Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1160

The sudden female voice makes Lin kaileng for a moment.

Turning around, I saw a woman leaning against another car and looking at him.

"Why, can't you see the beauty?"

It's not really her boast. She's a beautiful woman.

See Lin Kai do not speak, AI qian can not help but want to laugh: "was I said the central thing?"


Lin Kai shakes his head. Beauty is beauty, but it is worse than Lin Qianqian.

"All men are like this."

For AI Qian's words, Lin Kai is not sure.

Most men do, but not all of them.

AI Qian didn't seem to see Lin Kai not willing to talk to her, just like talking to herself.

From time to time, I tease my hair and wink at Lin.

"If I have something else to do, I'll go first."

Lin Kai has no interest in talking to strange women.

Most of the time, if it is not something, he will not take the initiative to approach a woman.

AI Qian seems to have never thought of Lin's meeting like this, and her expression is a little stunned.

He took the initiative to talk to him, ignore himself, but also planned to leave?

"Stop for me

AI qian can't be angry. She thinks her face can't hang.

The whole East China Sea is full of people chasing after him. Why should he ignore him?

However, it is because of this that AI Qian feels challenged.

Originally, talking to Lin Kai was just for fun.

Now he has succeeded in arousing his interest.


"I just want to invite you to dinner, and by the way, I'm going to spend time with you."

"No interest."

"Don't go!" AI Qian blocks in front of Lin Kai, a pair does not achieve the goal, vows not to give up the appearance.

"If you don't accompany me, don't want to go today."

"There's something wrong with the brain."

Push AI Qian away. Lin Kai leaves quickly.

As soon as AI Qian was ready to catch up with her, she found that she could not find him.

"Shit, I must get you!" AI Qian's smile will show.

It's just a man. She doesn't believe it. She can't fix him!

After she left, Yinshen and Lin kaicai reappeared on the overpass.

"Sir, this figure is ok too. Why don't you just remain unmoved?"

The hidden God didn't understand why Lin Kai was not interested in those things.

"Not interested."

This kind of thing is a waste of time for him.

If you have time to be busy with that kind of thing, it's better to investigate the whereabouts of Lin Yuan.

"What is Aiping doing recently?"

Lin opened his mouth with a cigarette in his mouth, his hands in his pockets, his back against the railing of the overpass, looking at the sky in the distance.

Just now the clouds are thick, and the sky is clear in the blink of an eye.

"As before, did not contact Lei Yuan group."

Lin Yuan was a little agitated by the words of Yin God.

As a branch manager of leiyuan group, he should report to the headquarters every three or five vehicles.

However, Aiping does nothing every day, and there is no other job except to spend time and drink.

"It's been watched."

Lin sighed. After such a long time, there was no news from Lin Yuan.

He even doubted that Lin Yuan was still in the East China Sea.

The hidden God pointed to a man who had just passed under the overpass and said, "Sir, do you see that man?"


Nothing else, the two quickly jumped from the overpass.

The people in front of him heard the news and looked back at Lin Kai. He ran away without thinking.

Just ran not two steps, I felt that I had hit something and fell heavily on the ground.

"What are you going to do?"

"Where is Lin Yuan?"

Lin Kai didn't expect to be surprised. He met several times in the Lin family. He was a loyal dog beside Lin Yuan.

"I don't know, young master, please let me go."

He kept kowtowing to Lin. after a while, his face was covered with blood. It was a little scary.

See people around to stop, ready to see the excitement.

Let the hidden God grasp him, soon into the crowd, disappeared.

Along the way, Jin San's words I dare not say, the whole person shrunk back, like a quail.

When he got home, the hidden God threw it on the ground: "say, where is he?"

"I really know, young master, I haven't followed master yuan for a long time."

Jin San lies on the ground, shaking all over. He doesn't expect that he will come out to let off the wind, so he is caught by Lin Kai.But Lin Yuan's news, he really did not know.

Since he came to the East China Sea half a year ago, he lost the news of Lin Yuan.

Judging from Jin San's expression, it doesn't seem to be faking.

For a moment, Lin Kai can't help being a little upset. Even Jin San doesn't know where he is?

How can Jin San say that he has been with him for more than ten years, but he is loyal to him. If he says no, he doesn't want to?

"When was the last time you saw it?"

"Half a year ago."

Jin San recounts the scene of that day to Lin Kai carefully.

After that, he gasped heavily.

Frowning at Jin San, Lin Kai waved a little impatiently: "give it to you."

Looking at the sunset outside the window, the fire clouds filled the sky, the breeze blowing, leaves rustling.

The original beautiful scenery, in the forest open eyes, only feel a burst of irritability.

"Lin Yuan, where can you go?"

Like a sculpture, Lin Kai stood in front of the window, motionless.

When the hidden God finished judging Jin San, he saw Lin Kai like this. He hung his head and stood aside without speaking.

When Li Shengxian came over, he saw this scene and his feet were frozen in the air.

He nuzzled his mouth and winked at Yin God.

Seeing that the hidden God didn't understand, he asked with his lips, "brother Lin, what's the matter?"

Yin Shen shook his head and waved to him to go quickly.

When Lin Kai is thinking about things, he hates to be disturbed.

Li Shengxian nodded and walked on lightly.

The voice of "Tera" made Lin Kai come back to his senses.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry." Li Shengxian scratched his head in embarrassment.

He had been very careful and didn't expect to hear from him.

"By the way, brother Lin, what you asked me to investigate is clear."

"What did you find?" For a while, Lin Kai was surprised, but she found out.

Even Li Chengjia doesn't know the news of Lei Yuan group.

"But it's no use." Li Shengxian sighs and hands the information to Lin Kai.

After reading, Lin Kai rubbed his eyebrows with some headache.

I really didn't expect that the forest source was so hidden. Few of the top families in the East China Sea knew about it.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, I will continue to pursue."

"Well." Lin sighed and said nothing.

Li Shengxian was just about to speak when Lin Kai left.

Look at him. Just shut up.

"Hermit God, go and agree with he Zhishan that I will go tomorrow."

I don't know why. Lin Kaiyue thinks that he Zhishan's performance that day is not right.

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