Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 976

On September 3, Ji Feng just came out of the training hall and received a phone call from James!

"Ah?! Well, I see. " Ji Feng, who put down the phone, was not calm. James told him on the phone that the Nuggets had completed another big deal that could change the pattern of the league in the early hours of yesterday after the trade left Camby. This transaction can also understand their operation of releasing Camby to a certain extent.

The Nuggets have a double shot in the back court, the "answer" of one of the four quarterbacks. Allen Iverson and the Pistons\' brain, the 2004 fmvp winner and the league\'s most underrated point guard superstar, Chauncey Billups, swapped hosts!

James got the inside information of the league. Although there is no official announcement of the deal, the two teams are only discussing the details of the deal. Because Changxi and the "answer" are not equivalent, it is necessary to build something for the pistons. However, the subject of the transaction has been determined, and the two top guards of the league are bound to exchange their owners!

Jifeng opened the web page, and sure enough, the network is now full of information about this earthquake level transaction, and the major sports media around the world have made follow-up reports on this transaction.

At noon of the same day, ESPN expert Stephen a-smith disclosed in a column that the pistons and Nuggets have basically reached an agreement, and the Nuggets have sent Iverson in exchange for the Pistons\' three players, namely, Billups, mcdesses and Saab!

The earthquake finally exploded!

The next day, NBA officials issued an announcement confirming that the deal had been passed and the deal was officially concluded!

"Nuggets piston makes a big deal, Iverson Billups swap owners!" - Tencent sports.

"Who are the beneficiaries? Pistons, a big gamble for nuggets - Sports pictorial.

"The hero is late?! Iverson was traded again after two years —ESPN。

"Opportunity or depravity? Iverson enters the car city —TNT。


As the most popular off-season deal this summer, the world\'s major media quickly reported on the deal, basketball experts and commentators have made comments on the deal.

The deal has become the most popular topic of the fans after dinner.

Many fans have expressed their opinions on the Internet:

"nuggets are really out of money. It\'s up to Anthony and the old Billups and Macbeth to clean up the AI. The new season is a round of swimming, so I put my words here!"

"Do it! Trade my answer again! You\'re finished digging gold. You\'re black all your life

"The Nuggets didn\'t win the new season. Camby and Billups left together. Who should we rely on? Anthony, this is not a product that Jifeng has sanctioned? "

"I don\'t think it\'s a bad deal for the pistons. Anyway, we can\'t win it if we keep it. We\'ll just rebuild it. It\'s just a pity that Iverson can have a chance to win the championship."

"I have different opinions. Nuggets don\'t necessarily lose when they get Billups and mcdayers. Although Anthony and Iverson can score, they can\'t cooperate. Neither of them can organize and defend. But Billups is not the same. He has a big heart. He can defend and attack. The most important thing is that he has a first-class organizational ability. He will never lose to Paul Delong Chemical reaction, the Nuggets may rise in the new season


It\'s not hard to understand the heat. At this time, Iverson\'s popularity is still hot. There are a lot of supporters in the world. He will naturally cause a sensation when he is traded. In addition, he and Anthony\'s split up in the back court. Many people are very sorry. After all, the Nuggets have played more enjoyable games in these two seasons.

What\'s more, this deal also involves the most stable strong team pistons in the league in recent years. As we all know, they won the championship and reached the finals successively by relying on the attack and defense combination of inside big Ben and outside line Changxi. Now, after the big deal, the pistons choose to trade Billups. There are only three left in the five tigers of the pistons. In addition, although they have acquired Iverson, However, they will be the inside line of mcdace trade out, the new season their inside line only Rashid Wallace this stable point, overall, the piston strength weakened more than 10%.

In the case of Iverson\'s integration into the team, the results are unknown, no one knows what the pistons can play in the new season.

But ESPN\'s commentator said bluntly: "Billups\' departure means that the era of pistons is officially gone, and they are going to rebuild."

However, many media still hold the same view as ESPN. They are not optimistic about the deal. The only benefit of this deal for pistons may be that Iverson has only one year left in his contract, which will give them a huge salary space to try to dig a big fish in the summer of 2009.

In December 2006, Iverson was traded to the nuggets by 76 people, and formed a "golden double gun" with Anthony. However, although his name was famous, the effect was not good. After two consecutive seasons of failure in the playoffs, the Nuggets\' top management finally lost patience. In fact, he was not compatible with Anthony, and compared with young Anthony, Iverson was only able to be promoted It\'s a deal.In this regard, Ji Feng still has some regrets, the hero always has the twilight time, how many stars can a team die, this is the League ah.

For this deal, Ji Feng thinks that the Nuggets must have made money. They are not short of attack, but lack of organization and defense. Therefore, Iverson, who has a good attack, can organize more powerful Billups and play their team\'s characteristics better. George Carr\'s techniques and tactics are also suitable for Billups\' play. The inside line also adds a blue collar and an 18 + 9 center forward, which has increased the strength No reduction.

With their additions of Dundee Jones, balkman and diavara, the Nuggets will be strong in the new season.

"This may be our main opponent in the new season." Jifeng said that to Kobe.

Kobe also agreed, after all, he is familiar with Billups, but they are still confident to win the championship, because they are strong enough!

After the deal, there was no big deal in the league. The traditional giants in the West didn\'t make a move again. James and Bosh, who were rumored to be leaving, did not make any substantive move. The water surface of the League was calmed down again. As the day before the start of the preseason was getting closer and closer, all teams gathered to prepare for the new season Pre season games.

And September 8th!

Jifeng rushed to staples\' physical examination center early in the morning. It was the day for their team to report for duty. The players came back to the mainland one after another for physical examination.

In fact, the training camp has started since mid August. Of course, it must be the world of free players and drop offs at the beginning. After all, according to NBA official regulations, September 29 this year is the player\'s reporting day.

But recently, the players have been back to Los Angeles, so far there are only Ji Feng, Kobe and Gasol who have not reported. For example, Sun Yue has been training in Los Angeles for ten days. , the fastest update of the webnovel!