Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 984

Instead of being slow and hot in previous years, the Lakers showed their strength in the preseason. They swept the opponents almost every game, and the main players played no more than 25 minutes. Each game was rotated by at least 12 people, and one or two main players were suspended from time to time. However, even in this way, they also won very easily, and the scores, assists and steals of the Lakers were very easy They are all in the top of the league, and limiting the score of opponents is only 1 point lower than the green shirt army, which is almost no gap.

Of course, some people doubt that the reason why the Lakers play so smoothly is because the opponent\'s strength is not strong enough. Except for the jazz, other teams are basically fish bellied teams last season, so there is nothing to boast about abusing dishes.

For such a voice, of course, Jifeng is when he farts, and he doesn\'t care much about the praise of the outside world. After all, some words are still in place. No matter how good he plays, it\'s just pre-season.

But these eight games are also self-evident for the Lakers. First of all, the team successfully completed the running in of new and old players. Jackson also practiced his own lineup, determined the No.123 lineup of the new season, and also determined whether some people would go or stay. Most importantly, the Lakers gained confidence. In their hearts, their strength is enough to compete with any other players Rival.

"Guys, let\'s go and win the championship." Fisher even called out such a slogan in training on the 27th.

What\'s more, the Lakers didn\'t feel that there was anything wrong with this sentence from top to bottom. Not to mention Ji Feng, Kobe, even the old people like Jackson think so. In a word, the whole team is full of confidence from top to bottom.

Although it\'s like poison milk, according to Kobe, in the 00-01 season when they were at the peak of OK, the whole team was filled with the atmosphere of winning the championship from the beginning of the season. The confidence of the players was very similar to that of the current Laker.

And that season did explode, with 69 wins in the regular season and only one loss in the playoffs, and the Laker was recorded in history.

"Maybe we can do better than last season." Jifeng saw the atmosphere of the team and said, in addition to winning the championship, they still have a lot of records to break. Jifeng can\'t wait!

Not only the season peak, the fans can\'t wait. It has been four months since the end of the finals. The fans have been hungry for the new season!


On October 29, the first NBA season opener will be held in staples, Los Angeles!

After several months of hard expectation from fans, the NBA opener of the new season was staged in Staples Center, which had created countless glory and glory. The defending champion Los Angeles Lakers played host to the Portland pioneers led by Roy and Aldrich!

On the same day, all the team members of the Lakers appeared in staples early, because today, in addition to the opening game, according to the official tradition of NBA, today is also the opening ceremony of the flag of last season\'s championship, and they will also get their unique championship ring!

"Hey! What do you think of me? This suit is really good. It is worthy of being the champion\'s dress. " In the dressing room before the game, Farmar, who had just finished warming up, wiped his sweat and put on a clean champion uniform. He was very excited. After all, today he will get his first ring in his career.

"Oh, man, it\'s really suitable to wear a champion\'s uniform. To be honest, if I didn\'t play a game soon, I really want to sit on the sideline with a ring. It must be wonderful." Gasol is also excited. He is finishing his curly hair in the mirror. At the moment, he recalls the scene of last season. From Grizzlies to here, with doubt and ridicule, it was not an easy day, but he survived, from his sister-in-law to tough guy, who knows how much he paid.

Kobe is also the same. He is wearing his shoelaces and humming rap. His body is still moving with rhythm. Last season was a season when he really broke the doubt. He was the first regular season MVP in his career. He was the top scorer in the season, a double winner in one defense, the MVP in the finals and the fourth championship. He successfully broke all the doubts about him, and he finally chased the number of champions Even O\'Neal proved that "K" can win without "O"!

and Jifeng is also the same. Last season was definitely his dream. In one year, he completed the transformation from an unknown high caste rookie, to a star of great concern, to a star recognized by people, and then to a superstar who swept the League record One year\'s life, if there is a chance, Jifeng will personally record it!

As for the veterans and rookies, needless to say, the championship ring is everyone\'s dream, and no one doesn\'t want to get it.

Only Ariza and Sun Yue, who have just arrived here, have only envious share. However, the high fighting spirit ignited after the envy. As long as they work hard, they also have the opportunity to get their own ring at this time next year!

"Hey guys, are you ready? Everything\'s ready. Let\'s get out of here." The Zen master opened the door and called to the people inside.

“OK! Let\'s go With a wave of Kobe\'s big hand, the Lakers set out. First of all, it\'s the first admission ceremony of the new season!"Good morning, audience friends, and welcome to watch the opening game of 2008-2009 NBA season broadcast by CCTV sports channel for you!"

"The two sides are the Los Angeles Lakers, the champion of last season, and the Portland Trailblazers of the rising West!"

At 8:30 in the morning of BJ time, CCTV started the live broadcast on time. In the new season, CCTV will still vigorously broadcast the Laker\'s games, more than 20 games than the Rockets. After all, this is the most watched team in China, and there is no one of them.

The commentary is still familiar with Yu Jia and Zhang, and the two golden partners are sure to come to cheer up the first game of the new season.

Moreover, CCTV started broadcasting half an hour ahead of schedule today, and they will broadcast the award ceremony of the new season live!

"I don\'t say much nonsense. Now the appearance ceremony of the two teams is over, and the pioneer players need to wait. Now, what is about to start is the awarding ceremony of last season\'s championship!" Yu Jia said.

At the moment, the atmosphere was very warm. Under the leadership of the host, the Laker players, Buss Sr., general manager Kupchak and all the coaches witnessed the unveiling ceremony of the championship flag!

"Four years later! The flag of the championship is flying in staples again. This is the 15th champion in the history of our team. Let\'s give our warmest cheers to our great team Hern roared passionately on the sidelines with tears in his eyes. As an old man of the team, he felt very lucky to see the team rise again at the end of his career.

Looking at the young Ji Feng on the field, he felt that the future could be expected!

The championship flag was flying over staples. Next, Kobe was the MVP of the last finals, so he took the O\'Brien cup from David Stern to the fans, and then everyone got the championship ring one by one! , the fastest update of the webnovel!