Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 972

On the court, the award ceremony has ended, which means that the 12 day basketball game of the Olympic Games has finally come to an end.

this competition has created many Olympic records, while China has also successfully created a new chapter in international basketball at home, and Ji Feng has become the Savior again. The crazy play has brought up an insuperable monument for the later.

Just as Yu Jia said at the end of the live broadcast, "although the game is over, we will always remember the moving of the Olympic Games and Ji Feng\'s achievements here. Later generations will always remember Ji Feng\'s great performance here, and Ji Feng will also inspire generations of teenagers to take the road of basketball. I hope this will be heavy Dian\'s Olympic gold medal is not the end of our struggle, but the beginning of our basketball prosperity

And Jifeng naturally gained the most praise and vision. At the end of the competition, online praise for Jifeng was flying all over the sky.

Many of the stars who came to watch the final were the first to post articles and take pictures with the Chinese men\'s basketball players.

Daisimi sent a big picture of himself and the crew watching the live broadcast in the open space, and regretfully said: "I didn\'t get the ticket, but it didn\'t stop my determination to watch the ball. When Ji Feng killed me, I jumped up directly. The director said that he knew for the first time that I could jump so high. It\'s not important that we won the championship ! Jifeng cattle force! I will always be your fan

And Hugo sent out a photo of himself collapsing, on which he danced Yangko in the street in Ji Feng\'s football shirt and boots, and wrote: "win together, crazy, lose together, fight together, well, how do you think I\'m crazy."

In addition to these old acquaintances, there are too many articles on the Internet. This is definitely a crazy national carnival. Even the SH municipal Party committee came to join in the fun and directly sent an official congratulatory message to Jifeng.

After the game, the director of the Sports Bureau went to the dressing room of the Chinese team in person, holding the hand of Ji Feng. The leader of the Basketball Association beside him nodded and bowed as he looked at Ji Feng.

And outside the JY group\'s phone calls are going to be hit, Ji ran and Xia Yanran two old people have not yet had time to call their son condolence, they first received countless phone calls, this feeling, like fear Jifeng do not know the same.

Fortunately, Jifeng is witty and turns off the mobile phone first. Otherwise, it is estimated that this is the case.

And many ordinary fans are very sincere, many of the older fans who grew up with Chinese basketball expressed their thanks to Jifeng in various ways.

Liu Yudong, a retired "God of war", wrote: "thanks for the efforts of Jifeng and the Chinese men\'s basketball team, this is the best gift I have received in my life. If you realize your dream, it means that I have also realized my dream. I have no regrets in this life, and my younger generation is still a basketball player."

An earlier man\'s basketball player, Da Xu, wrote: "this is a fantastic summer. Since Ji Feng won the NBA championship, I had a premonition that the Chinese team would create a new history in the Olympic Games. But I didn\'t expect that the wheel of history would not stop once it opened. Until the final, I thought I was still in my dream, but I didn\'t want to wake up. Thank you, Ji Feng, It\'s great to have this dream for so long. "

And the trouble in the United States is no less than that in China. After all, they hate the Olympic Games again, so the players of the U.S. team are naturally criticized.

However, there are still many people praising Ji Feng. First of all, Barkley, the famous season loser, said bluntly in the live broadcast: "if you can play Jifeng like this, you can beat any team. To be honest, the U.S. team has done a good job, but Jifeng is a God."

And McGrady also wrote: "Ji Feng\'s performance makes me unable to sleep at night. Many people are @ me, asking me what I think about the three-point five in the last two minutes of Jifeng, fxxk! What else can I think? I can only think that this guy is really not a human being."

And the Laker\'s "logo man" Jerry West stood up and said, "it\'s not every time someone plays so well that it\'s the loser\'s MVP, so the United States won\'t be unjustly defeated. Although I\'m very sad, Ji Feng\'s performance is impeccable."

These big voice media have not responded, Jordan said!

"I saw the news. It said that the U.S. team lost and won the silver medal. My first reaction at that time was, is it April Fool\'s day? Who did you say lost? It\'s the American team with Kobe, James, Wade, Howard. God, isn\'t that the biggest joke? "

"Can anyone but me beat them?"

"Then I saw the process and saw Ji Feng. Yes, it was the guy who scored 65 points in the United States. I immediately understood that this guy was so crazy that he seemed to only score in his eyes. He didn\'t slack off for a minute, and he deserved to win."

Jordan\'s words made the media and fans excited again. The number of fans who discussed the relationship between Jordan and Jordan\'s successor and Ji Feng instantly increased several times.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. Ji Feng\'s Olympic title directly makes his reputation soar into the sky. As long as there is a place for basketball, no one does not know him.But Ji Feng himself did not overemphasize his achievements. When interviewed by CCTV after the game, he praised all his teammates and members of the coaching team.

"I would like to ask all basketball friends to understand that basketball is five people, or more than five people, he can not do without the efforts of the coaching team, also can not do without the cooperation of team-mates, especially in the future, a lonely crry will definitely not be the mainstream of basketball, in fact, compared with high score, I prefer to cooperate with my teammates, so it is easier to win." Ji Feng said.

This is Ji Feng\'s words in his heart. Chinese basketball can never rely on only one person or several people. What he needs is a healthy development. He needs more people to come forward. He needs a steady stream of people like the United States. This is the road of long-term development.

However, Ji Feng also knows that the road is blocked and long, which is part of his future work.

But now, after the victory, it\'s natural to celebrate. After the game, all the men\'s basketball teams have been taken to the best hotel in BJ, and the luxurious meals are in place.

However, Jifeng was quickly picked up by the Olympic staff after the opening ceremony, because Jifeng once again became the flag bearer of the closing ceremony of the Chinese delegation!

Double flag bearers at the opening and closing ceremony!

Jifeng once again created the history of Chinese sports!

But when Ji Feng waved the flag to the closing ceremony, the audience had only one idea, that is, it was worthy of its name!

No one is more suitable than Ji Feng.

And when the Olympic flame in the eyes of Jifeng is slowly extinguished, his Olympic journey has finally come to an end! , the fastest update of the webnovel!