Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1256

"Is it?"

Lin Kai raised his eyes and looked at him coldly. Guo Jie was frightened and in a cold sweat.

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Being stared at by Lin Kai, Guo Jie can hardly hold on.

He constantly admonished himself to keep calm. Once exposed, he would be completely finished.

Although I don't know Lin Kai's identity, I don't think he is an ordinary person.

Otherwise, how do you know that human skin mask, how dare to offend Xu Fu?

But let him doubt, no matter how many contacts he used, there was no information about Lei Yuan group, let alone Xu Fu.

This made him puzzled, and finally felt that most of them were unknown people.

Otherwise, how can you think of using this insidious trick to get something that doesn't belong to you?

"Guo Jie, are you going to explain it yourself or should I do it?"

Lin Kai didn't want to talk nonsense to him. The reason why he sat here to talk to him was just to know more about it, so that he could act on his own in the future.

Guo Jie is also a little unhappy about what he said.

How to say that he is also a big boss of a listed company, he does not know what identity, dare to talk to himself like this?

If it was not for the sake of saving his life, what would he have been entitled to sit here?

Looking impatiently at Lin Kai, Guo Jie wants to be driven away immediately.

What a bad guy.

"What do you want?"

Guo Jie doesn't talk to him. There's no need to pretend.

Now that we've reached this point, we'd better make it clear.

He didn't believe Lin came here just to ask for an explanation.

It's mostly a plot. After all, how can we save so many people?

Looking at Guo Jie's "I see through you" expression, Lin Kai wants to laugh.

I don't know how confident he is from there.

"What do I want?"

Lin said with a smile, "of course it's a statement."

"I want to know what you mean, send someone to my house? That's very brave. "

Lin Kai felt a little sick about his doing so.

Although you don't need to repay each other by pouring water, it's too much to bite the hand that feeds you.

"I'm just trying to protect you."

Guo Jie a "I'm for you" look, said solemnly: "you also know that you have saved many people, they all know that you master the human skin mask."

"It's something that can take the place of a person at any time. Do you think they'll let you go?"

Guo Jie said to Lin Kai earnestly: "it's better for you to give me the things. With my position, they dare not do anything."

"Of course I'll make it up to you. It's good to kill two birds with one stone."

Looking at Guo Jie's appearance, Lin Kai can't help but admire his eloquence.

It was his fault, but now it is for the sake of Lin Kaihao. I have to say that this ability of turning black and white is beyond comparison.

Seeing that Lin Kai didn't speak for a long time, Guo Jie couldn't help asking, "what do you think?"

He felt that there was no need to refuse. He couldn't hold on to that thing as he was.

"How can I promise?"

Lin Kai couldn't help laughing and gave him the things. When the time came, he would do something for the tiger?

Whose company he wants?

That's ridiculous.

Guo Jie Leng for a moment, did not expect Lin meeting to refuse, but a thought, this is also in reason.

It's natural to sell such a powerful thing for a big price.

"If you open the conditions, I will meet them."

Guo Jie waved his hand and said so.

Anyway, he has already thought about it. No matter what Lin Kai says, he will agree.

As for the human skin mask, he will not hesitate to kill Lin Kai.

This kind of thing, only need oneself to have enough.

What if Lin Kai gave it to someone else?

He didn't want his plan to fall short.

What do you think about Guo Jie? Lin Kai guessed one, two, three.

"Are you sure you don't admit it?"

Guo Jie helplessly looks at Lin Kai, but he is still entangled in this matter.

For a moment, his face was a little ugly: "do you promise or not?"

"So what?"

Lin Kai rushes to Guo Jie in an instant. He thinks it's a waste of time to talk nonsense with him.

"Don't you admit it?"

Guo Jie looks at Lin Kai who suddenly appears in front of him in horror. He can't say a word.


Before he finished speaking, he was picked up by Lin Kai and punched him directly in the stomach.How could Guo Jie, who has been well respected and treated well, suffer such a blow?

Although Lin Kai has recovered, Guo Jie is still crying with pain.

"You get the hell out of me!"

He yelled, hoping someone would come.

What he didn't know was that after the forest came in, the hermit God had closed the place, and there would be no sound coming out.

"Let go of you, yes."

Lin Kai showed his white teeth, shining in the sun.

When Guo Jie thought he was ok, the whole person suddenly hung in the air.

Looking at the foot, just like ants general crowd and vehicles, scared him to death grasp Lin Kai's hand, dare not let go.

Trembling voice, fear called: "help me up, you quickly help me up!"

He let go and fell on his own and it was over.

"Are those people yours?"

"It's mine. It's mine." Guo Jie admitted in a loud voice that he was afraid that he would be finished if he was not careful.

Lin Kai smiles and throws Guo Jie into the corner.

"Bang" a sound, listen to feel flesh ache.

He was lying on the ground and didn't recover for a long time.

The whole head was dizzy, legs and feet were soft, and could not stand up at all.

After a while, he finally recovered: "what do you want?"

He stares at Lin Kai in horror, feeling that his initial speculation is wrong.

How can I offend such a great evil spirit.

It's also because he is so obsessed with his mind that he can completely control Lin Kai.

Don't think to be able to save them, but also dare to expose the human skin mask, naturally there are enough cards.

"Please, leave me alone."

Guo Jie begged to look at Lin Kai. He really knew he was afraid.

"Let you go?"

Lin Kai looked at him suspiciously: "aren't you going to kill me? How can I let you go? "

In a word, Guo Jie's face turned pale. Unexpectedly, Lin Kai realized his idea.

Fall on the ground, there is no longer the previous high.

"Go ahead, what's the relationship with leiyuan group?"

Lin Kai doesn't believe that he will take the initiative to challenge himself. Most of the time, there are some people behind him.

As for the reason, Guo Jie is not a fool, will provoke a person who does not know his identity?

What's more, Lin Kai also blows up Guo Jie. Let's see if he knows something.

"How do you know?"

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