Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1025

"I advise you."

"Don't provoke those who can't afford it, or you may be the next person to go to the coffin."

Said, Lin Kai light smile.

Shao Xin was livid, unable to refute.

At this time, Lin Kai looks at Zhang Ji's father, Zhang Zhenjiang.

"I killed your son, you may hate me, you may not be convinced, I can understand."

"Do you know why I killed your son? Your son bribed the killer to kill me. "

"I know that in the eyes of you rich people, what you pay attention to is that the weak eat the strong, and the weak people will die!"

"But if you have the heart to kill, you must have the consciousness of being killed!"

"Zhang Zhenjiang, right? If you want revenge, I'm always welcome, but remember, your chance is only once! "

Linkai put up one of his fingers.

After that, Lin Kai waved his hand and said, "go!"

As Lin Kaiyi spoke, all the hundreds of shadow gate disciples behind him turned around and strode toward the door.

And thousands of people on the scene, no one dares to block Lin Kai.

Come and go in the open and aboveboard way. This is Lin Kai!

And Lin Kai's face, has been deeply embedded in everyone's mind, everyone can not forget this person.

The first maniac in Donghai City, Lin Kai!

When Xu Wenhu saw that Lin had left, he quickly called out: "go slow, master Lin!"

Later, Lin Kai's figure disappeared in the realization of the public.

The scene became as silent as death.


Before long, Lin Kai returned to the Li family.

In his own room, Linkai took a bath and lay on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand.

The invisible God stands in front of Lin Kai.

"Master, would you like me to give Shao Xin to..."

With that, Yin Shen made a movement of wiping his neck.

Hearing this, Lin Kai shook his head with a smile: "ha ha, no need."

"In the white road, there are nine dragon mountains behind me."

"In the underworld, there is a shadow door behind me."

"Looking at the whole East China Sea, who is Lin Kai's opponent?"

"It's just a mole ant. You need to assassinate him?"

"What's more, I have a reason to kill Lin Kai. He didn't want to kill me. Why should I kill him?"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Yin Shen nodded.

"Master's air."

Bang bang bang!

Just at this moment, Lin's door was knocked.

"Come in!" Lin Kai Dao.

Then, the door opened and a housekeeper Li was standing at the door.

"Mr. Lin, my eldest son wants to see you."

Li said respectfully.

After listening to housekeeper Li's words, Lin Kai eyebrows a pick: "Oh?"

Li Haoxian wants to see himself?

I'm not familiar with Li Haoxian!

"The young master is waiting for you on the balcony on the fifth floor." After that, housekeeper Li withdrew from Lin Kai's room.

Hearing this, Lin Kai stood up and walked directly to the fifth floor of the castle in his slippers.

Soon after, I came to the fifth floor.

On a sofa, Li Haoxian sits cross legged with a pot of tea in front of him.

If you look down, you can see the small half of Li's family. The scenery is pleasant.

After Lin opened, Li Haoxian didn't even return.

"Coming? Please have a seat. " Li Haoxian's voice is relatively mild.

Lin Kai was not polite and sat directly opposite Li Haoxian.

"How can I help you?"

Li Haoxian looks up at Lin Kai and frowns when he sees that Lin Kai is actually wearing pajamas and slippers.

Lin Kai is just a little driver. He dares to wear such a casual dress to meet him. This makes Li Haoxian a little upset.

But Li Haoxian resisted.

"Linkai, right?" Li Haoxian asked.

Lin Kai nodded and said, "it's me."

"I heard you were a friend brought back by thirteen? Now I'm a thirteen driver? " Li Haoxian raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Kai.

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai nodded again.

At this time, Li Haoxian also no nonsense, he directly took out a bank card from his pocket and threw it on the table.

"This card has one million yuan. Help me to monitor Li Shengxian. He has to report every move to me. Is that ok?"

Li Haoxian looks at Lin Kai from above.

He seems to have seen Lin Kai can't wait to agree.

After all, in this world, there is no absolute friendship, only absolute money.

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he laughed: "ha ha, big little, I'm afraid you've found the wrong person."Lin Kai refused Li Haoxian.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Haoxian frowned. He didn't expect Lin Kai to refuse him.

"Two million!" Li Haoxian said again.

In his opinion, the reason why Lin Kai didn't agree was that he didn't have enough money.

There is no matter that money can't solve in this world. If there is, add money!

After listening to Li Haoxian's words, Lin Kai smiles and shakes his head again: "big little, I'm not that kind of person."

"Three million!" Li Haoxian bit his teeth and said.

And Lin Kai's face, also appeared a trace of impatience.

Lin Kai stood up, tidied up his pajamas and glanced at Li Haoxian.

"Big little, you have the time to frame up your brother. It's better to have a fair and aboveboard contest with your brother. I look down on those who play conspiracy behind their backs."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Haoxian was furious.


Li Haoxian patted the table and said angrily, "do you dare to talk to me like this? You're not afraid I'll kill you? "

After listening to Li Haoxian's words, Lin Kai disdained to smile: "if you have the ability, you will come to kill me, but I only give you one chance. Remember, just once!"

Linkai put up one of his fingers.

After that, Lin Kai shakes his head and hums a tune and leaves.

Looking at Lin Kai's back, Li Haoxian's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness.

He already knew that yesterday's incident had not been successful, but he did not know that Li Shengxian had evidence of his collusion with Xu Wenhu.

"How dare a little driver be so rampant?"

"Want to die? Then I will satisfy you

Li Haoxian's chest heaved with anger.

When Li Shengxian falls down, you little driver will not have good fruit to eat!

Thinking of this, Li Haoxian picked up the phone on the desk, this telephone, is to call the president of the company.


"Let Li Shengxian go to Dafeng entertainment company to sign up for our new product tomorrow!"

"Say hello to gale entertainment company again. No one else will sign a contract except for me to go in person!"

After that, Li Haoxian hung up the phone directly.

This time, I see you Li Shengxian how to hide!


Lin Kai went back to his room. It was getting dark. Li Shengxian also finished his business outside and returned to the Li family.

After returning to Li's home, Li Shengxian ran directly to Lin Kai's room.

Li Shengxian did not knock on the door, and went directly into Lin Kai's room.

"I said," Linkai, you can! Today, I see Zhang Ji's boy die in front of my eyes. Don't mention how wonderful it is

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