Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 985

"Hey, Ji Feng, it belongs to you. I hope you like it." Kupchak smiles and gives the gift box containing the championship ring to Ji Feng.

"Of course, I love him to death." Ji Feng said with a smile that he was the team\'s second to last to get the ring, and only Kobe was left behind him, and the guys in front of him had already received the ring.

Needless to say, you also know what will happen when a player gets the championship ring. Almost everyone can\'t wait to put it on his hand. MIM holds the ring in both hands, and looks very devout. While the coquettish Farmar can\'t wait to wear the ring, he turns to show off to the audience and reporters, and Fisher kisses the ring affectionately Point to

This set down the heart of Jifeng is also itchy, so after getting the hand, Jifeng also opened the box for the first time.

"Wow, cool, that\'s what a championship should look like!" Jifeng whistled. He was completely attracted by the ring in his hand. I have to say, this is definitely a work of art!

Let\'s start with a simple science popularization. Each NBA championship ring has to go through 75 to 100 people\'s manual labor, and the average time spent in each production process is about 10 weeks. The championship ring has the same honor as a trophy. The team members of the championship army, regardless of whether the main force or the backup or coach, has their own share. NBA championship rings have their own characteristics, He usually uses very luxurious decorations, such as gems, diamonds and crystals, and the base is usually made of platinum, gold and other precious metals. Each ring is worth a lot, but his value is not only that. The symbolic significance it is given makes it have great collection and commemorative value.

Just like this one in Jifeng\'s hand, the old bass, who is not short of money, naturally uses the best technology and the most expensive material, and each element above has a unique meaning.

In the middle of the ring is the Laker\'s logo carved out of gold and decorated with sapphire. The ring weighs 11 carats. It is the heaviest ring among the top ten sports leagues in North America!

Each ring is inlaid with 36 Princess sapphires, representing the number of home victories of the Lakers last season. Each ring also has 34 laser cut white trapezoidal diamonds, representing the number of away victories of the Lakers last season!

The 86 gems embedded on the top of the ring represent the total number of winning games in the regular season and the playoffs of the Lakers last season. The side of the ring is engraved with the big scores of the four series games of last season\'s playoffs, one game is 4-0, two games are 4-1, and one game is 4-2. The edge side of the ring is engraved with the shirt numbers of all the players who won the championship last season!

In addition, each person\'s ring also has his own name and shirt number, and there are some differences in the subdivision. For example, there are four O\'Brien cups on Kobe, representing the four championships he has won, and Jifeng\'s is one.

How can Ji Feng not love such a ring.

After a close look, Ji Feng is satisfied to take off. However, as soon as Ji Feng looks up, he sees Sun Yue standing beside him with envy on his face. The expression on his face is clearly written: "big man, can I touch your ring?"

"You want it, man." Ji Feng patted Sun Yue on the shoulder.

"Mm-hmm-hmm ~!" The chicken pecked the rice and nodded.

"Follow me, do well and train well. At this time next year, you will have one, believe me!" Ji Feng said, this guy\'s preseason performance is not good, looks like needs to stimulate him.

"Yes! I will try my best! Try to win the championship with the big guys Sun Yue raised his arm and yelled, the ring in front of his eyes but can not feel the feeling is too uncomfortable, he now want to directly play the finals!

However, Sun Yue\'s dream was disillusioned in two minutes. The game still needs to be played one by one, and even if it is to play the finals, it is estimated that it has nothing to do with him. Well, including this game

After all, it\'s the first focus game of the season, and the Lakers are naturally playing the main force. Jkj partners Andrew Bynum and Derek Fisher are already very familiar with this lineup, so we don\'t need to introduce it.

And this game, the attention is actually the opposite pioneer!

Because the last term is known as talent explosion table, the history of the most powerful champion, has not entered the league has been praised repeatedly Oden, after a year of suspension due to injury, will finally officially return in this game!

Auden\'s comeback has caused extensive discussion before. Before the start of the season, the Blazers even were listed as the top four teams in the regular season by various media because of Oden\'s comeback. This is unique in the past. No rookie joining a team will make this team so optimistic. We should know that the pioneer or the West ranked first in last season Ten ah, this forecast ranking directly rose six places, or in the western part of the forest hell level difficulty, we can imagine how people are optimistic about Auden.

Paul Allen, the boss of pioneer and the major shareholder of Microsoft, said excitedly in an interview: "it\'s the day when Auden comes back. Guys, I know you can\'t wait to see Auden on the court!"

Even Roy said Oden\'s return would boost their confidence and believe that Oden has the ability to grow into a team leader.And Adelaide also said that Oden\'s performance in the training hall is incredible, he can\'t wait to play with him.

What\'s more, the current head coach of the Blazers even said: "we are hot. Yes, the favorite to win the championship may be second only to the Lakers. But although they have a season peak, we have Oden. To be honest, if Oden made a healthy appearance last season, maybe the situation will be completely different."

The implication is that although you Ji Feng is very strong, but now Oden is here, he will dominate the league.

I have to say, it\'s very loud.

But in fact, this season\'s Blazers do have the capital to say so, he also did as much as possible in the off-season reinforcement work, except Roy and Adelaide\'s inside and outside double core, they will be able to send away all.

And they\'ve got a lot of good people from all over the world!

First of all, old acquaintance Ferdinand, who played very well in the Olympic Games, is a European swing man with American style. There are also big pitcher Channing Frye, a big one with strong outside attack ability, and point guard Steve black. He is famous for his stability on the field, and has one hand, three points and passing.

In addition, the trailblazers selected Nigerian center Diogu and French super rookie Batum in the draft convention, combined with the comeback Oden. Looking only at the lineup, as long as Oden remains healthy and can really fulfill his talent, their strength is really very good.

However, in fact, Oden also played three preseason games, averaging only 5.7 points and 7 rebounds per game, while blocking was 2.1 per game, which was still far from what people expected of him.

He is more than Durant, claimed to be more powerful than James, ah, this score is absolutely failed.

However, the outside world still maintain confidence in him, after all, injury for a year, really need a period of time to adapt to the rhythm of the game. , the fastest update of the webnovel!