Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1211

"Shut up

Li Shengxian yelled, not daring to see Lin Kai's expression.

I'm afraid to see the disdain and disgust on their faces.

He never thought that he would recall that humiliating memory.

In fact, Li Haoxian was right. Before meeting Lin Kai, he was an ant under his feet.

One finger can kill himself if he wants to.

At that time, because I contradicted him.

His brother, Li Haoxian, sent people to give him medicine.

Those violent aphrodisiac, he simply can not bear, the whole person is going to torture crazy.

He cried and begged for mercy.

But what about Li Haoxian?

As if I didn't see it, I drank wine and enjoyed his crying.

He thought he was going to die.

But I didn't expect Li Haoxian to tie himself up and find two women.

The two women he knew.

They are famous socialists in the East China Sea. Their dream is to sleep in the upper class of the whole East China Sea.

Which day of their own, no resistance.

Even if you don't have to tease them, you can't help it.

But they didn't want to let go of themselves and torment him.

Almost choked him to death.

He didn't know how long the ordeal lasted. He only remembered that he had been lying in the hospital for a month after he woke up.

Now Li Haoxian suddenly mentioned that memory, Li Shengxian even returned to the scene of which day.

"Oh, you go away and don't touch me."

He opened Lin's outstretched hand and looked at them vaguely, as if they were the mother and daughter that day.

When Li Haoxian saw him like this, he had a happy smile on his face.

Just such a waste, and you want to fight with yourself?

That's ridiculous.

Looking at Li Shengxian who is crazy, Lin Kai beats him out directly.

He is in some wrong state of mind and can no longer accept the stimulation of Li Haoxian.

Li Haoxian, who was originally laughing on the sofa, saw that Lin Kaikai was walking towards him step by step, and he stepped back a step in fear.

Stupefied for a moment, as if just reacted, staring at Lin Kai fiercely.

He's not afraid of him.

Is not Jiulongshan people, if they are also, he can be so arrogant?

I don't have a strong background, but what about that?

He Li Haoxian as if to revenge, dare to offend him, then wait for death.

"What did you do to him?"

What exactly did Li Shengxian go through at the beginning to make him hear that he mentioned it, and then he became like this?

"What are you? Can you manage it? " Li Haoxian sneered scornfully and turned his head directly.

"Is it?"

Lin Kai did not hesitate to punch him in the stomach.

The pain made him hunch back and spurt out a big mouthful of food and blood.

"Don't say so, do you?"

Holding his fingers, Lin's smiling face is gentle, but for Li Haoxian, it is really incomparable fear.

Before he could say anything, he felt a "click" from his fingers.

Without waiting for him to react and feel pain, another "click" sound was heard on his other finger.

Lin Kai was like this. Before he could cry for pain, he broke his fingers one by one.

Ten fingers linked to one heart, the pain of breaking fingers can be imagined.

But for Li Haoxian, he has been numb.

He couldn't even feel himself, the presence of two hands, a very numb feeling.

The whole body has been soaked in cold sweat, he wants to leave, but the pain is so painful that he can't even make a slight movement.

"Don't you really say that?"

Lin Kai touched his fingers intentionally or unintentionally. He even felt that he was suffering from the pain of breathing.

"I I won't tell you! Tomorrow you'll find out! "

Li Haoxian almost from the teeth inside, squeeze out this sentence to fly.

He is really too painful, leaning on the sofa, breathing big mouth, trying to ease this kind of crying.

But as soon as he thought of tomorrow, Li Shengxian was completely finished, and suddenly felt that it was no big deal to suffer now.

"Do you think you can send it out tomorrow?"

Lin Kai called Kang Kai in front of him and told him directly that recently, any news about Li Shengxian must be intercepted to prevent them from appearing in the eyes of the public.

Listening to the clear voice of Kang Kai in the mobile phone, Li Haoxian seems to have lost all his energy just like a ball that has let out his breath.

Naturally, he knows about Kangkai's blue sky technology.If he was there, those things would not help if they were sent out by themselves.

"Cruel enough

Li Haoxian stares at Lin Kai fiercely and wishes to tear him into pieces.

why does he appear here!

It's all because of him. Everything he owns is taken away by Li Shengxian.

All this should be his!

He thought crazily, as long as Lin Kai disappeared, everything would be back on track.

What people from Jiulong Mountain?

So what?

He is good, but he is not bad.

In such a short time, Li Haoxian's mind, has grown out of several ways to get rid of Lin Kai.

Lin Kai doesn't know what he thinks, even if he knows, he won't care.

If he really has this ability, it is that he is incompetent and will die if he dies.

"Why, trying to kill me?"

Lin Kai looks at Li Haoxian, grabs his wrist and twists it fiercely. His whole arm is twisted in an incredible posture.


Li Haoxian yelled, and the whole person fainted in pain.

For a moment, he could even feel clearly that the bones and tendons were popping in his body.

"It's useless."

It was not until Li Haoxian fainted that Huang Tianshi appeared.

Looking at Li Haoxian, who was still shaking in his coma, he had to talk about it. Lin opened his hand, but it was not light.

"What are you going to do?" He looked at the two brothers on the sofa and sighed.

Families like them, either you die or I live. Even if they are brothers, they can't coexist peacefully.

"Let Li Shengxian deal with it."

They don't know what Li Haoxian did to him.

In that case, let him decide for himself.

However, as long as the people arranged by Li Haoxian send those photos, they will know.

After waking up Li Shengxian, he looked at Li Haoxian on the side and did not speak for a long time. His silent appearance was completely different from his usual appearance.

Lin Kai and they did not speak, quietly accompanied him.

After a while, Li Shengxian rushed to Li Haoxian like crazy, slapped him in the face, and hit him directly.

"You wait for me, I will defeat you openly sooner or later!"

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