Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1179

"I see."

Lin Kai nodded and agreed, but it was just a small matter.

Seeing his promise, Lin Qianqian was relieved.

To tell you the truth, she is really not sure whether Lin Kai Hui will help her. After all, to tell the truth, the two of them have not reached that level.

"My dear brother Lin, do you like people?"

Lin Qianqian draws a circle on Lin Kai's chest with one hand, and her smiling face is brilliant.

When she said this, Lin Kai became stiff and held her hand tightly.

"Why, do you want to agree with me?"

"Of course, no problem. Why don't we just have tonight?"

Lin Qianqian finish, if not because of the thought that there are still people following her, Lin Kaizhen wants to let go.

Seeing Lin Kai's gloomy face, Lin Qianqian couldn't help laughing.

It's really interesting. There are not many men like him now.

Now that I've been met by myself, it's natural that the potential will be won.

No matter from that point of view, it is the best choice to stay with Lin.

As for Lin Qianqian's thoughts, if Lin Kai knew her, she would definitely regret helping her.

"The man is gone. Let go."

Lin Kai pulled Lin Qianqian out of his arms and sniffed the perfume on his body. His face was a bit ugly.

"Don't use these things in the future. It smells bad."

Leave such a sentence, Lin Kai turns to leave.

Lin Qianqian Leng for a while, just react to come over, what he said is.

"Ha ha ha ha." Lin Qianqian smile stomachache, did not expect Lin Kai so sultry.

Listening to the laughter coming from behind, Lin Kai's feet were in a mess and almost hit a tree.


All of a sudden, a girl's voice rang out. When he approached Linkai, he saw something and turned to himself.

Lin Kai, who didn't want to think about it, took a step to the side. Unexpectedly, the woman's hard twisted body fell to his body.

"Who is she?"

Lin Qianqian looks at the woman who falls in Lin Kaihuai, only feels that a heart is like being roasted on the fire.

Although she knew that they had nothing to do with each other, she just felt uncomfortable.

"I don't know." Lin Kai directly pushed the woman out of his arms, regardless of whether she would fall to the ground.

The woman staggered back a few steps, or fell on the ground.

"Brother, what do you do?"

The woman looked up at her pitifully, and the people were boiling with blood.

She was so aggrieved staring, really few men can resist live.

Unfortunately, Linkai is one of the few men. For her charm, did not care.

"Go away."

Lin Kai looked at the woman in disgust, and the final essence flashed in his eyes.

What a coincidence to fall on him? What do you think he is?

"Handsome boy, someone's foot is twisted. Can you help them?"

The woman covered her ankle and looked at Lin Kai pitifully.

Any man to see a woman like this, it is very difficult to control, let alone this is a beautiful woman.

However, there is no one in front of her to die.

"Let's go."

The woman looked at Lin Kai's back and hammered her hard. She underestimated her.

When they were far away, the woman got up from the ground.

"Go and check the information about both of them. I want the details."

She doesn't believe it. Lin Kai can only guard Lin Qianqian alone.

She such a big beauty, wholeheartedly want to give him when the third, but few men refused.

What she didn't know was that after Linkai left, he asked the hidden God to check her information.

"Does she have any questions?"

In fact, Lin Qianqian feels quite normal. Seeing a handsome man, she naturally wants to chat up.

"You don't know who she is?"

It has to be said that Yinshen is very efficient. In less than an hour, all the information of that woman has been in Lin Kai's hands.

After reading the above content, Lin Kai handed the information to Lin Qianqian: "do you think she doesn't know you? There are a lot of things, not for nothing. "

I have to say that Lin Kai is right.

Lin Qianqian some doubts over the data, one eye three lines after reading, the whole person is not right.

"It's this cheap woman!"

Because of the force, the information in her hand has been grasped.

She really didn't think of Yao Na. It's very clever.

Knowing that there is support behind him, I want to pry the corner.

However, she did not look, what kind of goods she was, dare to fight with her!"I'll do something about it!"

Originally, she didn't know who was behind the scenes, so she couldn't do a lot of things.

But now that I know, it's much easier to handle.

What a beautiful trick. It's really interesting.

Lin Qianqian said and left, before Yao Na in the back to her, now she wants to get back!

"Are you all right, sir?" Yin Shen looks at Lin Kai with worry, and is annoyed.

Recently, there are so many things that I can't help. He is really a failed subordinate.

"It's OK."

Lin Kai waved and let the hidden God go down. He wanted to be alone.

After Yin Shen left, Lin Kai sat by the window and looked at the scenery outside. He didn't know what he was thinking.

There is no clue as to where Lin Yuan is.

Although he got some information from AI Ping, it didn't have much effect on him.

He Zhishan and Li Chengjia's influence in the East China Sea is not bad.

Even if they use all their contacts, they have not found any information about Lei Yuan group.

"So deep?"

Lin Kai murmured to himself, and he couldn't imagine where Lin Yuan might be.

He also thought about whether Lin Yuan had left the East China Sea, but there was no news so far.

Of course, it is also possible that Lin Yuan has already left.

However, there was no other clue except Donghai. He was just like a headless fly. He could find it at any time.

"Linyuan, Linyuan."

Lin opened and closed his eyes and fell back on the bed.

The sudden sense of weightlessness, let Lin kaileng for a while, then the whole person relaxed.

His spirit is so tight that he needs a good rest.

Lin stared at the ceiling with open eyes.

Outside the door with a little careful footstep sound, clearly spread into their own ears.

He just lay there, motionless.

The voice stopped in front of the door for a moment, and then opened the door gently.

The door closed with a click.

Lin opened and closed his eyes, felt a man, appeared at the window, looking at him motionless.

In the place where the man could not see, Lin Kai gave a signal to the hidden God with a measured hand.

Yinshen, who was ready to start, stopped in a moment and waited for his next move.

The man standing by his bed, some disdainful said: "I thought you were so powerful."

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