Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1080

He is really too lazy to argue with each other.

If you argue with this kind of mole ant, I'm afraid it will annoy him to death.

"Grass! If it's brother Lin, I'll have to kill these three rubbish alive today

Li Shengxian clenched his fist and was angry. He sat down on the sofa with a fierce face.

"I don't see. You're pretty cute?" Lin Kai was amused and poured him a glass of wine himself.

Li Shengxian settled down and said nothing.

All the dignitaries are shaking their goblets, waiting for them to fight and clap their hands.

Where did you think that Lin Kai, who had just been very tough, was actually soft at this time.

Can't help shaking his head, look disappointed.

Zhang Chen nodded slightly and said: "you boy still has some self-knowledge, and don't be so crazy in the future."

Rong Shan and Zhang Zhiqu agreed with this statement.

Someone changed the subject and said, "it is said that Mr. Li Chengjia invited us to come today. The most important thing is not for us to give him a chance."

"It's for another thing. It's said that he was a young and promising young man who joined the Li family and wanted to introduce it to us solemnly."

As soon as this speech was spoken, the crowd suddenly resounded with a strong response.

"To be introduced with such solemnity by Mr. Li, he must be a man with a good command of the universe, and it depends on Mr. Li's respectful attitude."

"It seems that The identity and origin of the other party are more powerful than Mr. Li! "


The crowd groaned, and more people looked at the crowd quietly, hoping to find out the young and promising youth ahead of time.

When the time comes to play a good relationship, he will be able to soar.

They understand the weight.


Li Chengjia was once the richest man in Asia and a famous big man. His energy and means were extraordinary.

To be able to crush the richest man in Asia

It can be imagined that how powerful this person is, by no means they are such a group of ordinary people, can be compared!

"I heard that this person is very low-key, and should not take the initiative to publicize it. Please don't waste your time to find out the gentleman. Please give respect to the other party."

"However, people are more dead than people, and goods are better than goods. Look at the gentleman who has such a strong strength, he doesn't make any publicity."

"Take a look at the arrogant driver just now. It's just a day after day. Only a bumpkin can do this?"

Rongshan said and said, suddenly the front of the story turned, the arrow pointed to the forest.

Lin Kai frowned and his eyes were very cold.

Zhang Chen echoed: "what do you do with him? He really thinks that he is the driver of the Li family, so I dare not move him?"

"Believe it or not, if I say a word later, I can let the Li family master give you to me and let me handle it?"

Zhang Zhiqu sneered: "after all, he is a slave. If the master wants him to die, he must die. If he wants to live, he must live."

These three people think that Lin Kai is living at the bottom, and he should not resist or speak.

It is right to look up at them and grovel.

After all, in their eyes, there is no difference between Linkai and a dog.

The rest of the people have been indifferent to this matter, but thinking about how to make friends with the young and promising young man.

The gate suddenly opened.

Hundreds of eyes fell to the door.

Li Chengjia, dressed in a Chinese tunic, came from the door with a smile on his face.

All the dignitaries began to say hello: "I've met Mr. Li!"

"Yes, Mr. Li..."

His attitude was extremely respectful, as if he had met his idol.

Seeing the enthusiastic response from all of you, Li Chengjia waved his hand and said with a hearty smile, "everyone, please keep quiet. I have a few words to say."

He said as he walked, and soon came to the front of the party.

After that, his face was very serious and said: "today you don't care about me. I want to introduce you to a young talent."

"It's no exaggeration to say that this man's achievements are above me, but his age is only in his twenties!"

Hiss ---

when you heard this introduction, you immediately took a breath of cold air, and you were shocked.

In their twenties, can they ride on the head of Li Cheng's family?

It's too shocking, isn't it?!

Rongshan, Zhang Zhiqu and Zhang Chen whispered to themselves: "we must make friends with this person. Even if I kneel down, I will do a business with him."

When Lin Kai heard this introduction, he could not help but blush: "it's too exaggerated, too flattering."

He doesn't think his own things and glory are capital to show off.

After all, so many people listen to me.After hearing this, Zhang Chen said sarcastically: "what kind of thing are you? Do you want to be compared with that gentleman?"

When he said that gentleman, his face was extremely respectful, his hands clasped and his hands held high.

"It's funny. What you can't do can't be done by others. I'm a loser who looks at the sky from a well."

Zhang Zhiqu and Rongshan have the same voice.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

"Now I'm going to ask that gentleman to come on stage and meet you."

Li Chengjia clapped his hands on the stage and drew everyone's eyes.

Right now.

Everyone is tense and focused.

"Mr. Lin, please come to the stage." Li Chengjia smiles and says.

Zhang Chen rubbed his hands excitedly and prepared to talk to each other when he came out.

Lin Kai hears the other side calling himself, slowly stands up, has not yet taken a step.

Rongshan and Zhang Zhiqu rolled their eyes: "grass, what are you doing standing up for? In front of Mr. Li, do you dare to be presumptuous and impatient? "

The rest of the dignitaries who are close to Lin Kai are full of black lines and leave quickly to keep away from Lin Kai.

I'm afraid that later, Li Chengjia thinks that Lin Kai is with them.

"It's OK. Just look around." Lin Kai smiles and deals with it.

Then, stride forward.

Seeing him coming, Li Chengjia rushed to meet him and said with a flattering smile, "Mr. Lin, if you are not satisfied with this arrangement, it is my fault."


This scene was like a nuclear bomb explosion, which made everyone stand on the spot!

Zhang Chen's brain was almost exploded. He was shocked and stunned.


This is the young and promising young man in their mouth. Li Chengjia has to treat him like this?

Rongshan was shivering all over, and ten thousand alpacas galloped past in his heart.

A chill came from the sole of the foot to the forehead.

I, I inadvertently invited someone?

It's over, it's over, it's over!

Zhang Zhiqu almost fainted in fear. He poked a hole in the sky, my grass!

Today this matter, big article, really big article!!

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