Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 977

Although there are more than 20 days to report day and training camp, the NBA\'s new season preseason will start on October 9, the regular season opening game will be on October 28, and the Lakers\' first game will start on October 29.

In this way, there is still one month before the official start of the match on the registration day, which seems to be enough, but for the players and teams who really have the pursuit, a short one month is far from enough. Especially for the teams with large changes in players, one month may not even be enough for running in, if there are players who indulge themselves in the off-season One month may only be used to lose weight.

For those teams that want to make great achievements in the new season, they wait for the registration day to start preparing. Then the new season is waiting for the crotch. At that time, the main training can only be said to be technical and tactical training. As for the physical reserve and other training, they will start in August.

And for those players who have a long holiday, they will use the summer early to prepare for the new season to make further evolution.

Ji Feng knows that even James, who also played the Olympic Games, once returned to the United States, he found Wade, bosh and others to train together. There is no lack of online reports in these days.

Although the physical examination of the players can not be made at this time.

Jifeng is here today for this purpose. He is here for the physical examination before the new season. After all, he has just finished the Olympic Games. He also wants to know how his physical condition is.

"Hey! Boss, long time no see. " As soon as he walked into the gate of the training center, Ji Feng met Jackson, who had been absent for a long time. He was investigating the drop draft and free agent at the moment.

After all, there are still two positions missing in the Laker\'s list, so we have to try to find out whether we can catch big fish in the free market. After all, the example of last year\'s season peak was in the front, and now the whole league team pays more attention to the investigation of free players. Let alone those players at Ji Feng\'s level, it\'s enough to be half as poor as yourself.

Ji Feng looked around. There were no less than 20 players gathered in the whole stadium, all of them were fresh faces. They were fighting against each other in 5v5 in several fields, surrounded by a circle of staff to investigate them, and the players were undergoing the test of basic items such as standing and touching height.

Jifeng also saw that several marginal players of the team were training in the innermost court. Jifeng even saw Sun Yue. It is estimated that he was abused.

watched as like as two peas in the face of the players, Ji Feng\'s memories came back, because this scene was exactly the same as last year\'s peak in Memphis. He was just like these players, who was full of his mind and played hard to stay here.

"Ah! It\'s Jifeng

"I\'ll go. The real person is very handsome. It\'s unfair to have such good conditions and play so well."

"I\'m his fan! I wonder if I can get his autograph later

"If you work hard, try to stay here and be a teammate with him, you will have everything. He is the first one in the league who wants to be a teammate."

"This kind of team-mates who don\'t want to, can resist and play, never counsels at the critical moment. It\'s really taken. Last season\'s draft candidates estimated that their eyes were not very good, which can also be missed."

Jifeng\'s approach attracted the attention of the whole stadium. All the people who could stop stopped stopped. There was a burst of whispering in the stadium.

And the people who are playing the game also keep their eyes on the gate of the stadium. As a result, they make a series of mistakes, such as dribbling, rebounding, and passing to the opponent. All these operations have come out, and the angry assistant coaches have written in their notes.

"Keep testing! None of the stops are qualified. " Zen master said lightly, easily affected players in the game will be what do not need to say.

However, the Zen master immediately turned his head and put on a warm smile. He turned his head and strode toward Jifeng. He didn\'t see it for a long time. A big hug was inevitable.

"Hey, Ji Feng! You finally came. You did a good job in the summer. Although I broke my TV set, old K told me after he came back that he would not let you go back to the national team. Ha ha ~ "Jackson was also very happy to see Ji Feng and said with his shoulder.

"Ha ha, old coach k joked. In fact, I didn\'t intend to go back, but his players are too strong, so I can only go back and have a try." Ji Feng stands out and says with a smile that he finally returns to staples to see familiar people. It\'s really kind of him.

After a brief chat, Ji Feng went to the physical examination center under the leadership of the staff. Zen master chose to go with Ji Feng. After all, the level of players in this room is too bad, and he also wants to see how Ji Feng\'s physical condition is now.

When they arrived at the test center, they were still old acquaintances who had learned that Jifeng would come to test for physical examination. The preparation work has been finished.

And Jifeng after a simple warm-up, began his first physical examination before the start of the new season!

Two hours later"This Abnormal ah, no wonder the court one step past Anthony, this speed, blow the sky

"He grew tall again, gained weight, but his body fat rate was still abnormal. The most exaggerated thing was that his arm span was longer and his palms were bigger."

"The strength of bones and ligaments is amazing. After playing for such a long season and the complete Olympic Games, there is no fatigue in the muscles, and there is no injury. This is the strength of youth."

Ji Feng\'s complete body side report shocked the doctors and experts.

The key data of Jifeng\'s several groups are as follows:

the height of barefoot is 203, which is 2 cm longer than that in the middle of last season, and 3 cm longer than that of 2 m when he joined the Lakers. Don\'t underestimate the height of 3cm. This height is equivalent to James, and the height of shoes should be 205 cm. This height is already very excellent in the league\'s No. 3 position Jifeng\'s Achilles tendon is very long, 28.5 cm of Achilles tendon is more than Jordan\'s 28.3, and James 28.7 gap is not big.

The body weight was 108 kg, an increase of 8 kg, but the body fat rate still did not rise, maintained at about 7%. This body fat rate is also equivalent to James. Although James weighs more, with 113 kg, Ji Feng\'s body is closer to the strong version of Kobe, and his flexibility and flexibility are more excellent.

However, Jifeng\'s maximum strength of horizontal push has reached 185kg, which is only 10 jin less than that of James\' maximum bench push. Moreover, Jifeng\'s muscle strength is very strong, and 100 kg can complete more than 10 times as standard, which is very adverse to the weather.

Jifeng\'s jump data is still exaggerated. The vertical jump is 97.3 cm, the run-up jump is 119 cm, and the dead time is close to one second. They even think that Jifeng is not using all his strength, but this data is not new. After all, he is the king of the free throw line.

But Jifeng\'s speed growth is the most surprising to them. After all, the weakest aspect of Asian players is speed. No one in Asia can break 10 seconds in 100 meters, but many people in NBA are close to 10 seconds in 100 meters.

James in high school test 100 meter speed is 10.4 seconds, 40 yards is 4.5 seconds, running 34 standard basketball court is only 2.89 seconds, faster than lightning Wade.

You know, Michael Jordan\'s 100 meter speed is only 10.5 seconds, 40 yards is about 4.4 seconds, the world\'s 100 meter jumper bolt\'s 40 yard performance is about 4.2 seconds.

And the season peak also does not show much! , the fastest update of the webnovel!