Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1079

At present, Li Shengxian has understood this situation.

None of my brothers is my brother.

It's a total enemy. No one can be trusted. Only trust yourself!

Zhang Chen originally excited look cold down, these two people face oneself unexpectedly this kind of attitude?

Is this pure disregard for me?

It's really funny. I dare to be so rampant in front of me, even if I don't see my status. I'm tired of living?

What made him angry was that a small driver didn't pay attention to him.

Because it was a banquet hosted by the Li family, many business tycoons on the scene paid attention to Li Haoxian.

After perceiving the movement, all people turn their eyes to Zhang Chen and others.

After feeling the people's eyes, Zhang Chen suddenly felt that his face was completely lost, and he said: "as expected, what kind of master there is, what kind of dog!"

"You're a driver. I don't know what you're qualified to do here!"

"Do you think you are more noble than all the people on the scene?"

He snorted coldly and deliberately raised his voice, pointing to Lin Kai's nose and denouncing.

As soon as this is said.

The crowd burst into discontent.

"He is When will the drivers of the Li family be eligible for the party? "

"It's disgusting. How can such a person be equal to me?"

"I don't look down on people. To tell you the truth, my one month's consumption may be the family property he has worked hard for ten years!"

There was a lot of ridicule, sarcasm and laughter.

More anger, of course.

Zhang Chen held his head high and looked down upon Lin Kai with a condescending attitude.

I'm very proud.

You're a bad driver, you want to fight me?

Just lie at my feet and accept my anger!

Li Haoxian flashed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, which was exactly what he wanted.

Now you have no reason to pick on me, do you?

I will certainly return all the humiliations I suffered a few days ago, so that you can know how many means I have!

"You..." Li Shengxian slapped on the table and suddenly wanted to stand up.

But it's at this point.

Lin Kai, who has been silent, shakes his wrist, stands up and stops Li Shengxian.

And then.

His eyes were placed on Zhang Chen.

I'm not waiting for Lin Kai to talk.

Zhang Chen widened his eyes and pretended to be afraid: "did you see it? He was angry. He wanted to do it. He was really a country bumpkin. He had no accomplishment at all."

The dignitaries sneered.

They stopped their business conversation, held up their goblets, leaned back on the sofa, and watched the drama excitedly.

"I didn't expect to see such an interesting scene. A driver and Mr. Zhang of Zhang Chen got involved. I don't know how long he can be arrogant!"

"Let's enjoy the show. It's really interesting to hear the dog driver's leg broken and his waist discounted. It's really interesting to listen to him begging for mercy."

Sitting in their position, the most important thing is their interests. Other people's life and death have nothing to do with them.

What's more, some people have special hobbies.

Lin Kai slowly tasted the red wine, lowered his head and drooped his eyelids.

He pursed his lips.

Then he raised his head slightly and pretended to doubt, "when can you represent everyone?"

His eyes were cold, his voice was as cold as ice, and his face was cold.

His eyes are as sharp and sharp as a knife, full of aggressiveness.

Touching the moment of Lin Kai's eyes, Zhang Chen couldn't help but shiver, feeling a little flustered.

This time, he was more angry.

I must not lose face here!

"Isn't it?"

"What's my status as Zhang Chen? It's a great honor for you to talk to you. You should respond to me instead of looking at me impolitely! "

"Do you know, with my word can let you never turn over the land, you are unworthy, arrogant in front of me!"

Zhang Chen's mouth outlined a ferocious smile, gnashing teeth, cold drink.

"Where did the dog come from? Move back

Lin Kai frowned slightly, rather impatient.

After a cold glance at Li Haoxian, he sits on the sofa, raises his legs and looks out of the window in silence.

Li Haoxian secretly gnaws his teeth in his heart. Grass, you are really arrogant.

How dare you teach me how to do things in public!

However, he did not dare to have a confrontation with Lin Kai on the front, so he could only smile and spread out his hands: "this gentleman, I can't control it!"

After that, he stepped back to watch the tiger fight."How dare you insult Mr. Zhang as a dog? How dare you! Do you know how powerful Mr. Xiao Zhang's stock market tactics are? "

The young man, whose real name is Rongshan, walks out of the crowd slowly. He drags his suit and raises his head high with disdain.

"It's just a bug watching the sky."

"Mr. Zhang Chen makes money one day, which is the amount you look forward to in your life!"

"With your identity and strength, even if Mr. Zhang kneels down and shouts for his grandfather, it's reasonable. No one can pick it out."

Zhang Zhiqu, a good friend of Rongshan, went to the right side of Rongshan, and with a smile, he said insulting words.

Other dignitaries, hearing this, all nodded in silence.

There's nothing wrong. The world has always been the jungle. As the weak, you should be bullied.

Lin Kai couldn't help laughing and waving his hands.

You guys, I can't look out of the window and I can't see what I mean

He is too lazy to argue with each other.

With his insight and identity, no matter how well these people got along in Donghai City, they were just a group of grasshoppers.

If you tell them a word, you will lose yourself.

What's more, these insulting remarks, as far as Lin Kai is concerned, are just a group of dogs barking. He is too lazy to beat them!

However, Li Shengxian did not reach his level and could not calm down.

"Grass! You are nothing. Shut your mouth

Li Shengxian got up in a rage and overturned the table severely. The wine broke all over the floor in an instant.

For a moment.

The crackling sound of broken glass reverberated through the hall.

"Rongmou is not talented. Now he is making investment and his value is not too high. It is only worth 80 million yuan."

"But I'm only 19 years old, and I'll be worth ten times in two years."

Rong Shan smiles, bows and says, but the corners of his mouth show a mocking look.

Zhang Zhiqu played the ash, and his face was calm: "I'm similar to Rong GE's, but I can't compare with you."

"Even though I'm not cheap, I dare not talk to your driver. I've seen such a crazy and successful driver today."

Li Shengxian's teeth rattled and his chest heaved up and down.

I want to speak.

Lin Kai interrupted: "don't pay attention to it. As they said, it's really Lin who is wrong. Just drink at ease."

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