Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1191

"You and I are not friends."

Zhang Xue would like to get rid of Li Qiang immediately.

She talked to the male god, with her means, fly to the branches and become Phoenix, which is just around the corner.

She even had some fantasies about the life of a powerful family in the future.

Thinking of that, she couldn't help but feel the surge of her heart.

When she said that, Li Qiang understood.

With her, this is to climb the high branch, do not need him this impoverished flower protector.

"Zhang Xue, you whore, you special play labor!"

Li Qiang couldn't be angry, and his chest was constantly fluctuating, hoping to kill her on the spot.

With their own time, strong brother called that a kiss.

Now you don't need it. You say you don't know yourself? You want to kick yourself?

When a whore and a archway, she should take all the good things in the world?

"That little white face, I tell you, this woman is not a good thing!"

"Do you know what she used to do with me? Don't know me, what a joke

All the words said, he Li Qiang is not shameless.

Since she is unkind, don't blame yourself.

He did not embellish, Zhang Xue in recent years let himself do things, one does not fall out.

Listening to Li Qiang's words, Zhang Xue's heart was raised directly for fear that Lin Kai might misunderstand himself.

After listening to his words, Zhang's father's face was livid. In front of his own face, he slandered his daughter. When he was dead?

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't think you are a good thing!"

If it was not for Zhang Xue, Zhang's father would like to go over and kill him.

In the hearts of all fathers, their daughter is always the best.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin. It's a nuisance to you. "

Zhang Xue sideways his head and wipes tears on his face, creating a weak but strong influence.

Looking at the two dogs biting the dog, Lin Kai thought it was funny.

"Mr. Lin, don't be upset about it."

Zhang Xue looked at her wrongly: "all blame me, harm your mood is not good."

People who don't know think it's a coquetry between lovers.

"Sorry, I don't know you. There's no bad mood."

Lin Kai a word, directly let Zhang Xue's expression, stiff in the face, looks funny and funny.

When Li Qiang heard him say this, he couldn't help laughing: "Zhang Xue, you stinky bitch, arrogant?"

"Who are you scolding?"

Zhang Xueqi cried out and rushed directly.

Seeing that his daughter was beaten, Zhang's father couldn't sit back and ignore him.

Following the group of Taiji old men, they rushed in together.

Looking at the group, Lin Kai naturally gave full play to the fine nature of the five good youth and called the police uncle.

He believed that the police uncle would take care of it.

Hang up the phone, Lin Kai looks at them and turns away.

I have to say, seeing such a farce, Lin Kai is in a better mood.

"Hidden God, how is Zha?"

Yin Shen said with some shame: "two families have been investigated, and the rest are still being verified one by one."

His speed is too slow. Mr. a entrusted this task to him yesterday, but now there are only two families. I'm really ashamed of your teaching.

If Lin Kai knew what he thought, he would laugh.

In such a large East China Sea, with limited information, it is not a small number of companies that have cooperation with leiyuan group.

Lin Kai had planned to wait for a while, but he didn't expect that Yin Shen would find out so soon.

"Good job. I'll go back and give you a holiday."

In the face of Lin Kai's praise, Yin Shen felt embarrassed and scratched his head.

But the heart is a little jubilant, if the three of them know that they have been praised by their husband, they may be jealous.

"Now that it's found out, let's go."

It's a good time to have a rest. You can exercise your muscles and bones.

"Yes, sir."

Take a random taxi and go straight to the nearest one.

Squinting at the towering buildings, we have to say that leiyuan group is really rich.

That is, to invest in a small company, it will be hundreds of millions at will.

However, it has to be said that some of the people under Lin Yuan are still good, with unique vision.

The Internet can be said to be the key support object in the future, let alone in the rapid development of science and technology today.

Investment in a technology company can be said to be a big profit.

Let alone invest in a company that develops chat and game software.When they went in to get ready to go upstairs, they were politely stopped by the front desk lady: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

By comparing the two chapters, Lin Kai thinks that Wang Kang's company, regardless of its scale, is still inferior to this company in many places,

"excuse me, I'll call you Mr. Kang, my name is Lin Kai."

"Just a moment, please. I'll ask the secretary."

The front desk took two people to the side of the sofa to rest, and quickly poured water for them.

After waiting for two minutes, the front desk came and respectfully said: Hello, Mr. Lin, Mr. Kang asked you to go up, please follow me.

The front desk takes them to the top floor by elevator.

"I'm sorry, I can't enter here. The innermost room is Mr. Kang's. I'm sorry for the trouble. "

The front desk made a deep bow to him and took the elevator down.

Looking at the silent top floor, I have to say that Kang always enjoys it.

Apart from his office and a meeting room, the rest of the place is a leisure place, and a swimming pool has been built.

"Let's go."

Lin Kai enjoyed the famous painting last time and walked slowly to the inside.

Mr. Kang's vision is good. Of course, his financial resources are OK, but he won't hang up here for many famous paintings.

The door of the office was opened as soon as there was a knock on the door.

A genteel man in his thirties, dressed in a linen three piece suit, opened the door: "Mr. Lin, please come in."

After he inquired about their taste, he ground their coffee himself.

"President Kang still needs to do it by himself?"

Kanglai looked at him and said with a smile, "I'm a person who can't stay idle."

"Besides, don't you think hand ground coffee is better?"

"Of course."

They were drinking coffee and talking quietly, just like a pair of old friends who had known each other for many years.

"Mr. Lin is really erudite, and Kangkai admires him."

Kang Kai did not expect that Lin Kai's knowledge reserve was so rich.

Even those who have galloped in the market for many years, few of them can talk to him for so long.

People always want to make friends with people who are similar to themselves.

Conkey is no exception.

It's good to have such a friend who accompanies his chatting all over the world.

"I think Mr. Lin is very suitable to be my friend."

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