Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1272

Yin Shen sneered at him: "why don't you try it?"

"He's still on the other side. Can I help you?"

"Do you think you can survive?"


Yin Shen's words, word by word, just like a sword, fiercely pierced Zheng Guoliang's heart.

He lowered his head in shame and knew that the hidden God was right.

Although it is not clear what means they used, it is impossible for them to survive.

"What do you want?"

Zheng Liang didn't dare to look down on them.

But before it was implemented, he didn't care.

Now I feel ashamed, but because of the strength of the two men, their compensation is not the same thing at all.

If someone else agrees with him, most of them will feel that as long as they pay for it, there is nothing that can't be solved.

People are like this, facing different situations, they will have different ideas.

"What do we want?"

Hidden God coldly stares at him: "you calculate us, now put on a victim's appearance to who to see?"

"Let him go."

Lin Kai looks at Zheng Guoliang indifferently. The corners of his mouth are slightly raised. He looks like a green boy in the college. People and animals are harmless.

Zheng Guoliang looked at the hidden God, carefully moved to Lin Kai's side.

He was not a fool. Naturally, he could see that the ferocious man listened to the words of this elegant young man.

Most of the reason why he wanted to come was because the man was an excellent descendant of a big family, and his elders sent him to protect him.

"This young master, I am also forced to do so

"What's more, you don't have anything to do with it. It's better to expose it."

Zheng Guoliang thinks that he can't offend Lin Kai. It's not an ordinary family to have such a bodyguard.

All of a sudden, his eyes moved, and his eyes toward Linkai were full of fire.

"Well, this is my fault, and I will make it up to you."

"I don't know if you need investment? I can introduce it to you. You can rest assured that it is absolutely reliable. "

Whether or not Lin Kai spoke, Zheng Guoliang said a lot.

Listening to his words, Lin Kai suddenly asked with a smile: "I don't know which venture company you are talking about?"

"Lei Yuan group."

After that, Zheng Guoliang immediately said, "you haven't heard of it. There's no problem. "

But you can go to some enterprises in the East China Sea and ask about it. You are definitely a conscientious capitalist. "

Zheng Guoliang listed many enterprises to Linkai, which made Linkai know more about the scope of leiyuan group.

After that, Zheng Guoliang took a sip of water, and just after drinking it, he spouted it out.

He covered his sore cheek and couldn't speak.

"I know more or less about Lei Yuan group."

When Lin Kai said this, Zheng Guoliang's eyes lit up in an instant.

Also ignore the pain on the face, with Lin Kai in the side of the constant discussion.

Because of Liu Gen AI Ping's relationship with them, Lin Kai knows a lot about Lei Yuan group, but it's not clear.

It is precisely because of this that Zheng Guoliang intended.

I think that Lin Kai's family should have been contacted by their group, but they are still in the stage of consideration. Otherwise, it is impossible to know these things.

Because of this, Zheng Guoliang was more excited.

It is not a simple family that can let the company send people to contact and tell so much news.

If he can get this list, the head office will have a place for him.

Zheng Guoliang couldn't help saying more. Sometimes Lin Kai deliberately put forward some words that Lei Yuan group could not easily say, and gave him answers.

Anyway, Zheng Guoliang doesn't know his real identity, so Lin Kai is more comfortable pretending to be.

Hidden God in the side of the cold stare at Zheng Guoliang, sneer more than.

I hope that when he knows the truth, he will laugh as well as he does now.

Zheng Guoliang thought they were confidants.

When he got to the back, he didn't even have to ask Lin Kai for questions. He took the initiative to tell Lin Kai a lot of things.

"Brother, I'll tell you something. Don't tell anyone else."

He took a wary look at the hidden God, but he didn't say anything more.

"You know, there are still people who practice in this world."

"Our boss is, very good."

As if afraid of Lin Kai's disbelief, Zheng Guoliang cited many examples.

Lin Kai and Yin Shen had an inexplicable smile on their faces, so they almost told Zheng Guoliang that he was the kind of person who had a thorough ability in his mouth."So, brother, just believe me once, and I won't hurt you."

"Well, when I get home, I'll tell my elders and let them agree."

"Good, good."

Even said three "good" words, we can see the excitement in Zheng Guoliang's heart.

"In that case, we'll go first."

"Then you slow down and give me the news as soon as possible!"

Zheng Guoliang is really impatient, but it is also related to his position in the head office.


Lin laughs and answers and turns away.

Zheng Guoliang watched them leave. The whole person was in a bad mood.

Take out the mobile phone and prepare to tell the head office.

Before waiting for him to call out, he felt a pain in his neck and fainted.

Before he fell into a coma, he remembered that he saw Lin Kai's figure vaguely.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the whole person fell into the boundless darkness.

"If you take it back, sir, it's useless."

For Zheng Guoliang, the hidden God did not have the slightest favor.

I think he's just a selfish person.

For their own success, the lives of others, at all costs.

"Take it back and lock it up with the killer."

Lin Kai felt that he had some bad taste. He even wanted to see what would happen when he saw it.


Because he took two people with him, Yin God took them away first, waiting for him to come back to pick up Linkai.

Even if Lin Kai repeatedly explained that there was no problem for him to go back. The hermit God just resolutely disagreed.

But Lin Kai had to stay here, waiting for the hidden God to come back.

But after the hermit God left, Linkai went out from the hotel.

Although did not leave, but also did not wait for him quietly.

Sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby, Lin Kai picked up a magazine and looked through it.

The content above is nothing more than that rich childe has been having an affair with some star, or some rich family's enmity.

Lin Kai usually laughs off the content written in such magazines, which has no value to believe.

"Well, I didn't hear you, did you?"

A man with a big horse and a man holding a hot woman came over.

Looking at Lin Kai with disdain, he said, "it's really a bumpkin. I still look at this kind of thing."

Lin Kai looked up at them and looked down at the magazine without paying attention to them.

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