Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1198

"It doesn't matter."

Lin laughs and looks out of the window. Lin Qianqian can do anything.

I just think of her as a sister.

Grow up, wings hard, have their own ideas, nature is no problem.

He was a little uncomfortable, just because she knew the news of Lei Yuan group, but she didn't tell herself.

He has wasted too much time in order to find Lei Yuan group.

For such a long time, he still did not have any news about Linyuan, which made him a little upset.

I think so. Lin Yuan is not a fool. Naturally, he can't wait for himself to come.

Maybe he's hiding in that corner, laughing at him.

But it doesn't matter.

He turned over half of the East China Sea. I don't mind turning over the rest.

It's just trouble.

Hidden God looks at Lin Kai like this, in the heart is very dissatisfied with Lin Qianqian.

He seldom saw what a gentleman would do for a woman.

If her husband didn't want to touch her, she would have died many times.

"How are you doing?"

"There are already six companies. In addition to Zhangye, I am also investigating Aiping."

Yin Shen hesitated and said: "during the investigation, I found that there are some people in the Li family who are in contact with the people of leiyuan group."

He knows that because of Li Shengxian's relationship, Lin Kai is still good for the Li family.

"I see."

Lin Kai doesn't feel anything. It's normal.

Such a big family as the Li family is full of good and bad people. Even Li Chengjia can't know everything about what happened.

In the East China Sea, the Li family can be nothing but the first and foremost existence. How can Lin Yuan let go?

It's just because Li Chengjia is not willing to disperse the shares of the Li family.

But some fish and shrimps below don't think so.

They can't eat meat, so they have to find a way to eat it.

As for them, they can't make waves.

"Let that old man look after Li Chengjia for me."

As long as Li Chengjia is still the leader of the Li family, those people can only hold back.



Before Yin Shen's words were finished, he was interrupted by Li Shengxian's voice.

"Lingo, this is the invitation from blue sky technology. You are invited to the party tonight."

He was not at all interested in things like banquets.

"Push it."

"Lingo, I'll be there today, too."

"For what?"

"It is said that there are important people from leiyuan group. Let me inform you."

"I see."

Lin Yuan sighed and rubbed his eyebrows.

To be honest, he didn't have much interest in that kind of occasion.

Li Shengxian was about to say something else. He was glared at by the hidden God and left in a hurry.

"Sir, why don't we just get people here?"

Yin Shen knows that Lin Kai hates trouble, but it's not sure whether he can talk to that person at the party.

"Alu knows how to do it."


All afternoon, Lin Kai was lying on the bed, motionless, like a corpse.

If it wasn't for the slight fluctuation of his chest, Li Shengxian would have called the police.

"Lingo, let's go."

Li Shengxian handed Lin Kai the gray stripe three piece suit in his hand. Knowing that he hated banquets, his clothes would not be prepared.

Put on his clothes, Li Shengxian felt that if he were a woman, he would be crazy for Lin Kai.

This suit shows his figure perfectly.

Long legs bee waist, the perfect golden ratio, any woman to see, will be crazy about it.

Lin Kai took a look at his clothes. He was not used to it. He preferred loose clothes.

"Don't do that next time."

Li Shengxian nodded and said nothing.

When they arrived at the party, they were taken away by alul, who was standing at the door.

"Mr. Lin, people from leiyuan group's headquarters will come today because of the cooperation with the Li family."

"I didn't mention a word about you. Just go with Li Shengxian at that time."

Eluer simply told them about the situation, as for the person in charge of what character, she is not clear.

With the passage of time, more and more people are in the hall, which makes it very lively.

"I'll call you when someone comes."

As soon as eluer was about to leave, she was hit hard by a woman.

Seven or eight centimeters high-heeled shoes, step on the foot, he was so hit, naturally did not stand firm, directly fell in Lin Kai's arms."You shameless fox!"

The woman angrily tugged at her and pulled her out of Linkai's arms.

If Li Shengxian had not helped her, the whole person would have fallen.

"You bitch, Linkai is mine. Get out of here!"

The woman glared at aluil, as if she wanted to tease her.

Ariel was already angry because of her sudden movements.

Now she insults herself, how can she bear it?

"What are you to speak to me?"

Without hesitation, aluil slapped the woman in the face.

Bullying her, ALU, is really a dead end thing.

"Brother Lin, she hit me?"

That woman said to want to fall Lin Kai's arms, but he was hiding in the past.

"I don't know you."

Lin opened her mind to distance herself from the woman. It was the perfume smell on her body. It was too smelly.

"What do you mean, brother Lin?"

The woman stares at him with a look of hurt, as if Lin Kai is a heartless man.

"Do you hear me?" "Mr. Lin doesn't know you at all. Don't be so shy as to get close to you here."

What's the woman's idea, elor, that's clear.

I just want to get on with Lin Kai and hold my thighs.

"Did you really forget me?"

The woman's face was hurt, tears fell down her cheek: "which day you saved me, I'm Xu Yujia, did you forget?"

She repeated that day with tears in her eyes. After hearing this, Lin Kai understood what was going on.

The girl was saved by her own hero. I didn't expect to remember it for so long.

"Sorry, I don't know you well."

But it's just a matter of hand, there's no need to keep in mind.

"Brother Lin, will you stay with me?"

Xu Yujia wants to go to Lalin to open his arm, but he is hidden.

"Brother Lin, do you hate me so much?" Looking at Lin Kai, Xu Yujia feels that a heart has been thrown to the ground.

"Is it because of the fox spirit?"

She gritted her teeth and pointed to ailu'er and said, "you give me brother Lin back, or I'll kill you!"

"You can try it!" There was no such thing as a look on her face. She wasn't really scared!

"You cunt

Xu Yujia said, just like a calf, hit AI lu'er fiercely.

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