Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1190

Linkai squatted down and pressed her chin in his hand, forcing her to look up at himself.

Looking at his deliberately weak appearance, he couldn't help but smile and ask, "what can you promise?"

When he asked, Yang Qian's face was happy and felt that Lin Kai had agreed.

She said that few men can avoid their own tears.

You know, in order to make her cry more beautiful, she has studied for a long time.

With a tight fist, Yang Qian forced herself not to be too happy.

She slightly lowered her head, a pair of shy things, showing a slender neck: "hate, you don't know ah, anything can."

Looking at her coquettish appearance, Lin Kai felt sick for a while.

Releasing the hand holding her chin, Linkai stood up, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and carefully wiped each finger clean.

He did it like a loud slap in her face.

Leng Leng looked at Lin Kai, Yang Qian full of expectation asked: "you What does that mean? "

"I think your eyes should be donated to those in need."

"Ah?" Yang Qian for a time did not react to come over, so Leng Leng looking at Lin Kai.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is just like a flower maniac, watching Lin Kai salivate.

"I don't see. I think you're dirty?"

Lin Kai's words, like a sharp knife, fiercely pierced into Yang Qian's heart.

In a moment, her face turned pale and sat on the ground for half a day without reaction.

"If I have something else to do, I'll go first."

Lin Kai then threw the handkerchief directly on Yang Qian's head.

"You son of a bitch!" Yang Qian roared angrily and rushed over without thinking.

As a result, Lin Kai held his head directly and couldn't move.

"Don't challenge my bottom line?"

If she didn't want to do it directly in public, Lin Kai would have been abolished by her.

It was not until Yang Qianlin sat on the ground.

For a moment, she felt like she was dying.

The noon sun sprinkles on the body warm, only Yang Qian is full of cold.

Lin Kai stretched out his hand with some enjoyment, and the sunshine fell on his hand, making people feel happy.

Looking at people coming and going along the way, Lin Kai seldom has a leisurely mood to walk around.

Recently, because of the leiyuan group, he was a little nervous.

In the park, under the shade of green trees, uncle and aunt play Tai Chi and stroll.

Lin Kai is also following a group of masters, playing Tai Chi slowly.

"Oh, no, stop it."

Lin Kai looked up doubtfully and continued to follow the movements of the great men and play Tai Chi together.

"Stop it, do you hear me?"

"What are you shouting, young man?" An old man was full of anger and roared: "we have practiced well. When you shout, your breath is disordered and something goes wrong, you should pay for it!"

Being called by the old man, the man was not happy for a moment.

"You think I want to shout!"

The man, with a look of being wronged, went to Lin Kai and pointed to him and said, "you don't have a look. What kind of thing is he playing? He has the face to play Taiji here. It's embarrassing."

Said to Lin Kai "bah" a sound, spit a mouthful of phlegm.

"It's none of your business to fight as many boys as they like."

Your uncle deserves to be your uncle. He did not hesitate to go back.

"There are so many kinds of Taiji that you all know."

Say a few big ye to protect Lin Kai in the middle: "young man, don't be afraid, you fight against it."

"You belong to Wu family."

An old man said with a smile, "it's hard and soft, relaxed and natural, good and good"

Lin Kai was surprised that the old man could recognize him.

After all, most people, in order to keep fit, study most of Chen's.

Seeing that Lin Kai was chatting with them, the man felt jealous.

All this should be his!

It's his happy chat with his future father-in-law!

"You little three, you get out of here!"

He rushes to Lin Kai, but is dodged by Lin Kai.

On the contrary, it was he who fell down on the ground because he had no time to react.

"I'm going to kill you!"

He got up from the ground and rushed to Linkai without thinking about it. However, he was stopped by an angry female voice.

"Li Qiang, what do you want to do?"

Then a thin figure rushed to Lin Kai in front of him, looking like a calf protector.

"Li Qiang, I tell you, don't come to my father. I've told you countless times that I don't like you!""You don't like me. Who do you like?" Li Qiang stares at Zhang Xue angrily.

"Do you like this little white face?" Li Qiang pointed to Lin Kai and said in a loud voice, "what's the use of him? You know him? Because how many times have you met him? On what basis

Li Qiang's jealousy is going crazy. Why does the goddess, who has been thinking for a long time, like a man who hasn't seen him several times?

He is not reconciled!

Why can't he work so hard?

He wants Lin Kai to die!

Lin Kai looked at the farce and didn't know what was going on.

However, it is obvious that this is the back of the black pot.

As for the girl, he doesn't know her at all.

What more about the male junior in Li Qiang's mouth?

Zhang Xue seems to see Lin Kai's doubts, blushing and embarrassed to look at him: "sorry Mr. Lin, caused you trouble."

"I know you don't know me. I'm from Miss Lin Qianqian's company."

"You can rest assured that I will take care of it."

Zhang Xue is not a silly woman. Lin Kai has something to do with Lin Qianqian.

She was not stupid enough to disclose all this before she got Lin Kai.

Otherwise, Lin Qianqian's means alone would have killed him countless times.

But who wants his own plan, has not started to implement, was this fool to bump into.

Of course, she knows that Li Qiang likes himself, but she doesn't have the slightest affection for people like him.

It's just a tool to use.

At the same time, she took this opportunity to let Lin Kai see her grievance.

"Li Qiang, I know you like me, but why do you follow me?"

"Please stay away from me, then."


Zhang Xue looks like a pear blossom with rain. Zhang's father and several old men beside him can't bear it.

Li Qiang lenglengleng looking at Zhang Xue, completely do not understand, how things become this pair of appearance?

"Zhang Xue, what do you mean?"

Li Qiang was eager to eat people: "what's wrong with me following you? I did it for you! Don't be ungrateful

"Now, for the sake of a white face?"

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