Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1153

The man looked back and saw that Linkai was only two or three meters away from him, and almost fell from the tree.

"Sleeping trough, it's still a fuckin 'man."

He couldn't help spitting dirty words. He thought his speed was fast enough. He didn't expect Lin Kai to be so abnormal.

"What the hell is that?"

From time to time, the man looked back at Lin Kai, hoping to install a rocket on his feet.

However, Lin Kai looked leisurely and leisurely, not far from the man's back.

Finally, the man couldn't hold on. Sit on the ground, want to cry without tears.

"Big brother, what do you want?"

Rubbing his own legs, he would like to give Lin two fists.

It's about personnel. He's tired like a dog. He's fresh and cool. He doesn't have anything.

How to see, how to make people feel angry.

"Why follow me."

"What do you say?" The man looked surprised: "what do I follow you for? You're not a woman. "

"How could you be there?"

"You said that." The man sighed, some helpless: "with a female thief came over, she entered your house disappeared, I was just about to go in, saw you."

"I thought you were a gang, and I turned around and ran away."

Speaking of this man is not angry, not to say that a good purse lost, but also be chased so a meal, his legs are running thin.

"You said someone came into our house?"

Lin Kai frowned and looked at the man with doubts.

If anyone comes in, he'll find out.


The man stood up on the side of the tree: "I had planned to go in, you do not know that I squatted for nearly an hour, but you came back."

Looking at Lin Kai, the man is too lazy to talk nonsense: "anyway, I want nothing, you can do what you like."

A man, like a rascal, reaches out his hand and looks like a gentleman.

After a look at the man, Lin Kai drags him away.

"Why, let go of you!"

"Go back with me!"

"What do you say?" The man yelled and shook off Linkai's hand.

"Are you kidding me? Go back. How far have I run? I don't have the strength

He sat on the ground directly, leaning against the big tree beside him, looking like a rogue.

"Take him and go back."

The man looked at him suspiciously and didn't understand what was going on.

Just ready to ask, I felt that I was raised, but there was no one around.

"Gudong" swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the man felt cold on his back.

"Who are you talking to, big brother?"

"This is not after the founding of the people's Republic of China, ghosts are not allowed, you say, ha ha."

The man laughed two times and did not dare to move.

After a look at the man, Lin kaigu can't talk nonsense and rushes home quickly.

If what this man says is true, Li Shengxian is in danger.

All the way, when Lin Kai pushed his home, it was quiet.

With a wink at Yin Shen, he went straight upstairs.

Sure enough, in the second room on the left, I heard the sound of "Wuwu" coming from inside.

"You'd better be obedient, or I'll kill you!" A woman's voice came from the room.

Li Shengxian may be because his mouth is blocked and he can't say a word.

"Good girl, when my sister finishes taking things, I'll let you go."

The woman hummed and rummaged in the room, and from time to time came a crackling sound.

"I don't even have a valuable thing to live in such a good house."

The woman complained discontentedly, opened the door and came out.

As soon as she opened the door, she froze.

Looking at Lin Kai in front of him, he hesitated for a second and rushed to the room just now, ready to run away.

But at such a close distance, how could Lin Kai let her go.

Grab her leg and pull it back.

"Your sister."

The woman twists her legs and moves with her body, trying to get rid of Lin Kai.

Unfortunately, she underestimated Lin Kai's strength. It's useless to let her do anything. Instead, her leg hurts.

See can't get rid of, the woman changed a way.

"Everyone is in the same way, there is no need to fight and kill, handsome boy, do you think so?"

He also gave Lin a wink.

"Tie it up."

Throwing it to the hermit God, Lin Kai goes to see Li Shengxian.

Just put the tape on his mouth secretly, Li Shengxian began to complain: "brother Lin, you can be regarded as home.""You don't know how fierce this woman is, and she took those two notes."

Originally, Lin Kai thought, but he was just a little thief. He gave it to the police.

What Li Shengxian said made him change his mind.

Looking at a woman tied up like a bug, you don't have to think that Li Shengxian did it.

"Who sent you?"

"What are you talking about?" The woman looks innocent and doesn't understand what Lin Kai is saying.

"Is it?" "Give me those two notes," Lin said

"What notes."

"You've made up your mind to admit it, and think I can't help it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The woman glared at Lin Kai, as if she was aggrieved.

"You big man, what do you care about me?"

"I didn't take your things. You should let me go as soon as possible, or I'll make you look good!"

"You can't afford to offend you because there's someone in the head of the sisters."

"Then I'll try it."

Lin Kai looked at the man who had just caught him and said, "do you want to leave here?"

"Think about it!" The man has been thinking about it for a long time. He thinks that this is a group of abnormal people. He is afraid that he will die if he is not careful.

"This woman will be left to you. Play whatever you like."

"This Not so good. "

That's what the man said, but it's coming out.

Who is not willing to be such a beautiful and hot woman.

"What do you say?" The woman roared and stared at Lin Kai angrily, as if he had done something heinous.

But for women, what Lin Kai just said is really too much.

Looking at the man approaching step by step, the woman's expression of panic retreated: "you special code to get out of my way, get out of here!"

"If you touch me, I'll have you castrated tomorrow."

"Get out of here! Don't touch me!"

The woman screamed loudly, but it was no use at all. After a while, she was stripped of all her clothes.

There was nothing else on the ground except clothes, which surprised Lin Kai.

In principle, it shouldn't be.

Since she took the record, there was no other place to hide it.

Besides, she never left Li Shengxian's sight. How did she do it?

"Why, what is this?"

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