Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1137

Ya Ya's parents are shocked to hear ya ya's words.

In their hearts, she has always been a clever and sensible woman.

Today's scene is totally beyond their expectation.

"Ya Ya, how can you do such a thing?"

Then her mother hit her in the face. If Lin Kai hadn't stopped her, she might have hit her.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's all because we didn't teach the children well."

The couple kept apologizing to Lin Kai, and their backs became more and more crooked.

"You can rest assured that we will find a home to admit that we are wrong. We Try not to let them trouble you. "

In fact, they also know that no matter what they say, they will not listen to it.

But what can they do?

This book is divided into a lifetime. I didn't expect that my daughter almost killed others.

Looking at the family of three, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

"Good, my brother is not afraid of them."

Lin Kai said with a smile, "they dare not come to Yaya again, but Yaya can't do it again."

"Really?" Ya Ya looks up and stares at him in disbelief.

She knew that. If she knew these people were so powerful, she would not do it.

"It's true, of course."

"That's great."

Cheering, Yaya lowered her head and felt embarrassed: "brother, Yaya will never dare again."

"Sir, we know that you are trying to comfort Ya Ya Ya. You can rest assured that we will not..."

Before they finished speaking, they were interrupted by Lin Kai.

"If they come to trouble again, let them come to me."

"How can this be done? It can't be done!"

The husband and wife quickly declined, and they both hurt the forest. They dare to take advantage of it.

"It's just food."

"You are not joking." The couple looked at Lin Kai: "they are all from their own families. They are not worth a few dollars. If you like, bring them to you."

Looking at the appearance of a family with three mouthfeel, Lin Kai suddenly feels warm.

If it wasn't for Li Shengxian's business, he would like to stay here.

Even if he had gone far away, Lin Kai could still see the way the three of his family waved goodbye to him.

At the top of the mountain, the house they lived in was covered with clouds and mist. With the green and lush trees, it looked like a fairyland on earth.

"It's good for them."

"You can do it, sir."

"Can I, too?"

Lin Kai laughs at himself. He has time there.

If you don't solve Lin Yuan's problem, he can't let go of his heart.

"Forget it."

Leave a word, Lin Kai turns to leave.

When he got home, Li Shengxian and Wang Fang sat in the living room waiting for him.

See him back, Li Shengxian rushed to meet up, whispered: "she wants to cooperate with us, kill Li Haoxian."

Lin Kai nodded, cocked his legs and sat on the sofa obliquely.

"Come on, what can I do for you?"

Wang Fang tightly clenched her fist and clenched her teeth: "I'm going to kill Li Haoxian!"

At that time, after she and Li Longxian slept together, the Li family made light of it.

But they don't care, but what about Li Haoxian?

Obviously he let himself do this, but in the end she said she was fickle?

If it's just like this, he still wants to find someone to kill her and Li Longxian!

Since he is unkind, don't blame yourself for being unjust!

Looking at Wang Fang controlled by hatred, Lin Kai has no reaction.

Wang Fang couldn't figure out what he was thinking and didn't dare to speak for a moment.

"How do you want to work with us?"

"I have a lot of evidence for Li Haoxian. As long as there are these things, it's easy to overthrow him."

"Give it to me."

Two words of understatement made Wang Fang stunned.

After a while, she patted the table and leaned forward to look at Lin Kai: "what do you think you are? Who is to be summoned? "

"I tell you, besides you, I am more cooperative!"

"Help yourself."


Wang Fang did not expect that Lin's attitude at the meeting was like this, pointing to him for a long time and unable to say a word.

After a long time, he fell back to his chair and said, "some evidence is still in the Li family. I can give you some first. "

"After toppling Li Haoxian, give me 50 million!"


Seeing Lin Kai's promise so readily, Wang Fang suddenly regretted that she should be less.However, they all agreed, and there was no way to change them.

Moreover, if she cooperates with other people, she will not have the 50 million.

"This is a cooperation that Li Haoxian accepted before I left the Li family. However, he stealthily said that the cooperation had not been successful. In fact, he let his private company take over."

Wang Fang said, and took out seven or eight folders.

"It's my sincerity, though you can't let him die."

"But if you use it well, it's OK to let Li Chengjia and his family gradually dislike him."

"In the end, you solved him easily."

Listening to Wang Fang's words, Li Shengxian beat this shiver.

He suddenly felt that in any case, he could never provoke a woman, or you would not even know how you died.

"I've said what I should have said, so I won't disturb you."

Wang Fang was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, picked up the satchel, twisted her waist and left.

As soon as she left, Li Shengxian and Lin Chen came to Lin Kai: "brother Lin, do you think this is reliable?"

To tell you the truth, he still has some distrust for Wang Fang.

His sister-in-law is not a simple role.

As early as in Li's family, I didn't know how many times she had been framed by her.

Once bitten by a snake, I'm afraid of the well rope for ten years.

"The false will become true."

Lin Kai's words are full of confidence. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. He can use it.

Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kai admiringly and thinks it is too powerful.

"You stay away from me." Lin Kai pushed Li Shengxian's head away and almost hit him in the face.

"By the way, brother Lin, Wang Long has just come to send you an invitation."

Then Li Shengxian went to the side table and handed it to Lin Kai.

"Shall we go together?"

Thinking of what Wang Kang said to himself before, and looking at Li Shengxian's eyes, Lin Kai nodded.

"Brother Lin, do you know Master Huang?"

"What's the matter?"

"My father suddenly called me and said that Tianshi Huang wanted to see you."

Li Shengxian looked at him with some doubts: "to tell you the truth, this is the first time that Huang Tianshi came back to talk to my father on his own initiative."

Think of that old not serious, Lin Kai laughingly shook his head.

That's a big swindle. I don't know what to do. I want to help myself.

"I see. I'll go the day after tomorrow."

"Brother Lin, you know Master Huang."

Li Shengxian's face worshipped: "you don't know how powerful master Huang is. Sometimes my father listens to him."


Speaking of Huang Tianshi, Li Shengxian looks like a little fan brother, his eyes are shining.

"Lingo, I'll tell you. Lingo, don't go. " Li Shengxian tightly follows Lin Kai's buttocks.

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