Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 951

"Doodle, doodle!" The red light on the backboard reflects the dejected expression of Lithuanian players. They lost, lost to opponents who had never lost.

The Spanish players stopped, a face unwilling, difficult to accept.

A whole game, they worked so hard for so long that they still lost at the last minute.

Siskoskas turned his face and shook his head bitterly. He patted kaokonas, who lost the last three points of his life, and comforted them: "you have done your best today. Don\'t blame yourself.

Craiza bowed his head in the bench, tears gushed out, young he felt the taste of broken dream, this is a bitter taste, every player before the end can understand.

This bitterness may be more profound for Lithuanian veterans such as gaftokas, who have fallen in the same position for the third time, and this may be the last chance for them.

However, the fate is so cruel, they have done the best, but still can not withstand the favorable weather, the right place and the Chinese team!

"In the future, you should go to the future." Gaftokas patted craiza on the shoulder and then walked to the dressing room, but with a dull back.

Over there, the Lithuanian head coach has met yunas. The two Lithuanians finally had a chance to talk about something other than basketball.

"I envy you, there is a player like Jifeng, he is too crazy, we try our best, still can\'t stop him." Said the Lithuanian coach.

"Hoo ~ I think so too. We are lucky to have him." Yunus spread out his hands and laughed happily.

He now knows what to call this person, this life has no regrets, Ji Feng also helped him realize the dream of the Olympic finals!


China won!

The Chinese team once again created the history, 94-87, 7-point advantage to win over Lithuania, to enter the final of this Olympic Games men\'s basketball!

Wukesong is boiling!

The suffocating air disappears in a flash, as if someone pressed the pause button, and then tens of thousands of fans burst out of their accumulated energy!

"Boom ~ ~" burst out on the stands, so that DJs have to raise their own volume: "the winner is! China team ~ ~! Congratulations to China Men\'s basketball team! The first time history into the top four, and then for the first time into the final! I\'m proud of you tonight! The whole audience is getting dry together

"Ah ah ah ah ~!" The fans waved the national flag crazily and played the crowd wave in the stands!

"Win! That is great! China is in the final! ha-ha! ~"After a few seconds\' delay, Zhang Zhizhi went crazy. He threw his suit away and rushed out with the microphone. Yu Jia, who had just been excited for a long time, almost sat on the ground.

With the guidance of Zhang, the reporters have played their running ability for many years, and rushed into the field in an instant to capture the Chinese players who were celebrating wantonly.

Jifeng\'s face instantly more than dozens of cameras and cameras, but Jifeng did not have time to pay attention to reporters, he is now full of excitement, must spread out!

So Jifeng held the game with the ball directly jumped onto the technical platform, open arms, mercilessly tore his shirt, at the same time, his mouth burst into a roar.

"Jifeng! Jifeng! Jifeng


He deserves any praise!

After Ji Feng\'s death, the Chinese team members also gathered together to celebrate with Ji Feng. Many people had tears in their eyes. Although yunas\'s expression is somewhat complicated, after all, he eliminated his motherland by himself, but he is still very proud. This is the team that he has worked hard for many years. How can he not be proud of such achievements, and this is also the most he teaches Good record!

Ji Feng, who was calm down, jumped down and took a bath with his teammates. The rest of the drinks were used by them on the sidelines of the court. Yunas was also thrown into the air, enjoying the feeling of flying in the air.

"You bastards, put me down! I\'m going to throw up! " Yunus was thrown seven meat and eight vegetables, always feel that they are in revenge!

And not yet waiting for Jifeng to be happy, Jifeng is also caught by the quick witted Dayao, following the footsteps of yunas

"Do it! You wait! I\'ll get back in time! " Despite that, Ji Feng is still very happy, the final ah, this has exceeded his pre competition expectations, the value of this Olympic Games!

When Ji Feng comes down, he is surrounded by reporters. There are dozens of people who want to interview Ji Feng for the first time. Jifeng is the absolute protagonist tonight.

"Jifeng! Congratulations on leading the team to victory! Is it a tactic to choose three points instead of two at the last moment? " Asked the reporter of Sports Weekly.

"Ah, thank you. The victory belongs to all the players and coaches. As for the three-point, the coach assigned a two-point plan, because the three-point is too risky, but the Lithuanian defense is so good that I don\'t have a chance to go in. So I\'ll take a bet. You can see that it\'s a lucky playing board. In fact, I have no strength, so I can only choose a more stable way Well, I\'m lucky enough! " Ji Feng said with a smile.But everyone can tell, it\'s really breathtaking. If that ball is missed, it\'s not sure what the result will be.

"Jifeng, tonight can be regarded as another representative work of your career. It will set three records overnight. What do you think?" asked ZHELANG sports reporter.

"I just play with all my strength. The opponent is too strong, so I don\'t have time to look at my data. I just want to throw every ball into the basket. As for breaking the record, I\'m lucky enough!" Jifeng is as modest as ever, but it is also the truth, and now Jifeng is in the mood to break the record and be happy!

And the celebration inside the stadium is still going on, while outside, the land of China is boiling!

At the moment of the whistle, the gymnasium of SH Jiaotong University\'s affiliated high school erupted a wave of cheers at the end, which made the non fans who just passed by almost knelt down. He thought the bomb exploded here.

But before he recovered his strength, the streets and neighborhoods nearby erupted a greater cry, which made him lie in fear directly

"Final! The final! In my life, I never dreamed that China Men\'s basketball team would be able to enter the Olympic finals one day. I thought that the top four teams were already very great. It was too great. It was too mysterious Wang Hao rubbed his increasingly plump stomach and muttered to himself. What\'s more, his brother who fought with him in the same field last year did it, which added to his unreal sense.

But the reaction of Wang Hao immediately felt that his Qi and blood were surging up. All of them were basketball hot blooded men. How could he not be proud of his brother\'s doing such a wonderful thing!

"Sun Zhihao! What do you do? What are you waiting for! Drink Wang Hao and his friends quickly gathered, but when they went, they found it was late. The whole night market had been occupied by crazy fans!

They hold the five-star red flag and sing the Chinese national anthem. There is only one kind of red tonight, that is, China red! , the fastest update of the webnovel!