Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1161

"Brother Lin, can I go with you?" Li Shengxian laughs.

For he Zhishan, he was curious.

I've seen it a few times, but I haven't had close contact.

Now that there is a chance, he will not let it go.

"Whatever you want."

Lin Kai leans on the sofa, remembering the events of that day, and always feels that there are abnormal things everywhere.

Although Jiulong Mountain is famous, he Zhishan doesn't need to put his attitude so low.

"Brother Lin, you Ah

Li Shengxian did not finish a word, he was directly thrown aside by the hidden God.

"Hidden God, what are you doing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned. There was a clear bullet hole in the place where he just stood.

If it wasn't for the hidden God to pull him away, he would be dead now.

Li Shengxian wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. His legs were soft and could not stand up.

Looking at Lin Kai's battle with Yin Shen, he scrambled to the back of the sofa for fear of affecting them.

"Five, sir, and one on the top floor."


Lin Kai answered coldly, picked up the fruit on the table and threw it at the switch on the wall.

In an instant, the room was dark.

Don't push Li Shengxian to a place to hide

He will continue to be here and will be the target of those people instead.

Li Shengxian also knew that he couldn't help. Although he knew that the dark Lin Kai couldn't see, he still nodded heavily and ran to the bathroom to hide.

"Who will send it?"

In the dark, Lin Kai showed a smile, a pair of eyes shining, the whole person was ready to move.

Since someone is willing to play with him, you are welcome.

The room was dark and snipers led them in with night vision devices.

"Click" the sound of the lock cylinder rotation, clearly transmitted to Linkai's ears.

He was crouching behind the sofa with his cat, which was the blind corner of vision. They couldn't see it when they entered the door.

In the first person almost walked to the sofa here, the second carefully walked in.

"Safe at the moment."

Whispered a word, the first man made a gesture and continued to walk.

As soon as he came out, he felt his ankle caught by a hand.

Before he could react, he fell to the ground.

With the sound of "Kaba", the neck was directly broken.

The second man was stunned by this incident.

Then the hand of the thermal weapons, "dada Da" to the sofa here a burst of fire.

For a time, the expensive imported sofa was beaten to pieces.

The voice gradually weakened, and the second man moved forward cautiously. The thermal weapon in his hand was already ready to be launched.

But when he came in, it was already a corpse.

As soon as he turned his head, he felt something cold slipping past his neck.

"I Goo Goo Goo. "

Before the words were finished, the blood column rose from the sky, and the third person who followed him was directly poured into his heart.

After wiping the bloodstain on his face, the third man threw himself to one side.

Do not wait to stand firm, direct half kneel on the ground, face Lin Kai just stand position, ceaseless spray.

"Come on, get out! People are not in the house, they are... "

Before he had finished speaking, he felt something cold on his neck.

He knew what it was.

In an instant, I got goose bumps all over the body.

"Who sent you?"

"We can't sell our employers!"

He said so, his hand has already held the small palm thunder.

Before he could pull the trigger, Zhang Xinlei's clip was unloaded.

Then he felt his neck cool and looked at Lin Kai who passed by in front of him in horror. He fell to the ground with a "plop" sound, and did not close his eyes to death.

Three people are dead, the sniper on the roof, no matter how stupid, can not continue to let the rest of the people rush in.


He quickly put away his weapons and changed his clothes three or five times.

Having a look at the room where Linkai is, he puts on his hat and is ready to leave.

"Where are you going?"


The man was a short man, avoiding the foot of the hermit God. She held a military thorn in her hand.

"Who are you?"

"The man who will kill you!"

Men don't talk to the hidden God much, empty shake a move, turn around and rush down the roof.

The hidden God looked at him and followed him slowly.After struggling to climb down, the man carefully observed around.

See hidden God did not follow, the heart is a little relieved.

"White tiger, white tiger, how are you doing there?"

After waiting for a few minutes and no response, the man knew that something was wrong.

Nothing else, he turned to leave, felt a pain in his neck, and then fell forward.

When the hidden God came back with the man, Li Shengxian was already cleaning the house.

"Yes, sir. There is no sign on him."

"Wake up."

Lin Kai grabs the man's face and presses it directly into the basin.

"Poof, cough Cough. "

Seeing him awake, Lin Kai pulled him out again and threw it aside.

"Come on, who sent it?"

"If you kill me, I won't say it."

"Yin Shen, take him to experience the feeling of jumping off a building."

"Yes, sir."

Yin Shen directly brought the man to the highest building in the East China Sea.

"What are you going to do?" The man looked down and felt as if there was a monster with a big mouth waiting for him.

"You'll find out in a moment."

Then the hidden God threw it directly to the man.


The wind whistling from the face, the man only felt as if his face had been cut by a knife.

That kind of weightlessness is full of his mind, like a hand, tightly grasping his heart, slowly tightening.


Gradually can see the traffic below, the man is afraid to close his eyes.

If he falls like this, he will become a meat pie.

When the man thought that he must die, the hidden god suddenly appeared and directly grasped his clothes and pulled them up for him.

He sat on the ground, gasping for breath, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

The man looked at the hermit in horror, as if he was some kind of devil.

"Say it, or do it again."

Think of just experienced, the man only felt scalp numb, want to escape from here immediately.

If you give him a happy one, he will die.

However, few people can bear such torture.

"I..." The man bit a mouthful of saliva, see hidden God ready to start, immediately said: "say, I say!"

"Let's go."

With that, Yin Shen took his neck and went back to Li Shengxian's house.

"Come on, who sent it?"

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