Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1026

"You are too early to be happy." Lin Kai smiles and says.

What do you mean

Li Shengxian sat down and looked at Lin Kai with a puzzled face.

Lin Kai told Li Shengxian what Li Haoxian said today.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Shengxian grudged his teeth: "this Li Haoxian, it's really a conspiracy!"

"It's not hard to stand still

Linkai nodded.

Lin Kai knows exactly what kind of person li Shengxian is.

Li didn't like power and was not interested in the position of the heirs in the family.

However, he was favored by the owner and became the number one enemy in Li Haoxian's mind.

Li Haoxian did not hesitate to force Li Shengxian to submit to him by means of three abuses.

This makes Li Shengxian very angry in the heart!

"What are you going to do?" Asked Linkai.

Li Shengxian narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then he snorted coldly: "hum, my brother doesn't want me to be better, and I don't want my brother to be better!"

"When my dad comes back, I'll give him the video!"

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Lin Kai nodded, which is also a way.

Soon after, Li Shengxian left Lin Kai's room.


Silent night, soon, the next day.

After washing, Lin Kai dressed up and came downstairs.

The silver Rolls Royce phantom stops in front of Linkai.

Soon after, Li Shengxian also came down from the downstairs. He strode to Linkai with a gloomy expression.

Soon after, they got on the bus. Lin Kai glanced at Li Shengxian and asked, "why? Is there a problem again? "

Li Shengxian shook his fist and said, "I don't know if this is a problem."

"In the morning, my elder brother's people informed me to sign up for an artist to be the image spokesman of our company's new products."

"Contract artist?" Lin Kai hears the speech and raises his eyebrows.

Li Shengxian nodded and said, "yes, signing an artist. Do you know Li Shaohan?"

Smell speech, Lin Kai eyebrows a pick, way: "seem to have heard of where, but I have no impression."

"Li Shaohan is a famous first-line star in Donghai province. She can be regarded as a traffic star. Our company has given her 10 million advertising endorsement fees to act as the image spokesperson of our company's new products."

"Everything is settled, just wait for me to sign the contract."

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai nodded: "isn't that good?"

"Who knows if something will go wrong?" Li Shengxian had no choice but to smile.

The struggle between him and his elder brother has always been that his elder brother is in the upper hand, and Li Shengxian can only respond passively.

Lin Kai smile, directly started the car: "say, where to go?"

"Gale entertainment company!"



Before long, Lin Kai and Li Shengxian came to the gate of gale entertainment company.

This company is very imposing. Although it is only a subsidiary, it has a building of 38 floors.

Downstairs of the company, people are coming and going, very lively.

Lin kaiwan did not expect that the company he cooperated with Li Shengxian was actually his own company.

It seems that gale entertainment company is developing rapidly! In just a few months, Dafeng entertainment company has branches in Donghai city.

Lin Kai was very pleased.

It seems that Wang Zhen is really a business genius!

They got out of the car and walked into the company together.

In the company, it is very imposing, the floor is spotless, all the senior white-collar workers in and out, and the front desk lady is very beautiful.

As he walked along, Lin Kai said, "what we're working with is gale entertainment company?"

Hearing the speech, Li Shengxian nodded his head and said, "yes, this gale entertainment company has a strong ability in the entertainment industry, and it is the most famous entertainment company in Beijing."

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he also laughed.

Li Shengxian saw this and was very curious: "what are you laughing at?"

Lin Kai smiles and shakes his head and says, "ha ha, nothing."

They went to the front desk together. The beautiful front desk lady asked politely, "two gentlemen, who are you looking for?"

Li Shengxian light said: "with you Zhao Zong to make a phone call, said Li Shengxian of Li's group came to talk with him about the contract."

A listen to Li's group, the front desk Miss also dare not neglect, quickly picked up the phone to dial out.

Soon after, the receptionist hung up.

"Please, Mr. Zhao is waiting for you on the eighth floor."

Then, a receptionist led them to the elevator.

They walked into the elevator together. The elevator rose slowly, and soon after, the elevator reached the eighth floor.Li Shengxian and Lin Kai walk out of the elevator together. As soon as they get out of the elevator, they see a beautiful shadow coming quickly.

"Well, you are a rare guest."

A woman in a close fitting suit came.

The woman looked twenty-eight or nine years old. She was in excellent shape and well maintained. She was like a little girl with a smile on her face.

Li Shengxian shook hands with the woman and said with a smile, "ha ha, Mr. Zhao, long time no see."

This is the vice president of Dafeng entertainment branch.

Lin Kai glanced at her, but she didn't go to see him at all.

She didn't know that the young man standing in front of her was actually the chairman of Dafeng entertainment company!

"Thirteen, please come in."

Zhao Xi said with a smile.

Then Zhao Qian took them into her office.

In the office, it is very imposing and luxurious.

The desk is mahogany, the sofa is genuine leather, and even the tea is the top Dahongpao.

"Sit down, please." Zhao Qian asked Li Shengxian to sit down.

But Lin Kai, she didn't even look at it.

"Shisanhao, is there something wrong with our company this time?" Zhao Qian sat opposite Li Shengxian, cocked her legs and asked.

With a smile, Li Shengxian directly took out a sub contract from his briefcase and put it on the table.

"The last time our company talked to you about cooperation, about 10 million endorsement fee. I'm ready for the contract. Do you think it's convenient for us to sign it?"

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Zhao Qian's face showed a meaningful smile.

"That's the matter. I'm afraid you'll come here for nothing."

After listening to her words, Li Shengxian's heart then cluttered, as expected or an accident!

"Oh?" Li Shengxian was puzzled and asked, "why?"

"The artist you want to sign up for is one of the most popular artists in our company. It's a traffic superstar!"

"Li Shaohan, how influential he is in the East China Sea, you should be clear about it?"

"The ten million yuan is not enough."

Zhao Qian's words are very direct and are not afraid to offend Li Shengxian at all.

After all, Dafeng entertainment company is also a big company, and has no business intersection with the Li family group. Even if the Li family is the first wealthy family in the East China Sea, she is not afraid to offend the Li family.

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