Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1257

Guo Jie didn't expect Lin kailian to know.

Just think of himself in front of him, swagger, feel a burst of funny.

"You're right. There's a real provocation."

Guo Jie grinned bitterly and felt that he was really trying to kill himself.

"I didn't intend to do this, but after talking to my mistress, her idea made me lose control of myself."

With a sigh, Guo Jie can be said to be regretful.

When he was rescued, he also wanted to get the human skin mask, but finally gave up.

But sometimes people are like this, others a reason, easily convinced themselves.

In fact, he also understood that it was just an excuse for himself by borrowing other people's mouth.

Guo Jie looks at Lin Kai. This time it's his fault. But the matter has come to this point, and there is nothing to say.

"What do you want?"

He looked at Lin Kai like a dead face, hoping that he could let go of himself.

"I don't want to."

Naturally, Lin Kai would not say what he really thought.

"How can you let me go."

Guo Jie understands that Lin Kai's subtext is nothing more than bleeding himself.

With a sigh, he thought he was unlucky.

Who let themselves want things that don't belong to themselves, even if they don't get them, they hurt themselves.

"Ten percent."

Before he came, Lin Kai had already investigated Guo Jie and knew everything in his hands.

It is only 10% of the shares. Compared with his own life, he will give up.

"No way!"

Guo Jie refused if he didn't want to. The 10% shares fell into the hands of others, which had a bad influence on himself.

Although gave also can't threaten oneself, but Guo Jie can't guarantee, Lin Kai won't hand.

Although I don't know his identity and want to buy some shares, it's no problem.

"Don't worry, I won't move your company."

Guo Jie looks at Lin Kai in disbelief and doubts his words.

Whether he believes it or not does not matter to Lin Kai.

"I'll come to get the share transfer tomorrow. I hope you will keep your promise, otherwise I don't mind starting."

Guo Jie hesitated for a long time, closed his eyes and nodded, "OK, I promise you."

What else can he do but promise?

Don't promise can also, waiting for their own is nothing but life hanging on the line.

Just that kind of pain, he really don't want to go through again.

"Thank you, Mr. Guo. I won't bother you any more. Lin is going to leave."

Lin Kai helped him up. He was polite, but he could not see his ferocity.

After seeing Lin Kai leave, Guo Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he thought he was really finished.

Looking at the closed door, Guo Jie struggled to get up and called a number.

Lin Kai stood downstairs of Guojie company, as if waiting for something.

There are many people around, they just saw Lin drive out of the car.

For him to stop here, there is constant suspicion.

"Is he waiting for his girlfriend?"

"How rich. What are you doing in our company?"


Lin Kai turned a deaf ear to those comments.

After feeling the breath of the hidden God, Lin Kai lifted his feet and left.

Busy those people look at Lin Kai in doubt, don't understand what he means.

"How did it turn out?"

"Guo Jie is really related to leiyuan group." Yin Shen reported all the contents he heard to Lin Kai.

"It seems that they are the same."

It has to be said that leiyuan group has great temptation to people.

Even at the beginning, they were dissatisfied with Xu Fu's actions.

But after contacting Lei Yuan group, he changed his mind.

"Keep an eye on them."

Want to come to Lei Yuan Group will contact them, hope to get some useful things.

On the way, Lin Kai looks at the cars passing by the window, thinking about how to solve Lin Yuan.

As for these companies, they can continue to let Tian ran replace them.


Looking at the scenery outside the window, Lin kaileng for a moment, did not expect to come back so soon.

Just opened the door, Li Shengxian rushed over like a koala, hugged him tightly, and didn't let go.

"Brother Lin, the house is haunted. I have searched the whole house but I can't find anyone else."

"I'm really afraid of this crying voice."

Li Shengxian is a big man. The crying women are chirping, looking at Lin Kai for a while speechless.But it is also in this kind of place. Although it is a rich area, there are few people.

In the house of four or five hundred square meters, there are people howling constantly. It sounds really dangerous.

"It's OK. There are only a few people in the basement."

Lin Kai pulls Li Shengxian down from his body and takes him to the basement.

Just opened the door, a few people instantly filled out, Li Shengxian scared.

"You can't run."

Behind came a leisurely and leisurely voice, several people who ran out also stopped because of them.

Looking at several people in Linkai, those people stare at him, and they are afraid.

How can they not be afraid when they wake up and find themselves in this place?

After waiting for so long, I finally came out and ran into the person who caught them.

"Who are you?"

Several people stare at Lin Kai, looking scared and angry.

No matter who wakes up and finds himself in a strange place, how can he not be afraid?

"You broke into my house, don't know who I am?"

Lin was too lazy to talk to them about this matter, and asked Li Shengxian to call the police to take him away.

"You leave me here, and you don't look. They all want to kill me."

Jiang Shen was lying on the sofa lazily. Although he said so, he didn't have the slightest fear.

"Then please come back to the police."

On hearing this, Jiang Shen almost fell off the sofa and quickly waved his hand: "no, no, no, no, it's good."

"You'll be taken tomorrow."

"Not today?"

To be honest, Jiang Shen felt that it was too stressful to drive with Lin, which made him uncomfortable.

"Then go to the garden for the night."

In a word, Jiang Shen couldn't say a word. He was staring at him helplessly.

"Sheng Xian, he will give it to you."

After that, without waiting for two people to oppose, he took a piece of clothes and left with the hidden God.

Leave two people big eye stare small eye, who also does not accept who.

"Sir, won't he attack Li Shengxian?"

To tell the truth, for Li Shengxian's military value, the hidden God is really worried.

"It's good to let him hone. Jiang Shen has a sense of propriety."


Lin was driving with a confused mind and didn't know where to go for a moment.

"What's the matter with you, sir?"

Yin Shen looks at Lin Kai anxiously and feels that his current state is not right.


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