Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1266

"Is it?"

Lin Kai smiles at Li Mingze and is curious about his changes.

Just a pair of hands can't lift, shoulder can't resist the appearance, instantly become lively.

But it is.

Lin Kai is a little curious. What kind of person is Li Mingze? He has changed so fast.

However, what can be sure is that his status in the Li family is not very good, otherwise it is impossible for him not to know his own news.

Of course, it could be that he pretended not to know.

At that time, if something happened, which angered him, there would also be reasons for self-protection.

Looking at Lin Kai's playful eyes, Li Mingze feels humiliated.

What is their status as the Li family?

What makes Lin Kai look like he is not afraid of heaven or earth.

It seems that the Li family is in front of him and has no malice with ordinary people.

"You'd better come and apologize to me, or you'll die."

Li Mingze stares at him maliciously, and concludes that Lin Kai is definitely not simple, otherwise it will not be so calm and uncertain.

But what about that?

In the whole East China Sea, who can match their Li family?

One side of the yellow light see Li Mingze like this, can't help but cry out: "brother, teach him a good lesson! Damn it Hiss. "

Huang Guang was sweating on his forehead. He didn't forget to run against Lin Kai: "I advise you to kneel down and surrender as soon as possible. Maybe my brother will let you go."

Although the pain on the body is not good, but the whole person looks a little excited, a pair of eager to look up at the sky and howl.

Naturally, he knows Li Mingze, otherwise he will not be called.

He was ready to see his next look of embarrassment.

"Are you sure you don't apologize?"

Li Mingze has a long body and looks at Lin Kai. His eyes are full of disdain.

It's just an unknown person. What's the right to face the Li family and not submit to them?

He has already thought about it. When Lin Kai is settled, he will take him to Li's house to get a reward.

Because the Li family has a clear regulation, as long as it is any disrespectful to the Li family, if you solve him, you will get some good things.

Lin Kai looks at Li Mingze indifferent and thinks that he talks a lot.

Seeing that he still wants to speak, Lin Kai stares at him impatiently.

"How many times have you never spoken?"

"Or are you afraid of being dumb?"

After two words, Li Mingze changed his face in an instant, thinking that Lin Kai was a naked provocation.

"What a fool!"

Since Lin Kai died in such a hurry, he would not continue to show mercy.

At the foot of the force, Li Mingze instantly soared into the sky, his fist wrapped with inexplicable light, like a thousand catties of force to smash the forest open.

Like did not see the same, Lin opened in place, motionless.

His attitude angered Li Mingze and thought that Lin Kai looked down on himself.

How can we accept such humiliation?


Li drink a, in the moment of encounter Lin Kai, but he hid in the past.

Just a wrong move, let him avoid this fatal blow.


The violent sound resounded through the sky and the sky, the smoke dispersed, and a big pit appeared on the ground, surrounded by cracks.

"It's a pity that I haven't been practicing for a long time."

Hearing this sentence, Li Mingze instantly widened his eyes and stared at Lin Kai in disbelief.

"How do you know?"

Looking at Lin Kai in disbelief, Li Mingze is wondering if he will also be a fellow.

But he did not have the slightest fluctuation to spread, for a time Li Mingze did not know what to do.

The only two possibilities are that Lin kaixiu is more powerful than him, and he can't realize it.

The second is that Lin Kai is bombing him. He doesn't understand this.

"Brother, do it

Huang Guang yelled anxiously, hoping to kill Lin Kai on the spot.

I insulted myself before and killed him anyway.

"Shut up

Li Mingze turned back and glared at the yellow light fiercely. He was not angry in his heart.

Let oneself come to help, say what is an ordinary person, the result?

In addition to a few people in the Li family, such as Li Chengjia and others, there are not many people in the Li family who know about cultivation.

I didn't expect that any one they met would know what to do with him?

"Do you want to continue?"

Lin Kai looks at him with a smile in his mouth.

"Shut up

Li Mingze cautiously stares at Lin Kai. He is not sure whether he wants to go on.However, looking at Lin Kai's weak little white face, Li Mingze felt that he must have been worried.

"Well, don't put on airs here."

Li Mingze had a lot of waves in his hand.

"Let's die."

Li Mingze doesn't believe it. Can he be scared by a little white face?

When he rushed to Lin Kai, he was more and more sure that he was bluffing.

The corner of his mouth showed a smile of potential in must get, but he just thought he was a master.

But soon he was stunned and his smile froze.

Unbelievable looking at Lin Kai, I wonder if I'm blind.

"This How could that be possible? "

Li Mingze couldn't believe it when he saw it.

How could that be possible?

Clearly he did nothing, so he resisted his attack?

"What have you done?"

Li Mingze stares at Lin Kai, hoping to see him through.

"Do you want to continue?"

Lin Kai looks at Li Mingze, and his smile is more and more brilliant.

It's just that in Li Mingze's eyes, this smile seems to be mocking himself.

"I'll kill you!"

Li Mingze roared and felt the obstacles in front of him disappeared.

Although Lin Kai is exactly who he is, he can see that it is not from him.

Just as he approached Lin Kai again, a huge force came from the front, which knocked him out.

"Cough, puff."

Li Mingze vomited blood, breath dispirited lying on the ground, the sternum has collapsed.

The breath of "Ho, Ho" made him feel sad.

"How could that be possible?"

Li Mingze regretted his effort to squeeze out such a sentence.

Mingming just knew something was wrong with Lin Kai, but he even rushed up. He was just trying to kill himself.

Huang Guang looked at Li Mingze, who fell to the ground, and the whole person was stunned.

In his eyes, no one can beat him, but the reality slapped him hard.

"How could that be possible?"

He struggled to get down, but because of chest pain, he fell down from the car uncontrollably.


The intense pain from the chest almost fainted.

"Are you all right?"

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