Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1154

But soon, the man found something wrong, he found a small book in the woman.

"Big brother, is this your thing?"

The man held up the book and handed it to Lin Kai.

When I saw it, it was my lost note.

Seeing this, Lin Kai had to admire this woman. In order to hide things, she also worked hard.

Thinking of another note, he said, "she has another one on her. Find it."

"At once."

The man felt the woman's body disorderly, which made her tremble.

He really admired this woman, even thought of such a thing.

Linkai threw the notes on his hand to the man and asked him to take out the contents for himself.

Fortunately, this woman is not a fool. She knows to put a protective film on it.

Lin Kai took out a paper towel and kept wiping his hands.

Even to the bathroom, wash with hand sanitizer, I don't know how many people, still feel some nausea.

"Are you all right, sir?"

To tell the truth, Yin Shen wanted to laugh when he saw this coming in.

This is not normal?

How many men, want to touch, the result came to him, was despised like this.

"It's OK." Lin Kai couldn't help but take a look at his own hand. He looked cold.

"The rest is for you." Lin Kai took a look at the woman and walked out as if she were some kind of devil.

Li Shengxian limped down from the downstairs and looked at Lin Kai with some doubts: "brother Lin, how can you look so ugly?"

"It's OK."

"Ha ha."

"What's the matter?" Li Shengxian looks at the smiling Yin Shen and looks at Lin Kai, who is very blue.

"Hidden God, why don't you go up together?"

"No more."

He doesn't have this habit.

Looking at them, Li Shengxian felt like a fool.

The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted several people's conversation.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Qianqian's delicate voice came from the opposite side.

"Brother Lin, I'm going to do something with others today. I'll come to pick you up later."

Not waiting for Lin Kai to answer, Lin Qianqian quickly hung up the phone.

"Brother Lin, I..."

All of a sudden, Li Shengxian patted his thigh and looked like he was in a hurry: "I'll go. I forgot li man."

Looking at Li Shengxian who is running upstairs, Lin Kai shakes his head helplessly.

Take out the notes of Li Man and the woman, and Lin Kai looks at them slowly.

The light set off on his face, gilded him with a layer of gold, and looked like an immortal who did not eat the fireworks among people.

But this wonderful atmosphere, did not last long, was interrupted.

Looking at the wind and fire into Lin Qianqian, Lin Kai some helpless.

"You'll come with me soon. It'll be too late."

Waiting for Lin Kai to react, Lin Qianqian drags him to go out.

He pushed Lin Kai into the co pilot and stepped down the gas pedal. The car was like an arrow leaving the string. It was not long before it disappeared.

On the way, Lin Qianqian tightened her body: "brother Lin, you must help me today. I didn't expect that one day I would also like to have a blind date."

Mention this matter, Lin Qianqian is a belly fire.

But who, she can't get angry with him, can only be tough on the scalp.

"How can I help you?"

Originally, Lin Kai didn't intend to interfere, but for the sake of his sister, I'll help her once.

"You'll know when you get there."

When the two arrived at the restaurant, they went straight to the reserved position.

It's not greasy. It's been an hour and a half for a man to take a long look.

"Come so early, it seems that I can't wait to get married into our family. It's not bad."

Looking at the spatter of saliva star son, Lin Qianqian and Lin Kai action consistent back to the body, afraid to get on the body.

The air is filled with a smell of leek and garlic, which makes people want to vomit.

The man did not seem to see the expression of two people, still talking.

"When you come to my house, pay your wages, wash and cook, and bring your children, you must have a boy."

"My parents are old. You have to serve them every day."

"I'm a man of great ability. When the boss of the company sees my plan, I can fly into the sky."

"So now, please flatter me and give me ten thousand pocket money every month."

"You are not allowed to spend money yourself, and..."

Listening to the man's long talk, Lin Qianqian suspected that something was wrong with her ears.This is still mabao man and Phoenix man. It can't be described.

"Well, excuse me, I have no interest in marrying you."

"What do you say?" The man's sudden voice attracted many eyes in the shop.

Looking at Lin Kai on one side, Lin Qianqian feels a little embarrassed. She didn't expect to meet such a wonderful person.

"If you don't look at yourself, who can you marry if you don't marry me? You're worthless. You'd better be obedient. "

Said the male god stretched out a salty pig's hand, ready to start on Lin Qianqian.

Before he met, he was caught by Lin Kai.

As a man, Lin Kai only thinks that he is too disgraceful to be a man.

"Go away, didn't you hear her say she didn't like you?"

"What kind of onion are you?" The man is not happy to stare at Lin Kai, a pair of drag to the sky appearance.

"You little white face, do you know how rich my family is? It's a matter of minutes to kill you."

"If you are sensible, get out of here and don't disturb me talking to my daughter-in-law."

"Who is your daughter-in-law?"

Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian agree to go back.

Seeing Lin Kai say so, Lin Qianqian suddenly feels sweet in her heart, even wondering whether he likes himself or not.

"You little bastard, you dare to scold me!" The greasy man patted the table with an angry look.

Pointing to Lin Kai, he roared angrily, "wait for me. I'll let my mother come right away."

Then he took out his cell phone and began to make a phone call.

His operation, not to mention Lin Kai, is the onlookers, also confused.

"You're all bullying me. I won't let you feel better."

Hang up the phone, the man's arrogance is very arrogant: "hurry up and apologize to me."

Pointing to Lin Qianqian, she said, "serve your husband quickly, or you will be beaten!"

"As a daughter-in-law, I can't even do this little thing well!"

"Laozi's money is not for you. If you want to spend my money, you must serve me! Hurry up! No ink! Otherwise, I won't give you any money! "

The man sat in a chair, bossy.

As if Lin Qianqian is his daughter-in-law, is his servant, and he is a high-ranking householder, a condescending appearance.

"What are you?" Linkai grabbed his hair and forced him to look at himself: "who do you think you are?"

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