Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 973

The flame was slowly extinguished, and the flag of the Olympic Games was handed over to the mayor of London, the next host city. This also means that the party, which has been crazy for half a summer, said goodbye to everyone.

"Brothers, take care of yourself and fight hard. Don\'t slack off. There will be opportunities for cooperation in the future. Now let\'s just point it out. Don\'t be so sad and say goodbye here."

"Brother Yao, I\'ll see you in America."

"Sun Yue, ah Lian, we are the same."

After the closing ceremony, Ji Feng said goodbye to all his teammates who participated in the closing ceremony at the gate of the bird\'s nest.

In fact, just after the award ceremony, yunas announced in the dressing room that the national team had been disbanded on the spot, and the old man would also step down from his post as the head coach of the Chinese men\'s basketball team and return to Lithuania.

Before leaving, yunas also made a special trip to find Ji Feng and bid farewell to Ji Feng. It would take him some time to return to Lithuania. However, he knew that Ji Feng had left China in just a few days. After that, the Basketball Association and the Sports Bureau arranged a lot of celebrations. Even the Qingbei chain University sent out invitation for Ji Feng and Chinese men\'s basketball team to give speeches, but the variety show invitation was not needed More said, Jifeng has never been short of, now is more crazy.

It is even rumored that 100% of the Chinese men\'s basketball team will be invited to the Spring Festival Gala this year. In fact, we all know this kind of thing. What is the rumor? It\'s basically settled. Because in the review of the Olympic Games made by various media and official media, the Chinese men\'s basketball team is the first, and no one can shake their position.

As for Ji Feng, he is already another height in China, and national idol is not too much.

However, Yunus knew that Ji Feng had rejected all variety shows and rejected the invitation to the celebration party. His agent issued an announcement three hours after the game. Ji Feng will leave for Los Angeles in the near future.

A decision very in line with Ji Feng\'s character.

Some people may not understand why Ji Feng made such a decision. After all, the benefits of participating in all kinds of activities are obvious. The example ahead is in front of everyone!

Ji Feng\'s current momentum is absolutely unprecedented in China\'s sports industry. If he says something casually, it will cause "Jifeng effect". Everywhere he goes, he will find that there are many fans in Asia. There is the largest fan association in Asia on the Internet, and the supporters do not know how many.

Media reporters, advertisers, and even officials are flocking to him. If people in the entertainment industry change, they would like to run 24 hours a day to expand their achievements, spread their influence, and make a lot of money and gain both fame and fortune.

But Jifeng decided to leave directly, which made many people do not understand.

But this makes Yunus very satisfied. For a pure basketball man like him, basketball is the first thing. The other things are just the added value brought by basketball. You must understand why you can have such a momentum, and you should also understand that when your basketball is cool, such things will drift away with the wind.

So Yunus came to Ji Feng and said, "boy, my basketball career is enough to overturn the Americans and win the gold medal, but you are not. Although your basketball career is brilliant enough, the honor of one year has surpassed most of the players in the world, but your basketball career is only the beginning, and you have mastered the basketball talents that others don\'t have Yes, don\'t let it down. I\'ll keep watching you and see what heights you can reach. "

"Well, don\'t worry, old man. I\'ll leave the rest to you. Don\'t worry. I\'ve got a long career now, and it\'s just the beginning. As for the glory, it\'s for the retired veterans. I also want to see what I can do." His eyes are on the new season.

However, he has heard some news that the outside world thinks he is stupid. But for him, he has already been close to the present before he takes part in the Olympic Games. He has already taken the endorsements that should be taken. Now it is just a price increase. James will help him to deal with all these things, and variety show has participated before the Olympic Games. He always thinks that athletes participate in comprehensive sports It\'s better not to be too frequent. He\'s just pushing off some unnecessary social activities, so it has little impact.

Moreover, the most important issue for him to return to Los Angeles is the contract issue. After nearly half a year\'s contract renewal, the mansion he asked James to see has already been settled, and he needs to go back to have a look. As for the last one, he has participated in too many games this season, and the new season\'s game is about to start. Now it\'s every ball Team running in the new lineup time, he is very eager to defend the new season, so he needs to go back early to adjust the state.

But before that, he still has a week\'s vacation, he is ready to give himself a complete vacation, away from the game, away from the noise.

The next day, early in the morning, a BJ flying sh plane took off on time, and Jifeng and hot bar were in the first-class cabin of the plane. Although Ji Feng had no problem in economy class, he was found to have no need to take off in view of his current popularity. Therefore, Ji Feng chose first class.Don\'t think Jifeng is stingy. Jifeng\'s private plane plan is already in progress. He has made a lot of preliminary investigation on Boeing and Airbus aircraft, and it is estimated that it will be available in the middle of the season.

The first stop of Jifeng is sh naturally. He wants to go home for two days. He has been busy for so long. Now he has time to accompany his parents.

And on the plane, the hot bar is very happy to chirp in Jifeng\'s ear, she is also very excited, can go on a holiday with Jifeng is also she looks forward to for a long time.

At noon, the plane landed at sh International Airport, and a brand-new Maybach was already waiting. This is the new car Jifeng bought. Ji Feng did a good job in secrecy this time, so they returned home smoothly.

Xia Yanran and Ji ran are naturally very happy. Xia Yanran specially asked for two days off to accompany Ji Feng at home. This kind of warm time is not often there.

For two whole days, Jifeng was active near his home. Apart from the long ten kilometers, Jifeng had no other exercise. To be honest, he had not been so relaxed for a long time.

Two days later, on August 25, Jifeng and the hot bar got on the plane to Hawaii. Although Jifeng wanted to go to Europe, he chose to go to Hawaii for vacation because of time.

Waves, beaches, beauties ~

Ji Feng spent a pleasant 5 days here.

On August 31, Ji Feng finally returned to Los Angeles! , the fastest update of the webnovel!