the hidden God, looking at his thoughtful appearance, can't help but ask.

"Sir, what do you think he will choose?"

"I don't know."

How to choose is his own business, they have no right to intervene.

As for the Li family, Lin Kai thought that Li Shengxian could do it himself. He left without waiting too much.

These days, he has been tracking down the whereabouts of Lin Yuan, but every time there is news, the pursuit will soon disappear.

Several times down, Lin Kai also knew that it was intentional.

I don't know if it's Lin Yuan or his people.

"Walk with me."

Lin Kaiman walks aimlessly in the street, looking at the people coming and going in the street. He has no anxiety in his eyes and falls in an unknown place.

The hidden God was one step behind him and protected him firmly.

When the breeze blows, Lin Kai closes his eyes comfortably and enjoys his expression.


The sudden sound attracted most people's attention, including Lin Kai's.

After seeing Lin Kai, the woman called out: "Linkai, please, help me!"

Leng for a while, see who is after, Lin Kai does not have the slightest mood fluctuation.

Looking at Dong Shu without expression, she is pulled by a man with ugly appearance and buckteeth.

"You son of a bitch, don't you come home with me!"

The man yelled and tore his hair.

Lin Kai seems unable to see Dong Shu's appeal for help.

"I know where you want it!"

A word instantly attracted Lin Kai's attention. No matter whether it is true or not, people have to save it.

It doesn't matter if Dong Shu cheated herself in the end.

We'll let him know when we cheat him.

Seeing Lin Kai walking towards him, Dong Shu doesn't know where he comes from. He pushes the man away and runs to Lin Kai.

The man was stunned for a moment, trying to get her back, but was stopped by the hidden God.

Looking at the huge hidden God, the man was afraid to retreat: "what do you want to do?"

"I warn you, I can call the police. What's your business if I discipline my own women? "

When he heard that he was not afraid to call the police, Lin Kai accidentally looked at Dong Shu.

It seems that what happened to the Dong family is something he doesn't know.But it has nothing to do with myself.

"You can call the police."

The hidden God was not afraid at all, so he could call the police.

When people around him saw someone coming forward, they also talked about it.

"How can such an ugly man marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law, let alone a famous brand."

"I see, I just want to blackmail money. I haven't seen anyone. I'm really shameless. "


Listen to my daughter-in-law, I'll give you back my money. I'll give it back to my wife

Hearing the man's words, Lin kaichong gave a wink.

With the help of the people around him, he left with Dong Shu.

As for the hermit God, he followed the man to find out what was going on.

Casually looking for a restaurant, Dong Shu ate four bowls of rice, it was stopped.

That looks like a starving ghost.

"I wonder why I became like this."

After so much experience, Dong Shu has changed a lot.

Some self mocking smile: "it's ridiculous. I didn't expect that I was not my father's own daughter."

"The fake was brought back by a man who looks like you."

Dong Shu pauses for a moment and says, "I didn't expect that what I've enjoyed for more than 20 years is not my own."

"In fact, to tell you the truth, I don't believe I'm not Dong's daughter."

How do you make her accept it?

That's her home for more than 20 years. It's gone.

Lin Kai looks at Dong Shu's expression and believes what she says.

As for the fact that she is not the daughter of the Dong family, he still doubts about it.

And the real lady in Dong Shu's mouth was brought by Lin Yuan.

Seeing Lin Kai staring at himself, Dong Shu showed a smile: "I don't have anything to thank, just this body, do you need it?"

"No more."

"Didn't you think about doing a paternity test with your father?"

"Three times. It doesn't matter every time."

Three hospitals, are all this result, Dong Shu has thoroughly accepted.

But Lin opened his mouth and asked, "when firm, does that person follow?"

"You mean what he did?"

Dong Shu waved her hand: "how could this be possible? I watched helplessly."

"you will know that you have no loss if you do it again, do you?"

"Why do you help me so much?" When Dong Shu stares at Lin Kai, she naturally understands that there is no good thing that pie falls from the sky.

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