Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1212

Then he turned to look at Lin Kai and said, "brother Lin, let him go."

"I can't need your help all my life. I want to learn to be independent."

"This time, I was impulsive. Not in the future. "

His eyes sincere said: "you can rest assured, I will defeat him!"

He is also a descendant of the Li family. He doesn't believe it. How could he lose to Li Haoxian?

It used to be that he didn't try his best, but now he won't.

He has repented and is no longer himself.

Li Haoxian is powerful, but he does not think that he is much weaker than him.

The reason for this is just a lack of training.

Li Haoxian is a good target. If he can defeat him, he can learn a lot from it.

Li Lin won't say that.

Since he is willing to learn, he naturally has to promise him.

It will be ok if something happens and you are here.

"You have to take care of yourself."

"Yes, lingo." Li Shengxian nodded and agreed.

Looking at Li Haoxian fainting on the sofa, he is just a few feet.

The future is the future.

Now, it's up to you to teach him a lesson and to be evil.

Watching Li Shengxian's action, Lin Kai and Huang Tianshi observed Li Haoxian's silence for three minutes.

It was not easy for Li Shengxian to be tired, so he was spared Li Haoxian.

I called the Li family and asked them to come and pick up the person.

Naturally, Li Haoxian provoked Lin Kai and was beaten. Otherwise, Li Shengxian would be in bad luck.

After seeing him off, Li Shengxian felt exhausted.

"It's all over." Lin Kai patted Li Shengxian on the shoulder.

"Yes, it's all over."

He clenched his fist tightly and swore in his heart that if he met the mother and daughter again, they would pay the price!

"Ringo, go out?" The more he thought about it, the more irritable he became.

"Let's go."

Lin Kai casually picked up the coat on the sofa and put it on. He also wanted to go out for a walk. It was too tiring to be with this old fool.

The two people in Li's family have no idea when they arrive.

"Lingo, I think your clothes are always in those colors. No, let's change colors?"

"Whatever you want."

Lin Kai, who was pulled in by Li Shengxian, was forced to look at his colorful clothes for himself.

He did not understand, a big man, how so keen on shopping?

"Bring me the clothes from the man's hand."

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Which gentleman has already made a reservation."

"Is it?"

With the sound of a burst of high-heeled shoes, a voice with a little sarcasm sounded: "isn't this Mr. Li? Why are you being taken care of now

They could not help laughing, regardless of Li Shengxian's face.

Li Shengxian looked at the two people, but didn't expect to see them again so soon.

Thinking of what Li Haoxian said before, Li Shengxian only felt angry in his heart.

"Nature can't compare with you. Thousands of people ride and ten thousand sleep."

"Li's dog, also learned to bite people?"

The young woman, dressed in a tight cheongsam to her thighs, walked to Li Shengxian in front of her in a disdainful manner.

"Li Shengxian, did you forget what you looked like in front of your aunt? What about you, if you want to go, kneel down for me! "

Ji Rou looks at Li Shengxian with a smile. Those who don't know think this is a gentle person.

"How can I be kept by a man and not kneel down to our wives?"

Jirou's mother Huang Yue disdained to smile: "you don't forget, at that time you, but very enjoy it."

She went to Li Shengxian and touched his chest and said, "I don't mind doing it again. Aren't you very happy?"

Looking at Huang Yue who winks at himself, Li Shengxian just feels sick.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands!" He stepped back a few steps, the disdain on his face was obvious.

"Do you dare to let me go?"

Ji Rou is very angry. No man dares to talk to her like this.

"Li Shengxian, do you think you are good? Isn't it time for me to kneel down and beg for mercy

"Who cried and said," let your aunt give it to you? "

Ji Rou looks at Li Shengxian with a smile, but her words can make people angry.

"You also know that my aunt is the most kind-hearted. I'll let you dance, kowtow and give it to you?"

"Don't worry. As long as you are my dog, I will give you as much as you want."What she meant when she said this, naturally, it was self-evident to those present.

Even Huang Yue also said, "how many people in the East China Sea want to spend the Spring Festival night with our mother and daughter, but there is no such blessing."

Looking at their elated appearance, Li Shengxian only felt sick.

For a long time with them, Li Shengxian was afraid.

He was afraid that he would get sick. More than half of the men with good reputation in the whole East China Sea had slept with them.

Looking at Li Shengxian's dislike, Ji Rou is not angry.

It's just a waste of the Li family. What's the right to give them a look here?

What a shame!

"Li Shengxian, I tell you, from now on, you will be my aunt's dog. You can do whatever you want. If you don't let me torture you, it's a bad day."

"Shut up

They repeatedly mentioned that day, Li Shengxian would like to kill them on the spot.

In other words, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, in the case of being drugged and teased, there are really few people who can persist in it.

He had to give in, or his life would be over.

"Li Shengxian, is your aunt used to you?"

Say Ji Rou does not want to want to reach out to hit Li Shengxian, but was caught by his arm.

"Why, want to kiss Fangze?"

Ji Rou threw a flattering eye and had to say that she did have this capital.

Just such a wink, most men see, the body is crisp half.

This is precisely because of this, the company of mother and daughter is thriving in the East China Sea.

Even though they have offended many people, many things will not be settled if they have more men who let them sleep and can talk to anyone.

"Li Shengxian, you let me go!"

Ji Rou stares at him fiercely, and is very angry.

It's just a plaything under your skirt. Now you've learned to contradict yourself?

"Believe it or not? Get down on your knees and apologize

"Otherwise you will be tortured to death."

Huang Yue saw his daughter was caught, while Li Shengxian didn't react, he slapped him directly.

"Let my daughter go, or let your father have a good look at Mr. Li. He has the potential to be a chicken."

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