Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1199

"You are the slut

Alu is not a fool. Naturally, she can't stand still.

Xu Jia just moved her position.

Because elor moved her position, she didn't stop her car and nearly fell into a dog's mouth.

"You dare to harm me!"

Xu Yujia maliciously AI lu'er: "you dare to harm me, you are finished!"

"What have I done to you?"

Two people tit for tat, no one will bow.

"I tell you, you're dead today." Xu Yujia stares at Ai lu'er fiercely.

She has never been treated like this. Who can see that she is not servile?

You want to kneel and lick her?

If this woman dares to disobey herself, she must not be let go!

When the two dogs bit the dog, Aiping followed a middle-aged man, chatting and laughing.

Seeing the two of them, Aiping was stunned and then said with a smile, "I didn't expect that they two knew each other."

When Xu Yujia saw Xu Fu beside AI Ping, he immediately rushed over: "Dad, that cheap woman bullied me, you want to kill her for me!"

It's just her and ELU. You don't have to know who she's talking about.

Xu Fu looked at Ai Ping awkwardly and said with a smile, "it's normal for girls to have conflicts. Just apologize and make up."

Now Aiping has taken over the Li family. The headquarters is looking up to him. Don't offend him.

AI Ping also went to AI lu'er and said, "go and apologize to Miss Xu."

"She said in a low voice, close to her ear:" this is not to use people, can not afford to offend. "

When Aiping said this, ailu'er's face became ugly.

If other people are OK to say that, it is from the headquarters, and they can't afford to offend them.

But how can you make her swallow this bad breath?

Before AI lu'er could speak, Xu Yujia broke out: "why should I apologize to that Slut? What kind of thing is he that dares to rob a man from me

Hearing Xu Yujia say so, AI Ping's face is a little ugly.

What's the difference between scolding her daughter so much and scolding herself?

Xu Fu was stunned for a moment, and apologized to Aiping in a hurry: "children's family is not covered up. Don't worry about it."

He has said that, if he cares about it, he will only appear small.

Even if AI Ping is uncomfortable in his heart, he can only smile and say it's OK. Who makes him an elder.

However, Xu Yujia was not willing to, pointing to AI lu'er, with a look of indignation: "I don't care, she has the courage to rob a man from me, I won't let him get better!"

"Yujia, shut up." Xu Fu can't be angry. If he's usually boisterous, let's make a fuss. I don't want to see what the occasion is today.

"I don't!"

Xu Yujia red eyes at pointing to Lin Kai: "I want him, he saved me, I want to make a promise."

Hearing his daughter's words, Xu Fu has a headache.

"It won't work."

What qualifications does such a man of unknown origin have to marry his own daughter?

"Mr. Lin?"

AI Ping didn't expect that the man in Xu Yujia's mouth was Lin Kai.

But on second thought, it is inevitable.

He also wanted to marry Ariel to Linkai, but it was impossible.

"Do you know?"

"A friend." AI Ping brief introduction, nature about Lin Kai's identity, he did not disclose half points.

After listening to AI Ping's introduction, Xu Fu looks at Lin Kai seriously.

It has to be said that a good-looking person can naturally attract his daughter.

But that's not enough.

"What do you do, young man?"

Xu Fu looked up and down at Lin Kai, thinking in his heart how to let his daughter give up on him.

"Dad, I'm going to marry him!"

Xu Yujia pointed to Lin Kai and said in a loud voice, "you must marry me, and stay away from this fox spirit!"

"In the future, you can only love me alone, and you can't be involved with other women!"


Xu Yujia said a lot, in a word, that is, if Lin Kai doesn't marry her, he should be beaten by the sky.

"Sorry, I have no plans to get married."

It's a girl in the end. Lin Kai is afraid of her face.

But this is not the case when you hear Xu Fu's ears.

"You look down on my daughter?"

Xu Fu can't be angry. His precious daughter, who has been raised to such a big age, is he able to dislike it?

AI Ping almost couldn't help laughing when he heard Xu Fu's words.

To tell you the truth, he doesn't deserve it.It's a great blessing to sleep with Lin for one night. I dare to marry him. I'm joking.

But naturally, he would not say these words.

Xu Fu looked at Lin Kai angrily and said, "boy, you must marry my daughter!"

"It doesn't matter what you do. In the future, the family name of Xu can be used."

"As for the fact that you usually look after your husband and raise your children at home, if you can work well, you can make money to support your family."

"It's a blessing that you've cultivated in your life to be able to occupy our Xu family. You should know how to be contented."

Hearing Xu Fu's big words, Yin Shen was ready to move.

It's a crime to insult Lin Kai like this.

AI Ping and AI lu'er, looking pale at Lin Kai, are afraid that they will be implicated if they are not careful.

He was just trying to kill himself. He could even say that Lin Kai was in trouble.

He didn't look at his identity and threatened Lin Kai. He was really impatient.

Aiping looked at Lin Kai, silently stepped back two steps and said, "Mr. Lin, we met for the first time today."

It's not easy for him to clear the relationship with Xu Fu. He is a company in the end, so we can't go too far.

But Lin Kai, he can't afford to offend him.

This is a big man from Jiulong Mountain.

Xu Fu looks at Ai Ping with a puzzled look and doesn't understand why he said so.

He wanted to say something, but he was stopped by Aiping: "don't say it."

In the end, Aiping couldn't help but cut in.

After all, if something happens to Xu Fu, the headquarters may send someone to investigate.

If you discover this kind of behavior, you won't let yourself go.

"There's something I can't say." Xu Fu glared at Ai Ping and thought that he looked down on himself.

However, he is just a little rookie who has nothing to do. It is his great honor to enter their Xu family.

"Well, you Well, let's do it. "

AI Ping sighed and didn't say anything more. In any case, he had already been reminded when he entered. If he didn't listen, he would not be able to control himself.

Now, it's up to him to choose.

"What do you mean?"

Xu Fu stares at Ai Ping and will settle accounts with him later.

"What do you think, boy?" Xu Fu set his posture very high.

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