Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1178

The crowd scrambled to praise Xiaoya, hoping to use all the praise.

Tang Xin Lengleng Leng looking at the stage, bright Xiaoya, only feel a heart "plop plop" jump can not.

"By what!"

She stares at Xiaoya and feels jealous.

How can she get everything?

She should have enjoyed those things, but now?

A woman who didn't know where she came from, so strong she took everything?

She won't take it!

All this is what she should get. It's all the blame for the cheap woman who has robbed her.

Listening to the praise of the crowd, Tang Xin only felt that those voices, like a sharp sword, fiercely pierced into his heart.

She red eyes, ferocious stare at a few people on the stage, mouth murmured: "I will kill you! Kill you

As long as she died, she was Mr. He's daughter, and those things were her own.

Fumble on the ground, looking at the broken glass on the ground, Tang Xin's mouth can not help but show a smile.

"It's all mine!"

She pushed aside the crowd and walked slowly to Taishan.

Looking up at several people on the stage, I felt more and more eager.

"It's mine in a minute!"

They were still complimenting Mr. He, but they didn't notice that Tang Xin was so close to them.

"You die!"

With a roar, the fragments in Tang Xin's hands are fiercely delimited in Xiaoya's hands.

The blood spurted directly out of Tang Xin's face.

As if she did not feel it, she wiped the blood on her face, laughing more and more crazy.

"Go to hell, as long as you die, it's all mine!"

Tang Xin waved the pieces in his hands, looking at the side of Xiaoya, laughing wildly.

He Zhishan and they have also responded, he took Xiaoya behind him, and kept retreating.

Looking at them, Lin Kai feels helpless. I really don't know what they are thinking.

With a lunge, she grabbed Tang Xin's wrist and smashed the pieces in her hand.

He grabbed her arm and twisted it back so hard that it screamed.

After he Zhishan arranged for Xiaoya to go to the hospital, he slapped Tang Xin in the face.

"Good, good, dare to hurt my daughter, I will not let you go!"

It's really unexpected that Tang Fang taught her such a good daughter.

In front of him, they dare to bully his daughter, but they still don't know what to do behind their backs.

And Tang Xin also because he Zhishan this slap, sober up.

Looking at the mess, with the angry he Zhishan, she just reacted to what she had done.

"No Not me, not me

She shook her head and yelled, the whole person kept on the ground, struggling back and forth.

Unbelievable looking at the blood all over the ground, Tang Xin only felt the blackness in front of him.

What did she do!

In front of he Zhishan and so many high-ranking officials and dignitaries, he started to hurt Mr. He's daughter!

Even her mother, it's no use having any connections.

What's the difference between offending Mr. He in Donghai and seeking his own death?

"Mr. He, Mr. He, I know I'm wrong!"

Candy crazy cry: "my mother is not to marry you, please, give me a chance! Please

She didn't want to die, she was still young, and she wanted to enjoy her youth.

"I said I had nothing to do with your mother that bitch!"

He Zhishan clenched her chin tightly. Tang Xin's tears and snot flowed crossly. He Zhishan looked extremely embarrassed.

"Aren't you arrogant?"

He Zhishan directly let people drag her down. Looking at the crowd, he said, "He Mou still has something to deal with, so he won't accompany him."

Naturally, people knew what they were going to do and said polite things.

Tang Xin was dragged by the security guard and felt the hot pain in his back.

But what scares her even more is how he Zhishan will punish her.

On the way to the past, he Zhishan asked, "Mr. Lin, what do you want to do with it?"

Lin Kai naturally knows why he Zhishan asked: "I don't interfere."

He was not interested in such things.

By the time they passed, Tang Xin had been cleaned up. The face is full of crisscross palms, and the original appearance can not be seen.

Seeing he Zhishan coming, Tang Xin struggled to climb over.

"Mr. He, I know I'm wrong. Please let me go."

She kept kowtowing, praying for he Zhishan's forgiveness, and soon blood flowed down her cheek.

For her embarrassed appearance, they didn't have the slightest sympathy.It's just self inflicted.

"Don't you like hitting people very much? To satisfy you. "

He Zhishan called the people beside him and said, "you should know how to do it. Don't let her die. I want her to live or die!"

"Don't worry, sir."

With a whip full of crisscross spines in his hand, the man grinned grimly and walked to Tang Xin.

The formidable whip, under the man's hand, kept making a frightening sound.

Tang Xin shrank in fear and regretted why he pretended to be forced at that time.

But it was too late to say anything, and she had no chance to escape.

With the whistling wind, the whip ran straight to Tang Xin's body.

Even if she tried to escape, but in the limited space, there was no place to sweep.

The whip hit him hard, scraping off countless shredded meat.


Tang Xin was full of pain rolling, but the man did not seem to see the same, constantly hand.

After a while, Lin Kai felt bored and left.

"Let's go back."

Lin Kai took out a cigarette from his pocket and held it in his mouth, which attracted many people's attention.

"Miss Lin is opposite, sir."

Lin Kai looked up and saw Lin Qianqian standing on the opposite side of the road, waving to her.

The fiery figure attracted the eyes of many men, who would like to stick their eyes on her.

"What can I do for you?"

Lin Kai kept silent with Lin Qian Qian, and the perfume smell on her body made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Lin, don't you want others?" Lin Qianqian hugged his arm and put her head on his shoulder.


"Don't talk." Lin Qianqian tone quickly said: "there is a man on the opposite side has been following me, is my opponent sent."

"I'm not sure what he's going to do. Help me!"

Since the cooperation with the Li family, more and more people began to envy her.

In just a few days, she has been subjected to more than five attacks of all kinds.

She wanted to talk to Lin Kai, but she didn't know why she gave up.

"Let's go."

He took Lin Qianqian in his arms and walked forward.

"I really can't help it. This time you have to find a way to help me."

Lin Qianqian doesn't want to trouble Lin Kai, but without his help, she really doesn't know what to do.

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