Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 927

At the moment of the final whistle, the final score of the game between the United States and Spain was set at 82-119. The United States beat Spain by 37 points to win four consecutive group games, and ensured the first place in the group one round ahead of schedule.

This is a difference that nobody thought of before the game. After all, Spain didn\'t have the strength to fight back. From the beginning to the end, the U.S. team played high. James and Anthony were flying all over the dunk. Kobe only shot three points in the last quarter. Howard even danced on the sidelines

To a certain extent, this also made up for the wonderful degree of the game, and the fans also gave face to the cheers and applause.

As for the content Judging from the performance of yunas\' withdrawal at half-time, there was nothing to talk about in the game. From the beginning to the end, the difference was basically a smooth curve. Except for Ferdinand\'s occasional pursuit of points with three points, the rest of Spain\'s players seemed to have little fighting spirit. The tactics were the four character truth: X * * d ~!

but it was reasonable to think about it carefully, after all, their core force The most playing time is only 18 minutes.

Spain\'s goal was already clear when they came to BJ, that is, to win the championship. Both the domestic media and fans, or themselves, were eager for the gold medal. Undoubtedly, the United States team was their biggest opponent on the way to win the championship. Although they lost to the Chinese team, they did not change their mind.

According to Jifeng\'s view, the Spanish head coach\'s eyes are no longer on the group stage, but directly on the further, even the final. Maybe in their expectation, whether it is the second or third line, they will meet with the U.S. team in the finals. Under such circumstances, they naturally don\'t want to spend too much energy here.

Spain naturally has this strength. The second place next door, whether Argentina or CRO map, is not superior to Spain.

"Damn it, you look down on us so much. If we do meet then, the winner will not be sure!" Jifeng curls his lips. In his expectation, they will make it to the semi-finals. At that time, it is very likely that they will meet again with Spain. However, it seems that Spain does not look up to them. It seems that the victory did not wake them up, but it doesn\'t matter. It\'s better not to see them. It will be more convenient then!

Jifeng has already put Spain on the blacklist in his heart, but at least this match also let them ensure the second place in this group one round ahead of time, which is also a big harvest!

After all, although Ji Feng doesn\'t care much, from the excited appearance of his teammates, it should be pretty good

Dayao beside him waved his fist and hugged him with passion before the end. Sun Yue would have stood up and danced if he hadn\'t been pulled by the old Wang next door Really hot eyes!

If they know that Ji Feng thinks that the second place in the group is just OK, they will definitely kill Ji Feng!

To know that China has participated in the Olympic Games for so many years, the goal has always been to qualify in the group. For this goal, they have worked hard for many years, but they have only been qualified twice. Moreover, when they have been in the second group, especially in such a terrifying group of death, they will be promoted to the top. The second group, two rounds ahead of schedule, is before the start of the Olympic Games They can\'t even think about it.

So when things really happen in front of their eyes, the heart only excited and excited!

They were not only excited. At the moment of the end of the game, commentaries from all over the country expressed their congratulations to the Chinese team.

"Congratulations to the United States for winning four consecutive victories over Spain. They also ensured the second place in the group, while Spain swallowed the second defeat. Combined with the match just now when China defeated Germany, China ensured the second place in the group and entered the last eight,. They will play the third place in group A in the last eight - better.

"This is the best group competition in the history of Chinese men\'s basketball team. The Chinese team defeated the powerful opponents and finally created the best position in the Olympic group. No matter what the result of the last eight matches, it has already created a new record for the men\'s basketball team." - Su Qun.

"The Chinese team entered the last eight with the second place in the group, which is the best record in their Olympic history. Moreover, they scored and lost points per game, ranking the second of 16 teams, second only to the United States. All teams should be careful. The giants of the East have risen!" —ESPN。

In such an atmosphere, the Chinese team on the 19th ushered in their final group match opponent, Angola, which had no victory in the previous four games.

There is no suspense in this game. The two teams can be said to have no desire and no demand. The victory or defeat will not affect the final ranking of the two teams.

The process of the game is also like this, Jifeng this game for a long time to sit on the bench, Zhu Fangyu debut.

Even if there was no peak last season, the Chinese team also took the lead in comparison under the leadership of Dayao. Dayao is getting better and better in the interior line. Several strong plays have shown the strength of the world\'s Super Center. Two people can\'t limit Dayao\'s score, 11 points in a single quarter, showing domineering spirit.

On the outside, Zhu Fangyu, who came on as a substitute for Ji Feng, also played well. Before holding back four games, he came up with a three-point point situation for the Chinese team. In the first quarter, there was no miss out of the three-point line, and he got 9 points in a single quarter.In the first quarter, China is 23-15 ahead by 8 points!

In the second quarter, yunas replaced Ji Feng and changed the inside line roughly, and these two men led China to play a wave of 11-2 climax just at the beginning of the second quarter, Ji Feng shot out of the box, with a free hand assist, and scored 5 points and 2 assists in 4 minutes.

"It\'s too strong to walk around in idle court. You can know the gap between the two. That\'s the strength." Director Zhang sighed that Ji Feng felt like he didn\'t wake up. There was no complicated pattern on the offensive end, and there was no explosive dunk. He just shot after catching the ball, but you just couldn\'t prevent it.

This is more hopeless than fancy style, which is a kind of absolute powerlessness!

This generally only happens when the strength gap is too large!

Ji Feng led the Chinese team 52-27 and led by 23 points in the half time!

but Ji Feng didn\'t appear on the court until the last three minutes in the third quarter. At this time, the score difference had already reached 30 points. This would be another massacre. Poor Angola, beaten twice in a month by the Chinese team.

In the end, the score was set at 99-60. The Chinese team beat Angola by 39 points and won four consecutive victories. The final result was 4-1. The second team appeared and entered the last eight!

Ji Feng played 16 minutes and got 15 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists!

And Ji Feng also achieved his pre match commitment, he really led the Chinese team to create a new history! , the fastest update of the webnovel!