Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1138

"Shut up Lin Kai glared at him fiercely and turned away.

Speaking of Huang Tianshi, his mouth is like a machine gun, he has never heard of it.

If you think about Huang Tianshi he knows again, Lin kaiyufa feels that this old fool has a strong ability to deceive people.

Looking at the locked door, Li Shengxian scratched his nose and went down.

He decided that he would tell Lin Kai about the power of master Huang tomorrow.

If Lin Kai knew what he thought, he would like to leave all night.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, Lin Kai was blocked by Li Shengxian as soon as he left the house.

"What's the matter?"

Lin stretched out and looked out the window at the fine weather. He was in a better mood.

"Brother Lin, can you take me with you when you see Master Huang?"

"Master Huang is my idol. You don't know him..."

"Go away!"

Lin Kai wanted to kick him down.

Yin Shen looks at Li Shengxian, who is just like a asshole and is behind Lin Kai buttocks. He can't help laughing.

When it was time for the party, Lin Kai took a black suit and left.

"Lingo, you wait for me."

When Li Shengxian ran out, he saw a car butt.

But he had to drive by himself.

When he got to the place where the party was, Lin Kai was waiting for him at the door.


"Go in."

Then they were ready to go in with the invitation.

As a result, as soon as the invitation card was given to the waiter, he was stopped.

"I said there was only one place on the invitation, and you want two more to go in?"

A man with a big back pulled the invitation card from the waiter's hand and threw it on the ground without looking at it.

"If you want to go in, please ask me, or get out of here immediately!"

I know that Lin Kai doesn't want to cause trouble, but Li Shengxian is different.

Even if he bullies Lin Kai, he dares to stand up.

"What kind of thing do you dare to call here? Get out of here

In the past, Li Shengxian was a dandy. Compared with him, he was really arrogant.

"And who are you? Did you talk to you? Go away

"Let me go, do you deserve to talk here?"

Li Shengxian relied on his height advantage and looked down at him: "there is no invitation card, I want to come today, they ask dare not stop."

"What's the matter? You sent this invitation to lingo?"

Li Shengxian stepped directly on the invitation card: "it's for my brother Lin. now you're putting on airs here?"

"Be careful not to be killed by your father."

"Shut up

Shao Xin stares at Li Shengxian tightly. He hears that Li Shengxian is very arrogant recently, but he didn't believe it.

Now, when you look at it, it's really awesome.

"A good dog is out of the way!"

With that, Li Shengxian pushed him aside and asked Lin Kaixian to go.

Seeing this scene, Shao Xin was so angry that he took Lin Kai's arm.

Unexpectedly, Lin Kai turned around and pulled him to turn around and subdue him.

"Garbage, still want to move brother Lin?"

With that, Li Shengxian gave him a kick directly. Lin Kai also took the opportunity to let go and kicked him out directly.

If it wasn't for the childe who came with him to hold him, he would have fallen a dog to eat excrement.

"Let's go."

Lin Kai is too lazy to entangle with him. Today's target is not him.

"You wait for me!" Looking at the two people swaggering in, I would like to tear them into pieces.

"Brother Shao, you can see that they look like a loser. Hum, they're a bully!"

"Make them look good sooner or later!"


"Shut up!" Shao Xin rubbed his arm and walked in with a gloomy face.

As soon as he entered the hall, he found that he could not see the two figures of Lin Kai.

As soon as they entered, they were taken away by Wang Kang.

"Mr. Lin, in an hour, the branch manager is here."

Wang Kang said to him in a low voice: "this time I come here to determine the investment share. There are three companies competing."

"As long as the competition is successful, you can talk to him."

The meaning of his words is very obvious. He hopes that Lin Kai will not be too impulsive.

Although I don't know what worries and resentment with Lei Yuan group, I dare to fight against them, and I'm not afraid to die.

"I see."

Lin Kai looks at the splendid hall, and people talk in groups.

Looking at the hall, constantly looking for their body shape Shao Xin, Lin opened the corner of his mouth."Sir, this is Shao Xin's information."

After reading the information in his hand, Lin Kai felt a little funny.

"Let Li Chengjia do it and give him a chance."

If it was not for the news of Lei Yuan group, he would not have caused so much trouble.

It's tiring to get along with those second generation ancestors.

But they are a group of people who don't know the height of the earth, relying on the family's waste.

It's OK to pass the time occasionally.

It's hard to avoid being boring after a long time.

"I'll go to the back garden."

Looking at those hypocritical people, Lin Kai felt a little bored.

Just arrived at the back garden, Lin Kai was stunned when he heard the voice coming from the flowers on one side.

Through the gap between the flowers, you can see a man and a woman holding together, fighting naked.

Funny shook his head, Lin Kai stiff body left.

However, the noise he caused attracted the attention of the two men.

"Find out who he is."

As soon as the woman finished, she couldn't help but cry out.


Looking at the gloomy night sky, Lin Kai casually found a place to sit down.

Looking at the light, the sparkling swimming pool, Lin Kai slightly distracted.

"What are you thinking?"

A soft female voice sounded behind him, and then a girl in a pink princess skirt sat down beside him.

For women's contact, Lin Kai always has some resistance, can't help but move to the side.

"Do you hate me?" There was an obvious disappointment in the girl's voice.

"I don't know you very well. I don't hate to talk about it."

"Then you just like me." The girl's voice was a little surprised, as if she had got some gift.


Lin developed a chuckle. She was speechless about the girl's logic.

Either hate it or like it?

"Why are you sitting here? Don't you like it inside? "

Lin Kai has no desire to answer strangers' conversation.

"Why don't you talk?"

The girl tilted her head and looked at him lovingly.

"Avril, I didn't expect you to be here."

With a burst of high-heeled shoes "dada" sound, wearing a red evening dress, Mingyan woman came over.

Stunned for a moment, Lin Kai just remembered that this woman was just over there in the flowers.

When the woman saw Lin Kai, she was stunned for a moment and then showed a sneer.

"Who are you? What are you doing to my sister? She's still a little girl

After a series of words, people who don't know think Lin Kai is a pervert.

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