Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1265

If you have the ability, you can find it by yourself, or you will be disgraced here.

Looking at Lin Kai's scorn, the youth felt angry.

What kind of a thing does he dare to disrespect himself?

I don't know.

The young man snorted coldly and said, "since you are here, you must know the Li family. This is my uncle's house."

When it comes to the Li family, the young man looks as if he is the Li family.

However, as the first family in the East China Sea, Li's family is not only the son of his family, but also some other relatives.

As long as it has something to do with the Li family. They all have this proud capital.

But it's also divided.

If you meet someone like Lin Kai, you will know how to avoid it.

On the contrary, the youth faced the difficulties with the appearance of abandoning Lin Kai.

In fact, he is also very distressed sometimes, and feels that he is very easy to cause trouble.

May be walking in Luping, was stopped, inexplicable a pass of blame.

Sometimes Lin Kai can't help but go back to think, is he a special unfortunate constitution?

With a sigh, he didn't want to waste time with the youth. There was no need.

Seeing Lin Kai leave, how can the youth bear it?

You want to go when you hit yourself?

How could there be such a good thing in the world.

"Stop, you must make amends and apologies!"

The young man held up his head and glared at Lin Kai, thinking that he looked down on himself.

"Don't be too arrogant, or you won't know which day you will die."

Young people in front of him, dial the phone, do not know what to say, a face smile happy.

"Hum, you're finished."

He just needs to stop Lin Kai now. Someone will come to clean him up.

Anyway, there's nothing to do now, Lin Kaile's leisure.

Since some people are willing to spend time with themselves, why not?

Looking at Lin Kai Yi's carefree appearance, the youth only felt that the pain of heart, liver, stomach and kidney was not good.

When he wants to come, it shouldn't be like this.

Normally speaking, Lin Kai should be in a state of fear and uneasiness when he is about to meet a big man in the Li family.

Even more seriously, I have realized my mistake and want to apologize to him.

But what's going on here?

Why doesn't Lin Kai have the slightest fear? He thinks he still has some expectations?

The more I think about him, the more I feel that something is wrong with him and that he has a plot.

"Who are you?"

"It's none of your business."

A word angry young man secretly vowed to teach him a lesson.

Looking at his appearance, the youth lying on the ground, more and more angry, every breath pain straight out of a cold sweat.

Finally, someone came from the Li family. Lin Kai looked at the man and found that he didn't know him.

But it doesn't matter. Most of the people in the Li family know who they are.

"Huang Guang, which bastard beat you like this?"

The man carefully held the young man against the driver's seat.

In addition to him, Lin Kai was the only one present. People naturally believed that he was the murderer.

"What did you do to the yellow light?"

Li Mingze looks at Lin Kai with disdain. A person who doesn't know where to make trouble is qualified to be arrogant here?

As if he did not hear what he said, Lin Kai fiddled with his mobile phone and looked at the information Liu Gen sent him.

I have to say that because of this information, Lin Kai, who was not in a good mood, was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

In addition, there is such a person who does not know what to do to provoke himself. Lin Kai's anger in his heart can be regarded as a window to vent his anger.

"Get out if you don't want to die."

However, it's the Li family. In Li Shengxian's face, he doesn't do much.

However, the opportunity has been given. It depends on how he chooses to seize it.

Li Mingze stares at Lin Kai, always feeling that he looks down on himself.

He shook his head and threw out the strange feeling.

Li Mingze scolded loudly: "apologize to Huang Guang quickly."

"You know, my Li family is not something you can touch at will."

"Killing you in front of me is like killing an ant."

Looking at Li Mingze, Lin Kai feels that it is necessary for him to beat the Li family.

Sometimes it's like a fool who feels that he has a high status and is invincible in the world.

"You can try it."

Lin opened down, staring at them indifferently, and his whole body was bouncing.

Like a dragon, he wakes up from a deep sleep, and his whole body exudes a terrible breath.Li Mingze was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Lin Kaida to have a future.

But for him, it's not a problem.

In the whole East China Sea, there is no one who can offend them.

"Boy, what the hell are you pretending to be?"

"Don't look what you are, you'd better climb over and apologize for me."

"Grass Mud Horse, talk to you. Do you hear me? "

Li Mingze was very angry, because Lin Kai didn't pay any attention to his intention and ignored it directly.

When have you ever been insulted like this?

Li Mingze simply can't accept it.

"Boy, get the hell out of here."

Then he reached out to pull Lin Kai's arm. He hid himself in the past and gave him a kick.

Li Mingze was kicked a stagger, severely hit Huang Guang's body.

What a coincidence to lie on his chest, the pain of the yellow light directly fainted in the past.

"Huang Guang, how are you?"

I patted my face hard, but I didn't wake up.

Li Mingze turned his head and glared: "what did you do to him?"

Lin Kai really felt wronged when he said so.

He was the culprit of his coma, but now he has been beaten.


Leaving behind the cold words, Lin Kai felt that communicating with them was a waste of time.

At this time, he did not go to relax.

"What do you mean? Get the hell out of here

Li Mingze directly rushed to seize Lin Kai's clothes and read them. When he reacted, he felt that the stars had changed. The whole person was dizzy.

After a minute or two, Li Mingze was thrown directly to the ground.


Lying on the ground, the food residue gives off a smell with a little rotten smell.

Some disdainful frowns step back, but in his opinion, Li Mingze is looking down on himself.

"We must teach him a good lesson!"

Li Mingze secretly vowed that Lin Kai would not be arrogant for long.

I was just careless. I won't do it next.

"Just wash your neck and wait."

Li Mingze laughs insidiously, the movement nimbly climbs up from the ground, does not have just that kind of decadent feeling.

"It was just a test to test you, boy. It's OK."

Li Mingze moved his body, and his eyes were like a torch.

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