Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 952

After the interview, Ji Feng finally returned to the dressing room, their game was over, and then they had to wait for the results of the United States and Spain.

However, Zhang returned to the commentary seat with a full face and started the data link after each game as usual.

Today\'s Ji Feng is the absolute protagonist. In 35 minutes, he made 24 out of 34 shots, with a shooting rate of 70%. Among them, 21 points were obtained from 7 out of 8 shots of 3-point shots. In addition, 7-out-of-9 free throws and 62 points were slashed, which created the highest scoring record of a single game in the Olympic Games, and increased Schmidt\'s previous scoring record by 7 points!

After the ESPN game, the record of Jifeng was directly put in the first place that is difficult to surpass in the Olympic Games. After all, Jifeng also had a record of 25 points in a single quarter. The record of single section and the record of the whole match were refreshed in the same game. This is unique in the history of the Olympic Games, and it is estimated that there will be no comers in the future.

Jifeng really missed the pass key in this game, and the number of shots in a single game also set a new high for his national team. However, this kind of shooting rate makes those waiting for him speechless. If you can keep this shooting rate, the coach would like you to pitch every ball.

What\'s more, Ji Feng\'s playing method has made many people in the basketball industry rethink the role of the three-point ball in the game. Originally, they all thought that the inside line was the king\'s way, but now they found that the outside line can also kill people. In this game, Ji Feng repeatedly used the performance outside the three-point line, giving lessons to coaches who did not attach importance to the outside line. The Lithuanian commentary is analyzing Ji Feng\'s table Now the importance of three points is directly pointed out.

However, Lithuanian meritorious kukoch also pointed out: "just as we talked about Jordan\'s importance of his backward jump shot to the game, you have to be as accurate as Ji Feng. After all, anyone can pitch three points. But Ji Feng is so sure. It\'s really the first time to see him. Maybe he can break the three-point record of Ray Allen and Miller."

That\'s right. After all, Ji Feng\'s three-point game has entered the realm. Next year\'s three-point competition will certainly surprise everyone. Moreover, Jifeng\'s playing method determines that he has more chances to open three-point. After all, Jifeng is not a pure shooter, and his breakthrough makes defenders dare not stick too tight. This is why Jifeng scores high and keeps a high percentage of hits.

In addition to Ji Feng, the collective responsibility of the Chinese team today is defense. Only Yao got 11 points and 10 rebounds. For example, only 2 points were recorded, and a-lian only scored one 3 points. It can be seen that the current playing method of the Chinese team is not only relying on the inside line, but also moving outward.

However, litaowan scored an average, with four players scoring in double. Gaftokas scored the highest 23 points and 7 rebounds, including siskoskas 15 points, craiza 13 points, 11 rebounds and kokonas 11 points.

In fact, they played very well today. They played very well. The inside attack was very impressive, and the outside hit rate was not bad. Moreover, they were still very stubborn when they were behind so many points. They had been playing according to their own rhythm, and they were almost able to turn the tables.

It\'s just that they met Ji Feng, an absolute big scene, who stood up at the most critical moment.

"Good! It\'s the only Chinese team that has made it to the finals of this Olympic Games

"But don\'t go away. After an hour, please keep locking in on CCTV sports channel. We will bring you the second game of the semi-final, which is also the match between the American dream team and Spain. The winner will be the opponent of China team in the final!" Yu Jia said with a smile that he was now in a relaxed mood and could enjoy the second world war between the United States and Spain!

So an hour later, we saw the two familiar figures return to the commentary stand, and Ji Feng and his team-mates also sat in the stands. Anyway, it was still early. At this time, it was equivalent to video analysis training.

"You say who can win." Ji Feng turns to ask a Lian.

"The United States, the United States is too invincible, you really don\'t know how to fight him, the five points on the field are all strong points, you can attack from any point, the most coquettish thing is that people\'s substitutes and starters are the same, the bench simply can\'t compare, really, the first game we can play with him like that, it\'s already good." The United Arab League shook his head and said that although he was very happy in the final, it was beyond his expectation, but who didn\'t want to win the gold medal in the final, but there was still a chance to play Spain, but this American team really didn\'t understand.

"Ah Lian is right. Spain was hammered by 37 points in the first game. Although Gasol didn\'t play very well, the United States team also played a good game. It is estimated that the United States still can\'t win Roughly followed by the side.

"Well, it depends on what special preparations Spain has. I feel they are quite confident." Ji Feng said that he is also optimistic about the U.S. team.

8 p.m!

The two teams finished their warm-up training and started on the court!

"There have been some changes in the start of the two sides and the first meeting in the group game. The United States team replaced Paul with a more powerful force at the back line. His state is better than Kidd, but the partners of Kobe, James, Howard and Bosh are still unchanged."

"The biggest change is Spain. They played the combination of Rubio and Navarro in the back court. It is said that Calderon\'s old injury recurred and could not play. This may also be a hidden danger in this game. It depends on whether golden boy Rubio can play his level in Europe, while the inside line Gasol brothers will never start again, and then partner with swinging forward guard Ferdinand That\'s Spain\'s starting line-up! "From the starting point of view, both sides have sent their strongest lineup! Before the

, there was a pre competition investigation on the media in all media and online. However, the result was basically a one-sided support for the us win. While slag waves interviewed 20 basketball commentators, commentators and journalists, the answer was 19-1, and only one person supporting Spain\'s victory.

This person\'s reason is that Spain is in the final and China has a chance to win the championship

It\'s no wonder that no one supports Spain. After all, judging from the lineup and strength, even if you lose less than 10 points, the U.S. team showed a high degree of dominance this time, with an average of 20.8 points per game. In addition to winning only 10 points against China, each game won more than 20 points, which is a strong ruling power.

But when the game started, everyone found out that they had been cheated by Spain!

So Spain is so strong!

They can even match the American team!

"American team attack! Kobe\'s layup was blocked by his team mate Pau Gasol! Spain fight back! fast break! Ferdinand came out of the flank like a ghost! Catch, one handed smash! WOW! Spain beat in the first quarter! The U.S. team called a pause Yujia\'s voice is incredible.

And the fans also exclaimed, Spain is too deep to hide, this game has really become a fight between the dragon and the tiger! , the fastest update of the webnovel!